Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Eligible Individuals who have tax records but not received BPN Payment told to update bank account information #BPN

13/04/2020 02:59 PM
CYBERJAYA, April 13 -- Individuals who have tax records with the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and eligible for the Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) but have not yet received the cash aid are told to update their active bank account information.

IRB in a statement today said they should do so by April 30 via to enable BPN payment to be credited into the registered bank account next month.

“BPN recipients are advised to only use the IRB’s official channel to update bank information. Do take note that IRB will not ask for the TAC when making the BPN payments,” it said.

For BPN recipients who do not have tax records with the IRB, payments will be made as explained in the BPN’s Frequently Asked Questions segment, it said.

The FAQ is accessible via BPN’s official portal or quick access

Any queries or feedback can be directed to Hasil Care Line at 03-8911 1000; HASiL Live Chat; feedback form on; or IRB’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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