Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


104 vs 110: Anwar Fails To Defeat Azmin’s Budget In Bloc Vote (1 Video)


104 vs 110: Anwar fails to defeat Azmin's budget

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3 December 2020

The Dewan Rakyat has passed the International Trade and Industry Ministry's RM1.2 billion budget in a bloc vote with 110 votes in favour and 104 against. Six MPs were not present.

International Trade and Industry Minister Azmin Ali wrapped up the debate while his nemesis Anwar Ibrahim (Harapan-Port Dickson) was among those who took part in the vote.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Independent-Langkawi) - who has also been taking swipes at Azmin - was one of the debaters earlier.

Source: KiniTV YouTube

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