PM: Whole country under MCO from May 12-June 7
Monday, 10 May 20216:59 PM MYT
PETALING JAYA: The whole country will be placed under the movement control order from May 12 to June 7 due to rising Covid-19 cases, says Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
"With daily cases exceeding 4,000 cases, and with 37,396 active cases and 1,700 deaths as of May 10, Malaysia is facing a third wave that could break into a national crisis.
"Data and science show that gatherings make social distancing difficult, and that large groups in closed spaces are the leading cause of the Covid-19 spread," he said in a statement on Monday (May 10).
Muhyiddin said the chain of infection can only be broken, with the public remaining at home by enforcing stricter movement control.
All inter-district and interstate travel will be prohibited unless for work and economic purposes, health matters, emergencies, vaccination appointments and long-distance couples, he said.
"Mass gatherings such as weddings, dinners and tahlils, as well as official government and private events, are prohibited.
"Face-to-face seminars and meetings will not be allowed as well. However, akad nikah ceremonies will be allowed following the set SOPs by the state Islamic agencies for Muslims, and by the National Registration Department for non-Muslims," he said.
Muhyiddin said a three-person limit to private vehicles, taxis and e-hailing vehicles will be enforced.
"Vehicles that a part of the industrial and economic sectors will have its passengers limited based on the relevant licences," he said.
He said employers must enforce a work-from-home order, with no more than 30% of its management in office at any one time.
"Hari Raya celebrations are completely prohibited. This includes visiting friends and relatives, and graveyard visits.
"However, Hari Raya prayers will be allowed but limited to only 50 people inside mosques and suraus that can accommodate more than 1,000 people.
"For those that can accommodate less than 1,000 people, a limit of 20 people will be enforced. This limit will be enforced for regular prayers and Friday prayers as well," he said.
Muhyiddin said the ban on inter-district and interstate travel, as well as social, sports and education activities has started on May 10 and will last until June 6 as previously announced.
"The start date for the rest of the listed instructions will begin May 12 and be in effect until June 7," he said.
The Prime Minister added that throughout this nationwide MCO period, all economic sectors will remain operational.
"The government will continue using the HIDE system to monitor premises and hotspots, as well as take follow-up actions.
"I hope the public will remain disciplined and continue to obey the set SOPs to break the chain of infections," he said.
He reminded all that the best course of action was to stay at home.
"We have flattened the curve during the first and second wave. I wish to remind all that the third wave that we are currently facing is more fierce and critical.
"We have not won. God-willing, we will beat this virus," he said.
12 Mei -7 June
PKP di seluruh negara mulai 12 Mei hingga 7 Jun
PKP di seluruh negara akan berkuat kuasa mulai 12 Mei hingga 7 Jun. - Gambar fail
KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan bersetuju melaksanakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) di seluruh negara bermula 12 Mei ini sehingga 7 Jun depan.
Perkara itu dimaklumkan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dalam satu kenyataan selepas mempengerusikan Sidang Khas Majlis Keselamatan Negara Mengenai Pengurusan COVID-19 hari ini.
"Berdasarkan trend kes-kes harian COVID-19 yang semakin meningkat, Kerajaan telah memutuskan untuk mengambil langkah-langkah yang lebih tegas dan ketat bagi mengekang penularan wabak COVID-19 dalam masyarakat dan menghalang kenaikan kes secara mendadak.
"Dengan jumlah kes harian melebihi 4,000 kes dan 37,396 kes aktif dengan 1,700 kes kematian dilaporkan setakat 10 Mei 2021, Malaysia sedang berhadapan dengan gelombang ketiga COVID-19 yang boleh mencetuskan suatu krisis nasional," kata Muhyiddin.
"Data dan sains terus menunjukkan bahawa aktiviti-aktiviti perhimpunan yang menyukarkan penjarakan sosial dan keberadaan orang ramai dalam ruang yang sesak menjadi punca utama penularan COVID-19.
"Rantaian jangkitan COVID-19 hanya dapat diputuskan dengan menggalakkan orang ramai duduk di rumah menerusi kawalan pergerakan yang lebih ketat," jelas beliau.
Bagaimanapun, ujar beliau sepanjang tempoh itu, semua sektor ekonomi dibenarkan untuk beroperasi.
Ujarnya, Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) akan mengumumkan perincian garis panduan sepanjang PKP dalam masa terdekat.