Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Zulkifly Md Said Appointed New Tourism Malaysia Director-General - MOTAC


Zulkifly appointed new Tourism Malaysia director-general - MOTAC


KUALA LUMPUR,Nov 18 -- The Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry (MOTAC) today announced the appointment of

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Zulkifly Md Said as the new director-general of Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board (Tourism Malaysia) effective Nov 11.

MOTAC in a statement said Zulkifly began his career with Tourism Malaysia on July 1, 1988 and since March 20, 2019, he held the position of senior director (Management) and at the same time carried out the duties of Tourism Malaysia deputy director-general.

Zulkifly is a business administration degree holder from Westmar College Le Mars Iowa, United States and was the Islamic Tourism Centre director-general for five years from 2013.

He was appointed as overseas director of Tourism Malaysia in Hong Kong in 1992 followed by Bangkok, Thailand (2000) and Istanbul, Turkey (2004).

Zulkifly is the recipient of several Excellence Service Awards for his dedication, unwavering support and outstanding contributions towards the development and promotion of the national tourism industry.

He was also invited as a key speaker and panellist for several international tourism seminars and conferences, including the Arabian Travel Mart Global Halal Tourism Summit in 2017.
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