Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Although the high number of deaths today: 19,046 (98.3%) Out of 19,378 New Cases Are In Category 1-2 With Light / No Symptoms.



19,378 new cases today (September 3, 2021): 

- Category 5 (critical, use ventilator): 87 cases, 0.4% (47.1% no vaccination) 
- Category 4 (need oxygen assistance): 88 cases, 0.5% (52.2% no vaccination) 
style="clear: both;">- Category 3 (pneumonia): 157 cases, 0.8% (49% no vaccination)
- Category 2 (mild symptoms): 9,833 cases, 50.7% (43.5% no vaccination) 
- Category 1 (no symptoms): 9,213 cases, 47.5% (47.8% no vaccination) 

1.7% of cases today are in category 3-5 and 98.3% of cases in categories 1 and 2. It was found that 45.7% of new cases were not vaccinated.

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