Seorang demi seorang artis popular negara ini bersuara mengenai kepayahan dan kelembapan ekonomi yang menjejaskan kehidupan kita.
Tak kurang juga artis muda yang berani mengeluarkan kenyataan terang-terangan membela tokoh negarawan Tun Mahathir Mohamad seperti Fathia Latiff mempersoalkan langkah kerajaan menyiasat mantan Perdana Menteri itu berhubung kes forex yang berlaku 30 tahun lalu.
Begitu juga dengan soalan-soalan panas yang dibangkitkan pengacara popular Datuk Aznil Nawawi yang mempersoalkan beberapa langkah kerajaan kepada Perdana Menteri Datk Seri Najib Razak seperti kos sara hidup tinggi, kenaikan harga minyak, cukai GST dalam sebuah rancangan yang bakal muncul di televisyen.
Kita boleh buat anggapan, aksi berani mereka itu seolah-olah ‘kamikaze’ yang tidak lagi mempedulikan nasib dan ancaman terhadap populariti dan periuk nasi mereka – ini sungguh satu perkembangan menarik.
Belum pun sempat sejuk, Ratu Jazz Malaysia, Sheila Majid muncul memanaskan keadaan melalui kicauan-kicauan dalam twitternya yang tular di media sosial.
Sheila lantang membangkitkan isu kelembapan ekonomi negara yang membebankan rakyat.
“Makanan mahal, nilai ringgit lemah, kos sara hidup tinggi dan pekerjaan pula kurang.
“Rakyat Malaysia sudah bosan dan marah kerana diperah akibat hutang yang bukan berpunca daripada kami.
“Tumpu perhatian kepada tugas untuk mengembalikan negara ke landasan yang betul. Mengecewakan,” tulisnya.
Setakat jam 1.40 petang hari ini, status tersebut telah diulang-tweet sebanyak lebih 17,000 kali dengan 10,000 like.
Di sebalik komen-komen positif menyokong kenyataannya menyuarakan keresahan rakyat, Sheila turut berdepan dengan serangan tentera siber UMNO yang galak membuat kecaman.
Nampaknya, gelombang kebangkitan golongan seniman yang tercetus sejak 2008 lalu dan kembali hangat dewasa ini memang tidak disenangi UMNO-BN.
Mungkin mereka mahu para seniman ini hanya menumpukan sepenuh masa terhadap karier tanpa peduli kepada nasib masyarakat sekeliling.
Apa pun, perkembangan artis yang semakin peduli politik dan berani ini merupakan satu fenomena positif yang patut mendapat pujian. –
I was shocked upon learning that a total 410,500 borrowers owe the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) RM6.84 billion in loans. This was the opening line of an online news report I came across recently. Almost half a million students have yet to settle their “debt of gratitude” to the government for having seen them through their higher education.
The report further stated that of the amount, RM2.84 billion was from borrowers who had never paid a single sen to PTPTN since the programme was introduced in 1997. The remaining RM4.05 billion was from borrowers who are paying their dues but less than the agreed instalment amount.
These revelations, apparently, were made known during question time at the last parliamentary sitting.
If anything, this goes to show the state of our economy and, perhaps, the resolve of our youths when it comes to fulfilling an obligation. Granted that the education loans are from the government coffers and it is the government’s responsibility to provide education to its people, gratis or otherwise, but a debt is debt and paying whatever is owing is not something to be taken lightly.
Had the loan repayment been consistent, in other words, borrowers honouring their pledge to repay upon completion of their studies, PTPTN should have collected RM18.97 billion. However, only RM12.13 billion was collected as at September 30, 2017, according to a Ministry of Education source. The amount is pretty dismal. And, unless something drastic is done, the fate of other students, in dire need of funding to complete their tertiary education, hangs in a balance.
Here is another interesting piece of information. From the sum, RM6.55 billion was collected from 970,330 bumiputra borrowers while RM5.58 billion was from 519,913 non-bumiputra borrowers. This disparity in numbers is so apparent. Perhaps the non-bumiputra borrowers are more conscientious and trustworthy than their bumiputra counterparts, as figures do not lie. I shall leave that to conjecture, not wishing to ruffle any feathers.
In Budget 2018, the government is extending discounts for repayment of PTPTN loans till December 31, 2018. For full repayment, borrowers will receive a 20 per cent rebate on outstanding debt. A 10 per cent rebate for repayment of 50 per cent of outstanding loan and a 10 per cent rebate on settlement by salary deduction or scheduled direct debit.
Incidentally, the repayment period has now been extended to 12 months from the current six months, from completion of study.
