Harapan seorang bapa pergi berjumpa wakil rakyatnya menjadi hampa, apabila beliau sendiri dihalau, disuruh pulang sahaja, tanpa diberikan apa-apa bantuan.
Wan Ismail Wan Nawang, 62, tinggal di Kampung Teluk Ketapang berkata, beliau pergi berjumpa Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Seberang Takir yang juga Menteri Besar Terengganu untuk meminta bantuan persekolahan anaknya.
“Saya nak minta bantuan (untuk) anak sekolah, saya orang yang (giliran) ketiga…….(bila) saya masuk…..dia kata tak ada bantuan,“lepas tu dia hambat…..(lepas) tu saya pun lari, saya pun malaslah (nak tunggu),”ujarnya ketika ditemui.
Menurutnya beliau pergi berjumpa dengan Dato’ Seri Razif Abdul Rahman pada bulan Januari 2017.
Katanya, nasib beliau terus dirundung malang, apabila selepas itu, beliau mengadu kepada Majlis Agama Islam Dan Adat Istiadat Melayu (MAIDAM).
“lepas tu saya pergi MAIDAM………dia hambat, orang lain boleh bantuan…..kita (saya) tak boleh,”katanya dengan nada sedih.
Beliau hairan kerana menurutnya, pada zaman Dato’ Seri Ahmad Said dahulu, beliau mendapat bantuan tersebut, tetapi sebaliknya apabila Razif menjadi MB.
Sedangkan, beliau mendakwa beliau adalah prnyokong kuat Umno dan Barisan Nasional dan tidak pernah mengundi sebelum in, selain dari ‘memangkah’ dacing.
Apabila ditanya, mengapakah keadaan demikiian berlaku, Wan Ismail berkata, Razif hanya memberi bantuan kepada ‘orang-orangnya’ sahaja.– Bulentin Online
SPM Results Delayed,
No Money For Scanner...
Here is some news which says that this year's SPM results will be delayed by two weeks because the Lembaga Peperiksaan has no money to purchase a new OMR scanner to grade the examination papers.
"Mesin semak jawapan rosak, LP tunda umum keputusan SPM 2016..."
Berdasarkan surat pekeliling dikeluarkan bertarikh 12 Februari 2017 yang ditanda tangani Pengarah LP, Datin Nawal Salleh, pengumuman analisis keputusan SPM 2016 yang sepatutnya diadakan pada 2 Mac, terpaksa ditunda kepada 16 Mac ini. Sambung seterusnya...
Ostb : There is very poor maintenance culture everywhere in Malaysia especially in the gomen. When the oil price was US70 per barrel or US100 per barrel, they will just call the supplier (possibly a crony) and a new OMR machine would arrive within days, possibly at two times or three times the market price. Why bother repairing or maintaining it when you can just buy a new machine?
If you are rich, why bother changing the tyres on your car? Just trade in the car for a new one.
Now when the oil prices have crashed, so much money has been stolen by MOI and the gomen has no more money, the gomen people are beginning to realise that they do not even know how to change a lightbulb.
style="color: yellow;">"Namun LP menghadapi kekangan peruntukan kewangan menggantikan mesin berkenaan dan hanya boleh dibaiki."
The solution? The SPM results will be delayed by two weeks.
Why not just delay it by an even one month - lagi senang nak kira.
Tak payah fikir banyak.
The Surat Pekeliling is dated 12hb February 2017? But the SPM exams were completed last November (??)
Have the machines been working hard since November 2016 or did the Pengarah woman just turn on the machine in February 2017 and found out that the machines sudah rosak?
Its already happening folks. They will drive their cars until the fuel runs out. Then they will get down from their cars, just stand there and stare, not knowing what else to do.
This is happening already. - ostb
The solution? The SPM results will be delayed by two weeks.
Why not just delay it by an even one month - lagi senang nak kira.
Tak payah fikir banyak.
The Surat Pekeliling is dated 12hb February 2017? But the SPM exams were completed last November (??)
Have the machines been working hard since November 2016 or did the Pengarah woman just turn on the machine in February 2017 and found out that the machines sudah rosak?
Its already happening folks. They will drive their cars until the fuel runs out. Then they will get down from their cars, just stand there and stare, not knowing what else to do.
This is happening already. - ostb
It took no more than five seconds and one fluid move to kill Kim Jong-nam, the estranged half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, at klia2 on the morning of Feb 13. Jong-nam was standing idle in a small crowd in front of the airport’s self check-in counter when his assailants struck. They had been watching him... and when opportunity presented itself, they moved in. Within that five seconds, one of them stood in front of him to distract him. This was when the other, who had been lurking behind Jong-nam, had him locked in a chokehold, to administer the poison that killed him soon after. - nst