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Meet Imraz Ikhbal The Man Behind The Series of "Mysterious" Viral Whats App Voice Messages on Covid-19 and How The Government Can Do Better!

Imraz Ikhbal

Meet Imraz Ikhbal the man behind all the well articulated viral WhatsApp voice  messages on how the Government can do better when it comes to managing the Covid-19 pandemic

From our brief research he has a degree in Management of Science, University of Kent and has had 23 years experience in Finance, Risk Management and Hospitality. He is currently a Senior Manager at a major GLC (according to his Linked In


We found out that today is his birthday (from his facebook account), so from all of us here - Happy Birthday Imraz!

We thought Malaysians should appreciate someone like him and decided to do this shout out! 

On some of the issues he has raised, firstly we must all agree to disagree on some points and respect each others views. 

However most of what he has said makes common sense and the Government should seriously look into  some of the points he has raised, especially on managing the Covid-19 pandemic and the SOP issues.

Check out his messages on WhatsApp and YouTube!


His YouTube videos are posted under the Green Party Malaysia YouTube Account which also has a series of other videos under "MCO Rants"

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