Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


87.2% Of Adult Population Fully Vaccinated

Latest percentage of Malaysia's adult population vaccination rate as of 2 October 2021.

87.2 per cent of adult population fully vaccinated


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 3 -- A total of 20,418,495 individuals or 87.2 per cent of the adult population in the country have completed their COVID-19 vaccination as of yesterday, just 2.8 percentage points short of the targeted 90 per cent.

Based on the Ministry of Health data on the COVIDNOW portal, 94.3 per cent or 22,070,545 individuals of the adult population have received at least one dose of the vaccine, while three per cent or 92,949 of adolescents aged between 12 and 17 have completed their vaccination.

A total of 211,517 doses of the vaccine were dispensed yesterday with 89,695 as first dose and 121,822 as second dose, bringing the total number of doses administered under the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) to 44,145,505.

PICK was launched on Feb 24 this year to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, 109 deaths due to COVID-19 were reported yesterday,
with 33 of them brought in dead (BID), bringing the death toll to 26,565.

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