Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Investigate KiniTV Expose on MySejahtera Vaccination Appointment Slots Being Sold and Queue Jumpers. Don't Allow PPV's & Clinics to Edit / Add to CITF Appointment List

Many people have jumped the queue through "contacts" at PPV and Clinics, They have then proudly put their photos on FB showing they have been vaccinated. Clean up the system and if any queue jumping is obvious, haul them up with a compound! 

So many are still waiting for their appointments.

KiniTV Expose on MySejahtera Vaccination Appointment Slots Being Sold and about Queue Jumpers, need To Be Investigated!

 Do Not Allow Vaccination Centres & Clinics to edit the appointment list, All must

follow a CITF approved centralized  appointment list. No shows should not be replaced as this opens up the system for abuse. 

Illegal's must be vaccinated only after the Malaysian and Legitimate Pass Holders list are exhausted.

Meanwhile do also check on the Rakyat's  complaints about getting appointments far away from their registered address. The system should pick the nearest centres to the registered address.

 For high risk sectors such as factories, make them use the PIKAS scheme. 



 Are there loopholes in the MySejahtera system that is allowing 'back door' vaccine agents from unlawfully selling vaccination slots? 

A KiniTV reporter set out to find answers. One agent said she had a contact who could allocate vaccination slots at a vaccination centre or PPV in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, through the MySejahtera system for someone who's willing to pay. 

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