Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


New Look MySejahtera Application Coming Up - Khairy

New look MySejahtera app coming up - Khairy


KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2 -- A newly built MySejahtera application will be pushed tonight by the team to make it easier for people to display their risk level, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said.

In a tweet tonight, Khairy said the newly built app would also make it easier for people to display their vaccination status.

“This will ease living with Covid, together. Will further update and improve the app over the coming weeks,” he said.

MySejahtera is an application developed by the
government to assist in managing the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.

Khairy said in the latest MySejahtera application, a check-out button has also been added to improve contact tracing.

“After leaving a place, please remember to check-out. You only need to press a button - no scanning needed,” he said.

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