Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Out of 22,597 cases today - 22,129 (98%) Cases Are In Category 1-2 with light / no symptoms.



22,597 cases of covid -19 pf 28 Aug 2021: 

- Category 5 (critical with ventilator): 141 cases, 0.6% (86.5% incomplete vaccination) 
- Category 4 (need oxygen): 101 cases, 0.4% (78.2% incomplete vaccination ) 
- Category 3 (pneumonia): 226 cases, 1.0% (74.3% no complete vaccination)
- Category 2 (mild symptoms): 11,524 cases, 51% (76.3% no/incomplete vaccination) 
class="separator" style="clear: both;">- Category 1 (no symptoms): 10,605 cases, 47% (77.2% no/incomplete vaccination) 

2% of cases today pd categories 3-5 and 98% of cases in categories 1 and 2. It was found that 76.76% of cases were incomplete vaccination.
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