16/08/2020 12:59 PM
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 16 -- Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal has been elected the new Bersatu Armada (Youth) chief for the term 2019 to 2022.
The party’s Sabah deputy Youth chief Ceasar Mandela Malakun is the movement’s new vice-head.
Bersatu Election Committee chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said a total of 9,496 delegates voted during the movement’s divisional annual meeting yesterday.
“Of the 173 Armada divisions that are eligible to hold their meeting, 164 have conducted theirs, while nine divisions failed to do so for lack of quorum," he said in a statement
According to him, the delegates also elected the Permanent Chairman, Deputy Permanent Chairman and 15 committee members for Armada.
Meanwhile, Wan Ahmad Fayhsal , in his Facebook posting, said his election as the Armada chief is a huge trust and that he will give his best.
“Thank you … Our focus is on #uniting ARMADA and Bersatu, and (let’s) start work immediately for the sake of Malaysians. Bersatu (United) - Beramanah (Trustworthy) - Bermaruah (Integrioy) ”he said and putting the hashtag sign #NafasBaru #kekalBERSATU .
Following are the results of the election for Armada office bearers for the term 2019-2022:
Permanent Chairman : Akmal Zahin Zainal Zahir
Dep. Permanent Chairman : Mohamad Syaiful Ibrahim Shahli
Chief : Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal
Vice-Chief : Ceasar Mandela Malakun
Committee member:
1. Abqaree Fawwaz Abekan
2. Adi Farhan Isa
3. Muhammad Afiq Nazmi Azharin
4. Khairul Amilin Abdullah Shukor
5. Rosdi Ghani
6. Johainizamshah Johari
7. Muhamad Zulfadly Zulkifly
8.Muhammad Zikri Zulkifli
9. Muhammad Farhan Abdul Rahim
10.Henry Hamdan
11.Mohamad Firdaus Mohd Rashid
12.Mohd Amir Fitri Muharam
13.Jun-Abdul Mutalib Hasan
14.Haris Faizal Ismail
15.Ahmad Sobree Abas
According to him, the delegates also elected the Permanent Chairman, Deputy Permanent Chairman and 15 committee members for Armada.
Meanwhile, Wan Ahmad Fayhsal , in his Facebook posting, said his election as the Armada chief is a huge trust and that he will give his best.
“Thank you … Our focus is on #uniting ARMADA and Bersatu, and (let’s) start work immediately for the sake of Malaysians. Bersatu (United) - Beramanah (Trustworthy) - Bermaruah (Integrioy) ”he said and putting the hashtag sign #NafasBaru #kekalBERSATU .
Following are the results of the election for Armada office bearers for the term 2019-2022:
Permanent Chairman : Akmal Zahin Zainal Zahir
Dep. Permanent Chairman : Mohamad Syaiful Ibrahim Shahli
Chief : Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal
Vice-Chief : Ceasar Mandela Malakun
Committee member:
1. Abqaree Fawwaz Abekan
2. Adi Farhan Isa
3. Muhammad Afiq Nazmi Azharin
4. Khairul Amilin Abdullah Shukor
5. Rosdi Ghani
6. Johainizamshah Johari
7. Muhamad Zulfadly Zulkifly
8.Muhammad Zikri Zulkifli
9. Muhammad Farhan Abdul Rahim
10.Henry Hamdan
11.Mohamad Firdaus Mohd Rashid
12.Mohd Amir Fitri Muharam
13.Jun-Abdul Mutalib Hasan
14.Haris Faizal Ismail
15.Ahmad Sobree Abas