For the uninitiated, PTPTN loans are meant for students pursuing tertiary education at a recognised institution of higher learning in the country. The programme, introduced in 1997 has benefitted thousands, especially those who could not get study loans from the Public Service Department (JPA), Mara and other agencies as the criteria are rather stringent. Borrowers who performed well in their studies, like getting first-class honours in the selected degree courses, will have their loans waived. The loans will be considered as a scholarship, instead. This is applicable to JPA and Mara loans too.
But getting a waiver is not as simple as is stated in the application papers. “You’ve to cross mountains and lakes to get it” said a former University Malaya student. She performed pretty well in her degree course and had obtained first-class honours and, by convention, was entitled for a waiver. But that was where her problem started. She thought PTPTN keeps track of its borrowers’ performances, as that is what is expected out of them. However, upon checking she was told to fill forms and make
Tak kurang juga artis muda yang berani mengeluarkan kenyataan terang-terangan membela tokoh negarawan Tun Mahathir Mohamad seperti Fathia Latiff mempersoalkan langkah kerajaan menyiasat mantan Perdana Menteri itu berhubung kes forex yang berlaku 30 tahun lalu.
Begitu juga dengan soalan-soalan panas yang dibangkitkan pengacara popular Datuk Aznil Nawawi yang mempersoalkan beberapa langkah kerajaan kepada Perdana Menteri Datk Seri Najib Razak seperti kos sara hidup tinggi, kenaikan harga minyak, cukai GST dalam sebuah rancangan yang bakal muncul di televisyen.
Kita boleh buat anggapan, aksi berani mereka itu seolah-olah ‘kamikaze’ yang tidak lagi mempedulikan nasib dan ancaman terhadap populariti dan periuk nasi mereka – ini sungguh satu perkembangan menarik.
Belum pun sempat sejuk, Ratu Jazz Malaysia, Sheila Majid muncul memanaskan keadaan melalui kicauan-kicauan dalam twitternya yang tular di media sosial.
“Makanan mahal, nilai ringgit lemah, kos sara hidup tinggi dan pekerjaan pula kurang.
“Rakyat Malaysia sudah bosan dan marah kerana diperah akibat hutang yang bukan berpunca daripada kami.
“Tumpu perhatian kepada tugas untuk mengembalikan negara ke landasan yang betul. Mengecewakan,” tulisnya.
Setakat jam 1.40 petang hari ini, status tersebut telah diulang-tweet sebanyak lebih 17,000 kali dengan 10,000 like.
Di sebalik komen-komen positif menyokong kenyataannya menyuarakan keresahan rakyat, Sheila turut berdepan dengan serangan tentera siber UMNO yang galak membuat kecaman.
Nampaknya, gelombang kebangkitan golongan seniman yang tercetus sejak 2008 lalu dan kembali hangat dewasa ini memang tidak disenangi UMNO-BN.
Mungkin mereka mahu para seniman ini hanya menumpukan sepenuh masa terhadap karier tanpa peduli kepada nasib masyarakat sekeliling.
Apa pun, perkembangan artis yang semakin peduli politik dan berani ini merupakan satu fenomena positif yang patut mendapat pujian. –
More Are Owing Than Paying...
The report further stated that of the amount, RM2.84 billion was from borrowers who had never paid a single sen to PTPTN since the programme was introduced in 1997. The remaining RM4.05 billion was from borrowers who are paying their dues but less than the agreed instalment amount.
These revelations, apparently, were made known during question time at the last parliamentary sitting.
If anything, this goes to show the state of our economy and, perhaps, the resolve of our youths when it comes to fulfilling an obligation. Granted that the education loans are from the government coffers and it is the government’s responsibility to provide education to its people, gratis or otherwise, but a debt is debt and paying whatever is owing is not something to be taken lightly.
Had the loan repayment been consistent, in other words, borrowers honouring their pledge to repay upon completion of their studies, PTPTN should have collected RM18.97 billion. However, only RM12.13 billion was collected as at September 30, 2017, according to a Ministry of Education source. The amount is pretty dismal. And, unless something drastic is done, the fate of other students, in dire need of funding to complete their tertiary education, hangs in a balance.
Here is another interesting piece of information. From the sum, RM6.55 billion was collected from 970,330 bumiputra borrowers while RM5.58 billion was from 519,913 non-bumiputra borrowers. This disparity in numbers is so apparent. Perhaps the non-bumiputra borrowers are more conscientious and trustworthy than their bumiputra counterparts, as figures do not lie. I shall leave that to conjecture, not wishing to ruffle any feathers.
