Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 3 Mei 2020 – Situasi Semasa Jangkitan Penyakit Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) di Malaysia
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa terdapat 87 kes yang telah pulih dan dibenarkan discaj pada hari ini. Ini menjadikan jumlah kumulatif kes yang telah pulih sepenuhnya dari COVID-19 dan telah discaj daripada wad adalah sebanyak 4,413 kes (70 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes).
Sehingga 3 Mei 2020 pukul 12:00 tengah hari, terdapat 122 kes baharu yang telah dilaporkan. Ini menjadikan jumlah kes positif COVID-19 di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 6,298 kes. Oleh itu, jumlah kes aktif dengan kebolehjangkitan COVID-19 adalah 1,780 kes. Mereka telah diasingkan dan diberi rawatan.
Ingin dimaklumkan bahawa daripada 122 kes baharu yang dilaporkan hari ini, 52 kes adalah kes import. Ini bermakna, kes penularan tempatan adalah sebanyak 70 kes.
Sehingga kini, seramai 27 kes positif COVID-19 sedang dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU). Daripada jumlah tersebut, 13 kes memerlukan bantuan pernafasan.
Daripada maklumat terkini yang dilaporkan ke Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) Kebangsaan, dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa terdapat pertambahan dua (2) lagi kes kematian berkaitan COVID-19. Justeru, jumlah kumulatif kes kematian COVID-19 di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 105 kes (1.66 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes):
- Kes kematian ke-104 (kes ke-5539) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 82 tahun dan mempunyai latar belakang penyakit darah tinggi dan penyakit jantung. Beliau telah dirawat di Hospital Sungai Buloh pada 22 April 2020 dan disahkan meninggal dunia pada 2 Mei 2020 jam 6.29 petang.
- Kes kematian ke-105 (kes ke-5837) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 64 tahun dan mempunyai latar belakang penyakit kencing manis, darah tinggi dan penyakit buah pinggang. Beliau telah dirawat di Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar Seremban pada 27 April 2020 dan disahkan meninggal dunia pada 3 Mei 2020 jam 9.46 pagi.
KKM mengucapkan takziah kepada ahli keluarga mereka.
Seperti yang pernah dimaklumkan sebelum ini, golongan warga emas didapati agak terjejas dengan wabak COVID-19 di mana terdapat banyak kes jangkitan dan kematian berkaitan COVID-19 di kalangan kumpulan umur 60 tahun ke atas. Warga emas adalah kumpulan berisiko tinggi untuk mendapat komplikasi dan kematian akibat jangkitan COVID-19 kerana faktor umur dan juga penyakit kronik. Ini merupakan satu isu global yang dihadapi oleh negara-negara yang terjejas dengan wabak ini.
Berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi melalui kajian kematian (mortality review) ke atas 99 daripada 105 kes kematian yang telah dilaporkan di Malaysia, kumpulan umur yang mempunyai bilangan kematian COVID-19 yang tertinggi adalah di antara 61 sehingga 70 tahun (iaitu 32 kes, 32.2 peratus) dan kumpulan umur kedua tertinggi adalah di antara 71 sehingga 80 tahun (iaitu 19 kes, 19.2%).
Walaupun kita belum memahami sepenuhnya jangkitan COVID-19, apa yang jelas ialah risiko jangkitan meningkat mengikut usia, dan individu yang mempunyai penyakit kronik atau penyakit tidak berjangkit (non-communicable diseases atau NCD; seperti kencing manis, darah tinggi, penyakit jantung, penyakit buah pinggang dan barah) dan faktor risiko penyakit NCD (sepert merokok dan obesiti) adalah lebih berisiko untuk mendapat gejala jangkitan COVID-19 yang lebih teruk dan risiko kematian yang lebih tinggi.
