Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Singer Syamel Proud To Be Chosen To Sing this years National Day Theme Song 2020 - Malaysia Prihatin, for a third year.


Proud to sing patriotic song - Syamel


KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 10-- Singer Syamel, whose real name is Syameel Aqmal Mohd Fodzly, regarded a huge honour for him being chosen to sing the theme song for the country’s 2020 National Day.

He considered it “meaningful” being given the opportunity to contribute to the country

“Not once, but three times...honestly, I am very happy and proud because singing is also a way to express love for the country.

“Indirectly, I am also helping to instil the spirit of unity and patriotism among the young people,” he told

Syamel, who also sang the theme song for the 2017 and 2019 National Day, titled “Sehati Sejiwa” and “Malaysia Bersih”, respectively, was chosen again to sing the theme song for this year’s National Day, “Malaysia Prihatin”, which is composed by Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) music director Datuk Mokhzani Ismail and the lyrics by El Sol Akhmad..

The song “Malaysia Prihatin” is sang together by Syamel and a few other popular artistes, including Alif Satar, Aina Abdul and Siti Sarah.

“This song encapsulates the positive characteristics, especially noble values, which all Malaysians should possess to strengthen the people’s unity, harmony and well-being, especially in fighting the enemy facing us now, which is COVID-19,” he added.

Meanwhile, Roy, whose real name is Mohammed Rauzan Alwi and known for his song “Kau Ratnaku”, said a singer should have interest to sing patriotic song to be able to inject the feeling into the song.

Roy is the singer for the National Day theme songs like”Wawasan 2020” (1991), “Malaysiaku Gemilang” (2007), Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan (2008), Satu Malaysia (2009) and Sejahtera Malaysia.

“All the patriotic songs that I sing have a marching beat and (some) Malaysians regard them as old and outdated songs.

“The 'march' genre is a strong musical rhythm and requires a deep feel, as well as to be sung in a high tone through proper breathing techniques," he added.

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