In Budget 2018, the government is extending discounts for repayment of PTPTN loans till December 31, 2018. For full repayment, borrowers will receive a 20 per cent rebate on outstanding debt. A 10 per cent rebate for repayment of 50 per cent of outstanding loan and a 10 per cent rebate on settlement by salary deduction or scheduled direct debit.
Incidentally, the repayment period has now been extended to 12 months from the current six months, from completion of study.
For the uninitiated, PTPTN loans are meant for students pursuing tertiary education at a recognised institution of higher learning in the country. The programme, introduced in 1997 has benefitted thousands, especially those who could not get study loans from the Public Service Department (JPA), Mara and other agencies as the criteria are rather stringent. Borrowers who performed well in their studies, like getting first-class honours in the selected degree courses, will have their loans waived. The loans will be considered as a scholarship, instead. This is applicable to JPA and Mara loans too.
But getting a waiver is not as simple as is stated in the application papers. “You’ve to cross mountains and lakes to get it” said a former University Malaya student. She performed pretty well in her degree course and had obtained first-class honours and, by convention, was entitled for a waiver. But that was where her problem started. She thought PTPTN keeps track of its borrowers’ performances, as that is what is expected out of them. However, upon checking she was told to fill forms and make
a separate application. “It’s pointless to deal with the state branch as the staff are seldom sympathetic,” she lamented.
Having been forewarned of this anomaly she took her problem to the head office at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng in Kuala Lumpur. After a few trips to the federal capital she got the much-anticipated exemption. Nonetheless, she is still short of a couple of refunds, instalments paid while waiting for the waiver.
Well, that is how government departments function. I had similar problems too when settling my housing loan upon retirement from military service. I had to make several trips to the Housing Loan Department in Kuala Lumpur to settle the matter. To add salt to injury, they mailed my overpaid instalments to my old house in Kuala Lumpur. The cheque got lost and I had to apply all over again. That is efficiency for you.
While debating Perak Budget 2018 on Friday, November 24, the state legislative assembly’s attention shifted to the proposed airport at Bota and Lambor Kanan in Perak Tengah. The new airport will straddle a 4169-hectare site at the Cempaka Sari Industrial Gate. The Transport Ministry has approved the application said Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon, BN representative for Chenderiang. The project will be undertaken by a private entity named Malaysian Resources Sdn Bhd.
Whether the company has the capacity to build the airport is another question. However, the burning question on Perakeans’ lips is whether the state requires a new airport when the existing one is under-utilised. Although the debate has been raging for some time, nothing has yet materialised. Hopefully, it is not another dry run.- Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo
After VSS, Media Prima offers workers ‘career break’
Employees of media group on no-pay career break sign not all is well amid glowing reports of M'sian economy. Media Prima employees to go on unpaid "leave" 6 months to a year work half month for half pay. It's to commence next month.
Earlier in 2017 Media Prima VSS for employees above 50 to cut costs
- recorded net loss of RM171m for 1st six months
- lower revenue from tv and newspaper ads
- recorded net loss of RM101.08m in 3rd quarter of 2017
In 2014 it implemented mutual separation scheme. 39 people accepted
Media Prima owns TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9, NST, BH, Metro, FlyFM, oneFM, HotFM, KoolFM
Media Prima is ground zero of the "ketuanan" gangster philosophy. See where that crap has taken you. Slowly but surely they are going bust. Maybe the Chinese (from China) can bail them out. Maybe the Nanyang Hua-ren Nan-ban Nesan will take over Media Prima.
-Giant tutup kedai
-AEON Big tutup kedai
-Proton sold to China
-Petronas "tutup kedai" 50% of their oil rigs
-NST tutup kedai their printing plants
-now Media Prima also tutuping kedai.
Folks, 2018 is going to be the year of tutup kedai for many companies, especially the ketuanan owned corporates and companies that have been surviving on easy money, buta money, gomen kontrak dan projek and monopolies all this while.
The "easy money, buta money, gomen kontrak dan projek and monopolies" has just made them fat, arrogant, non competitive and not sustainable. Out you go.
My friend who sent me this said Malaysia will face recession in 2018. Maybe yes / maybe no.
There are non bumi sectors of the economy that are actually doing better.Since the Ringgit dropped, exports have increased. This is the largely the Chinese sector. So those Chinese are doing very well. Plus all the people (Malay, Chinese, Dusun, Indian) employed by the Chinese export sector will also get good wages.
So to all the young people (Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dusuns, Ibans) go and look for jobs with these export companies. No need to kiss their butt. Just work hard and learn the trade. And dont forget to say thank you.
