Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Woman Driving Aganst Traffic Flow On Senai-Desaru Highway Arrested


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Woman driving aganst traffic flow on Senai-Desaru Highway arrested

JOHOR BAHRU, Jan 10 -- A woman was arrested yesterday to assist in the investigation into into driving a car against traffic flow on the Senai-Desaru Highway
(Desaru-bound), near the Cahaya Baru Toll Plaza exit, Masai, here, last Thursday, where the video of the incident had gone viral on social media.

Johor police chief, Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said the 46-year-old woman was arrested at 6.30 pm after showing up at the Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Division (BSPT) of the Seri Alam district police headquarters.

“The Johor Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT) received the viral video recording lasting 0.48 seconds (dashcam recording) around noon, yesterday.

"Acting on the information, JSPT Johor managed to identify the details of the vehicle where the incident was recorded by the public believed to be about 4.30 pm, last Jan 7," he said in a statement, today.

Ayob Khan said the woman was being investigated under Section 42 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987, which provides for imprisonment of up to five years and a fine of not less than RM5,000 and not more than RM15,000, and revocation of driving licence not exceeding five years, if convicted.

He said police were taking the matter seriously and would take stern action against anyone who deliberately violated traffic laws.

"The case will be brought to court for the negligence of the suspect which could endanger other road users," he said and thanked the public for channelling the information to help police track down the suspect.
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