Bersatu elections: Rina Harun retains Srikandi chief post
By Bernama - August 17, 2020 @ 9:42am

Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun has retained her position as Bersatu’s Srikandi chief. - BERNAMA pic
KUALA LUMPUR: Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun has retained her position as Bersatu's Srikandi chief for the term 2019-2022 in party elections for the women's wing.
Meanwhile, Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin was appointed to the vice chief's post.
"A total of 11,609 delegates voted during their respective divisional meetings.
"Of the 168 divisions that were eligible to convene (on Sunday), three failed to do so due to lack of a quorum," Bersatu Election Committee chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said in a statement.
He added that the delegates also picked the Permanent Chairman, Deputy Permanent Chairman and 15 Srikandi Committee members in the party's inaugural elections.
The following are the results of the election for Srikandi office bearers for the term 2019-2022:
Permanent Chairman: Datin Ida Harlina Ikhwan Nasir
Permanent Deputy Chairman: Ruhaya Mohamed Yusof
Chief: Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun
Committee members:
1. Faizah Baharom
2. Datin Ema Syuhaili Mohamad Sukor
3. Dayang Norhayati Titing @ Amoi Titing
4. Redonah Bahanda
5. Datuk Junaidah Kiting
6. Puteri Holijah Muhamad Rali
7. Nor Azah Abdul Aziz
8. Mizma Appehdullah
9. Zeti Zanariah Masiran
10. Norhaninawati Mohd Yusof
11. Raja Mis Sariah Raja Hamzah
12. Mek Zaharah Husain
13. Jawahir Husein
14. Juliana Abdul Ghani
15. Neng Hayati Haytullah Md Ali - Bernama