Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Sepanggar Warisan Wirawati chief claims 600 members quit party

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21/06/2020 07:00 PM

KOTA KINABALU, June 21 -- The Parti Warisan Sabah (Warisan) Sepanggar Division Wirawati chief Raisa Abd Ghaffur today claims over 600 party members have left the party together with her today.

Raisa, in a press conference today, claimed the members who left the party were from nine branches in the Sipanggar Division.

She said they left Warisan because they had lost confidence in the leadership of the division.

She said they left the party on their own volition and were not influenced or forced by any quarters.

Raisa claimed that more members from branches of Warisan in the Sepanggar Division were expected to leave the party.

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