Mengambil kira statistik ini, adalah terbukti bahawa kumpulan warga emas merupakan kumpulan berisiko tinggi yang perlu dilindungi daripada dijangkiti COVID-19 oleh semua pihak. Kepatuhan dan tanggungjawab sosial rakyat adalah amat penting demi memastikan keselamatan dan kesihatan golongan warga emas.
Harus diingati bahawa virus ini tidak kelihatan di mata kasar. Bagi ahli keluarga adalah menjadi tanggungjawab mereka misalnya anak atau penjaga yang tinggal bersama warga emas supaya memastikan golongan warga emas terjaga dan dilindungi daripada penularan jangkitan COVID-19. Ahli keluarga warga emas adalah digalakkan untuk kekal mengamalkan langkah-langkah pencegahan COVID-19 kerana mereka adalah berpotensi untuk menyebarkan jangkitan COVID-19 kepada kepada ibubapa atau datuk nenek mereka. Pastikan juga mereka di bawa untuk mendapat rawatan segera jika didapati tidak sihat, pastikan bekalan ubatan mencukupi dan patuhi temujanji rawatan.
Berikutan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) yang akan bermula pada 4 Mei 2020, KKM menyeru kepada warga emas agar terus mematuhi Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dan mengelak keluar daripada rumah, kecuali untuk urusan-urusan yang penting sahaja. Elakkan 3C: iaitu kawasan yang sesak (Crowded place), kawasan yang sempit (Confined space), bertutur dengan jarak yang dekat (Close conversation).
Sekiranya perlu ke kawasan umum, mereka digalakkan untuk memakai topeng hidung dan mulut (face mask) di samping mengambil langkah-langkah pencegahan. Pengamalan tahap kebersihan diri yang tinggi mesti diteruskan, misalnya dengan kerap mencuci tangan dengan air dan sabun atau menggunakan cecair pembasmi kuman (hand sanitisers) serta amalkan jarak sosial yang selamat (social distancing) sekurang-kurangya 1 meter.
Sekiranya diperlukan khidmat nasihat, warga emas serta orang ramai boleh menghubungi Virtual Health Advisory melalui portal KKM dari 8.30 pagi hingga 5.00 petang setiap hari.
Warga emas yang perlu mendapat rawatan penyakit kronik di klinik kesihatan, mereka dinasihatkan agar datang untuk rawatan susulan mengikut tarikh dan masa temujanji yang ditetapkan. Bagi mengurangkan kekerapan kedatangan dan kesesakan di klinik untuk mengambil bekalan ubat separa, KKM telah menyediakan perkhidmatan farmasi Value Added Service seperti Ubat Melalui Pos (UMP), Locker2U, Sistem Pendispensan Ubat Bersepadu (SPUB) dan Farmasi Pandu Lalu mengikut kesesuaian perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan.
Memandangkan warga emas adalah kumpulan berisiko tinggi untuk jangkitan COVID-19, KKM telah memutuskan untuk menjalankan ujian saringan COVID-19 kepada pekerja dan penghuni pusat jagaan warga emas. Saringan ini akan dijalankan secara berfasa, dimulakan dengan 17 buah Rumah Sri Kenangan dan Rumah Ehsan di bawah seliaan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. Seterusnya akan dijalankan saringan di 357 buah pusat jagaan yang berdaftar di bawah Akta 506 dan 26 buah nursing homes yang berdaftar di bawah Akta 586.
KKM maklum bahawa terdapat hampir atau lebih 1,000 buah pusat jagaan warga emas swasta yang tidak berdaftar di bawah mana-mana Akta. Pihak Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah diarah untuk mengenalpasti pusat jagaan warga emas swasta termasuk institusi pondok agama di daerah masing-masing bagi memastikan liputan saringan COVID-19 adalah menyeluruh. Justeru itu pengusaha pusat jagaan swasta digalakkan untuk berhubung dengan Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah terdekat.
