Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Sungai Besar UMNO Chief Jamal Yunos Claims Trial To Two Counts Of Sharing Offensive Content


Sungai Besar UMNO chief Jamal Yunos claims trial to two counts of sharing offensive content


KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 -- Sungai Besar Umno division chief, Datuk Seri Jamal Md Yunos claimed trial at the Ampang Sessions Court today to two charges of sharing offensive and menacing content.

For his first and second charge, Jamal was accused of consciously uploading two videos with the intention of offending others, which was later seen at noon on Aug 20 , 2020 at Taman Dagang Avenue, Ampang near here.

The offences were allegedly committed through Facebook using Datuk Sri Jamal Yunos' profile at the link www. at 10 am and 3 pm respectively on Aug 19, 2020.

Both charges slapped on the 51-year-old before Sessions Court Judge Azrul Darus were under Section 233 (1)(a) of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998) (Act 588) and punishable under Section 233 (3) of the same Act, which provides for a maximum fine of RM50,000 or imprisonment not exceeding one year or both, if convicted.

Upon him claiming trial, Deputy Public Prosecutor S. Sangitaa offered bail of RM20,000 for each charge saying that it is a case that involves safeguarding of public interest.

However, Jamal's lawyer Datuk Imran Tamrin asked for a lighter bail of RM 5,000 for both charges, explaining that his client who runs a restaurant is currently facing difficult times due to the Movement Control Order to contain spread of COVID-19 and that both the charges be jointly tried.

Azrul set bail at RM10,000 for each charge and also fixed Feb 18 for case mention and document submission.

TAGS: Datuk Seri Jamal Yunos, Sharing of Offensive and menacing content, Ampang Sessions Court
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