Not the entire economy is collapsing. Those businesses that have been exposed to market forces seem to survive better. They have learned to compete and survive. They have learnt to be lean and efficient. No easy money, no free handouts for them.
They are now propping up our economy.
Each time you see a lorry, truck or van carrying goods and barang on any road, pull over and give way for them. They are a very good omen. It means 'ekonomi depa masih jalan lagi'.
Imagine if all the lorries, trucks and vans are parked by the roadside because they do not have any barang to carry. We will all be eating paku pakis and nasi kicap. Someone sent me this (Thank you Dato).- ostb

Bila pemimpin tolong iblis...
Having been forewarned of this anomaly she took her problem to the head office at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng in Kuala Lumpur. After a few trips to the federal capital she got the much-anticipated exemption. Nonetheless, she is still short of a couple of refunds, instalments paid while waiting for the waiver.
Well, that is how government departments function. I had similar problems too when settling my housing loan upon retirement from military service. I had to make several trips to the Housing Loan Department in Kuala Lumpur to settle the matter. To add salt to injury, they mailed my overpaid instalments to my old house in Kuala Lumpur. The cheque got lost and I had to apply all over again. That is efficiency for you.
While debating Perak Budget 2018 on Friday, November 24, the state legislative assembly’s attention shifted to the proposed airport at Bota and Lambor Kanan in Perak Tengah. The new airport will straddle a 4169-hectare site at the Cempaka Sari Industrial Gate. The Transport Ministry has approved the application said Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon, BN representative for Chenderiang. The project will be undertaken by a private entity named Malaysian Resources Sdn Bhd.
Whether the company has the capacity to build the airport is another question. However, the burning question on Perakeans’ lips is whether the state requires a new airport when the existing one is under-utilised. Although the debate has been raging for some time, nothing has yet materialised. Hopefully, it is not another dry run.- Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo
No 'High Income Nation', No Economic Growth At Media Prima...
After VSS, Media Prima offers workers ‘career break’
Employees of media group on no-pay career break sign not all is well amid glowing reports of M'sian economy. Media Prima employees to go on unpaid "leave" 6 months to a year work half month for half pay. It's to commence next month.
Earlier in 2017 Media Prima VSS for employees above 50 to cut costs
- recorded net loss of RM171m for 1st six months
- lower revenue from tv and newspaper ads
- recorded net loss of RM101.08m in 3rd quarter of 2017
In 2014 it implemented mutual separation scheme. 39 people accepted
Media Prima owns TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9, NST, BH, Metro, FlyFM, oneFM, HotFM, KoolFM
Media Prima is ground zero of the "ketuanan" gangster philosophy. See where that crap has taken you. Slowly but surely they are going bust. Maybe the Chinese (from China) can bail them out. Maybe the Nanyang Hua-ren Nan-ban Nesan will take over Media Prima.
-Giant tutup kedai
-AEON Big tutup kedai
-Proton sold to China
-Petronas "tutup kedai" 50% of their oil rigs
-NST tutup kedai their printing plants
-now Media Prima also tutuping kedai.
Folks, 2018 is going to be the year of tutup kedai for many companies, especially the ketuanan owned corporates and companies that have been surviving on easy money, buta money, gomen kontrak dan projek and monopolies all this while.
The "easy money, buta money, gomen kontrak dan projek and monopolies" has just made them fat, arrogant, non competitive and not sustainable. Out you go.
My friend who sent me this said Malaysia will face recession in 2018. Maybe yes / maybe no.
There are non bumi sectors of the economy that are actually doing better.Since the Ringgit dropped, exports have increased. This is the largely the Chinese sector. So those Chinese are doing very well. Plus all the people (Malay, Chinese, Dusun, Indian) employed by the Chinese export sector will also get good wages.
So to all the young people (Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dusuns, Ibans) go and look for jobs with these export companies. No need to kiss their butt. Just work hard and learn the trade. And dont forget to say thank you.
Not the entire economy is collapsing. Those businesses that have been exposed to market forces seem to survive better. They have learned to compete and survive. They have learnt to be lean and efficient. No easy money, no free handouts for them.
They are now propping up our economy.
Each time you see a lorry, truck or van carrying goods and barang on any road, pull over and give way for them. They are a very good omen. It means 'ekonomi depa masih jalan lagi'.
Imagine if all the lorries, trucks and vans are parked by the roadside because they do not have any barang to carry. We will all be eating paku pakis and nasi kicap. Someone sent me this (Thank you Dato).- ostb
Bila pemimpin tolong iblis...
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