KKM akan terus memantau kejadian jangkitan COVID-19 di Malaysia. Penduduk Malaysia dinasihatkan untuk kekal duduk di rumah dan hanya keluar rumah untuk urusan-urusan yang perlu sahaja. Teruskan amalkan kebersihan diri yang tinggi seperti kerap membasuh tangan dengan air dan sabun, dan amalkan jaraksosial yang selamat iaitu sekurang-kurangnya 1 meter (social distancing). Ini penting dalam memutuskan rantaian penularan COVID-19 di dalam masyarakat.
Sekian, terima kasih.
3 Mei 2020 @ 4.30 petang
PERLIS | 0 | 18 |
KEDAH | 0 | 95 |
PULAU PINANG | 0 | 121 |
PERAK | 0 | 253 |
SELANGOR | 11 | 1,529 |
NEGERI SEMBILAN | 71 (50) | 592 |
MELAKA | 3 | 204 |
JOHOR | 0 | 667 |
PAHANG | 0 | 305 |
TERENGGANU | 0 | 110 |
KELANTAN | 0 | 155 |
SABAH | 1 | 316 |
SARAWAK | 5 | 523 |
W.P. KUALA LUMPUR | 30 (1) | 1,308 |
W.P. PUTRAJAYA | 1 (1) | 86 |
W.P. LABUAN | 0 | 16 |
JUMLAH KESELURUHAN | 122 (52) | 6,298 |
*( ) adalah merujuk kepada kes-kes import
Current Status of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Who Have Recovered
3 May 2020 – The Ministry of Health (MOH) would like to inform that 87 cases have fully recovered and discharged well today. Cumulatively, 4,413 confirmed COVID-19 cases have fully recovered (70% of total cumulative cases).
Current Situation of COVID-19 in Malaysia
3 May 2020, 12 pm – A total of 122 additional confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported to the National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) MOH today. Cumulatively there are now 6,298 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Malaysia. Therefore, there are currently 1,780 active and infective COVID-19 cases. They have been isolated and provided treatment.
Of these 122 additional cases reported today, 52 are imported cases. The remaining 70 cases are due to local transmission whereby 24 cases are from Enhanced Movement Control Order clusters.
Currently, 27 confirmed COVID-19 cases are receiving treatment in intensive care units (ICU), and of these, 13 cases are on ventilation support.
Regretfully, two (2) additional COVID-19 deaths were reported to the National CPRC MOH today. Cumulatively, there are now 105 COVID-19 deaths in Malaysia (1.66% of total cumulative cases):
- Death #104: Case 5,539 is an 82 year-old Malaysian man with a history of hypertension and heart disease. He was admitted into Sungai Buloh Hospital on 22 April 2020 and was pronounced dead on 2 May 2020 at 6.29 pm.
- Death #105: Case 5,837 is a 64 year-old Malaysian man with a history of diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease. He was admitted into Tuanku Ja’afar Hospital, Negeri Sembilan on 27 April 2020 and was pronounced dead on 3 May 2020 at 9.46 am.
MOH conveys condolences to all the family members.
COVID-19 and Older Adults
As previously mentioned, older adults are more affected by COVID-19, with a higher number of infections and COVID-19 deaths amongst individuals age 60 years and over. Older adults are a high-risk group for complications and deaths due to COVID-19 because of the age factor as well as pre-existing chronic diseases. This is a global issue faced by all countries affected by this pandemic.
Based on data from the mortality review on 99 out of the 105 deaths reported in Malaysia, the age-group with the highest COVID-19 deaths is the 61 to 70 years (32 cases, or 32.2%), and the second highest age-group is the 71 to 80 years (19 cases, or 19.2%).
Although we do not yet fully understand the COVID-19 infection, what is clear is that the risk of infection increases with age, and individuals with chronic or non-communicable diseases (NCDs; such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease and cancer) and NCD risk factors (such as smoking and obesity) are at greater risk of developing more severe COVID-19 infection symptoms and death.
Health Advisory on COVID-19
Considering the above statistics, it is evident that older adults are a high-risk group that must be protected against COVID-19 infection by all parties. Compliance and social responsibility of the public is very important in ensuring the safety and health of older adults.
