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43 Changi Airport Workers Have Tested Positive For Covid-19

10 airport workers have tested positive for Covid-19 in a special testing operation

Total of 43 Changi Airport workers have tested positive for Covid-19; source likely worker who helped infected family from South Asia

The Straits Times

SINGAPORE - A total of 10 airport workers have tested positive for Covid-19 in a special testing operation, out of almost 19,000 workers who were swabbed.

The tests were carried out from May 9 to May 20 after the emergence of a cluster of Covid-19 cases at the airport. All the infected workers are from Changi Airport Terminal 3, with workers from Terminal 1 and Jewel Changi Airport testing negative.

Thirty-three other workers tested positive through other channels, such as when they reported sick or when they were serving quarantine orders.
In all, 43 airport workers have tested positive for Covid-19 so far, said the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Changi Airport Group (CAG) on Friday (May 21).

None of the workers is in serious condition, requires oxygen or is in the intensive care unit.

Most of the cases were detected early and the case numbers had peaked around May 13, CAAS and CAG added.

The figures were announced in an update about measures that have been taken at Changi Airport amid a growing number of cases linked to the airport's Covid-19 cluster, which is currently the largest active one, with 100 cases as at Thursday.

CAAS and CAG said testing results for an initial batch of Covid-19 positive airport workers were found to be similar and of the B1617 variant, which indicates that they originated from a common source.

"Preliminary investigations indicate that the initial transmission could have occurred through an airport worker who was assisting a family from South Asia, who arrived in Singapore on 29 April, 2021 and were subsequently found to be positive for Covid-19 through their on-arrival tests," said the two agencies.

Further investigations are being done. CAAS and CAG did not say which country the family was from.

On other safety measures, CAG and CAAS said that since Thursday, workers around Terminal 3 Basement 2 who tested negative for Covid-19 in their first test have been rostered to take an additional Covid-19

In addition, arriving passengers from very-high risk places must now undergo an antigen rapid test (ART) on arrival, on top of the usual polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

"The quicker turnaround time of an ART compared to a PCR test will allow for public health action to be taken more quickly for persons who test positive by ART," said CAAS and CAG.

"From 23 May, 2021, airport workers in higher-risk roles will be required to take an additional ART between their seven-day rostered routine tests," they added.

Meanwhile, passenger terminals at Changi Airport and Jewel will remain closed to the public until the end of the phase two (heightened alert) period on June 13 as an added precaution.

During the closure, airport workers will be briefed about the new measures and requirements, CAAS and CAG said.

But the airport remains open for air travel, they added.

Both agencies also said that they will work with the aviation community to vaccinate more workers in the next few weeks. More than 90 per cent of front-line aviation workers have been vaccinated so far.

CAAS said earlier this month that the airport has been implementing precautions based on the risk profile of passengers since March last year. It said then that passengers arriving from flights from "very high-risk" areas are processed separately from other arriving passengers to minimise the mixing of passengers.

Earlier this month, it further segregated passengers arriving from low-risk countries and regions from all other arriving passengers.

On Friday, CAAS and CAG said they will continue to review and strengthen measures to protect airport workers, their families and public health.

They added: “We call on all Singaporeans to continue giving their full support to our airport workers in this difficult period.”


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