We must keep in mind that this virus is not visible to the naked eye. For family members, it is the responsibility of the adult children or caregivers living with the older adults to ensure that they are cared for and protected from the spread of the COVID-19 infection. Family members (including children) are encouraged to constantly take preventive and precautionary measures against COVID-19 as they can potentially spread COVID-19 infection to their older parents or grandparents. In addition, family members must ensure that older adults seek early treatment if they are unwell, have adequate supply of medications and attend treatment follow-up appointments.
Following the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) that will commence on 4 May 2020, MOH urges that all older adults must continue to comply to the Movement Control Order (MCO) and refrain from leaving the house except for unavoidable important matters. Please avoid the 3Cs: Crowded places; Confined spaces; and Close (face-to-face) conversations.
If out in crowded public areas, older adults are encouraged to wear face masks as well as take precautionary measures. The practice of high levels of personal hygiene must be continued, for example by regular hand washing with water and soap or using hand sanitisers; and practising safe social distancing of at least 1 metre from others.
For any health advice, older adults and the general public can contact the Virtual Health Advisory via the MOH portal from 8.30am to 5.00 pm daily.
Older adults requiring follow-up treatment for their chronic diseases in health clinics are advised to attend their follow-ups on the date and time of their appointments. To reduce the attendances and congestion at health clinics for repeat medication prescriptions, MOH has provided pharmacy Value Added Services such as Medication through Post (Ubat Melalui Pos or UMP), Locker2U, Integrated Drug Dispensary System (Sistem Pendispensan Ubat Bersepadu or SPUB) and Drive-through Pharmacy (Farmasi Pandu Lalu) at selected MOH hospitals and health clinics based on the suitability for the availability of these services.
As older adults are considered a high-risk group for COVID-19 infection, MOH has decided to conduct COVID-19 screening tests for employees and residents of elderly-care centres. This screening will be conducted in phases, starting with the 17 facilities (Rumah Sri Kenangan and Rumah Ehsan) under the supervision of the Social Welfare Department (Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat). The screening will then be conducted at 357 elderly-care centres registered under Act 506 and 26 nursing homes registered under Act 586.
MOH is aware that there are nearly 1,000 private elderly-care centres not registered under any Acts. The District Health Offices have been directed to identify all private elderly-care centres, including religious-affiliated centres (institusi pondok agama) in their respective districts to ensure comprehensive coverage of COVID-19 screening. As such, the operators of all private elderly-care centres are encouraged to contact the nearest District Health Office.
MOH will continue to monitor the development of the COVID-19 situation in Malaysia. The public are advised to continue to stay at home and leave the house only for essential matters and business. The public must also maintain high levels of personal hygiene at all times, such as regular hand washing with water and soap, and practice safe social distancing of at least 1 metre away from others. These measures are important to break the transmission chain of COVID-19 infection in the community.
Thank you.
Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah
Director General of Health Malaysia
3 May 2020 @ 4.30 pm
Number of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in Malaysia, by States
(Cumulative, as of 3 May 2020, 12 pm)
State | No. of New Cases * | Cumulative |
Perlis | 0 | 18 |
Kedah | 0 | 95 |
Pulau Pinang | 0 | 121 |
Perak | 0 | 253 |
Selangor | 11 | 1,529 |
Negeri Sembilan | 71 (50) | 592 |
Melaka | 3 | 204 |
Johor | 0 | 667 |
Pahang | 0 | 305 |
Terengganu | 0 | 110 |
Kelantan | 0 | 155 |
Sabah | 1 | 316 |
Sarawak | 5 | 523 |
WP Kuala Lumpur | 30 (1) | 1,308 |
WP Putrajaya | 1 (1) | 86 |
WP Labuan | 0 | 16 |
Total | 122 (52) | 6,298 |
*( ) refers to imported confirmed COVID-19 cases