Jangan cakap besaq...walk the talk...

Yang sorang tu mancung2 nak kemana? - f/bk

Kerajaan Din tak diiktiraf...
Seorang demi seorang pemimpin Umno mempertikaikan cara Muhyiddin membentuk kabinet dan membahagikan jawatan menteri kepada Umno yang dilihat tidak ada dan menurut kouta kekuatan parti.
Terbaharu Najib Razak memberi peringatan yang Umno ada had dalam menyokong kerajaan Muhyiddin. Dan beliau mengingatkan kerajaan yang ada hari ini bukan di antara Bersatu dengan Muafakat Nasional, (Umno dan Pas), tetapi antara individu dalam Umno dengan Muhyiddin.

Now heat is swelling - Warning to PN gomen...
"UNMO support to PN HAS LIMITS" - JIBI (The King Of Thieves)
"UNMO will support PN till pru15, BUT... - KOMIDI (Bapak Penyamun Malaysia)
"UNMO was not NOT Respected"
"the Minister Post given to UMNO, ALL USELESS"
"UNMO dah Hilang Maruah" - f/bk
Apakah Muhyiddin perlu melakukan rombakan kabinet dalam masa terdekat bagi memenuhi kehendak Umno itu dan sekaligus menyelamatkan maruahnya agar tidak jadi PM paling singkat di Malaysia? Boleh jadi. - mso
Kalu betoi pasai apa Dr.M
terhegeh2 mai cari DSAI sebelum PRU14...
Jika benar Anwar ditolak oleh orang Melayu mengapa Tun beria ingin bertemu dan meraih sokongan dengan individu yang ditolak oleh orang Melayu? Bukankan itu merupakan satu pengkhianatan terhadap orang Melayu sendiri?
Situasi ini bukan kali pertama malah sejarah telah merekodkan Tun sentiasa bergantung dengan Anwar – individu yang didakwa ditolak oleh orang Melayu sebagai talian hayat politik beliau. Tun tewas dalam pilihan raya di Parlimen Kota Setar Selatan dengan calon Pas Allahyargam Ust Yusuf Rawa pada tahun 1969 dan pada 26 September 1969 Tun telah dibuang dari UMNO. Pada saat karier politik Tun sedang malap ini, individu bernama Anwar telah mobilisasi sokongan mahasiswa Melayu untuk menyokong Tun.
Ketika Anwar aktif bersama ABIM, PKPIM dan Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Universiti Malaya (PBMUM), Anwar telah berjaya mengangkat semula Tun hingga akhirnya pada 1972 Tun telah diterima semula masuk ke UMNO dan dilantik sebagai Senator pada tahun 1972 oleh Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak.
Selain itu, ketika Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri pada tahun 1981, beliau sekali lagi memerlukan bantuan Anwar untuk meraih sokongan sebilangan besar orang Melayu. Masakan tidak jemputan Tun kepada Anwar bukan dengan tangan kosong tetapi janji-janji untuk memberi ruang kepada Anwar untuk membawa agenda Islam dalam arus perdana. Ini jelas satu langkah politik untuk dapatkan sokongan Melayu yang Tun sendiri sedar beliau tidak mampu lakukan.
Seterusnya ketika Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri, Anwar telah membantu merancakkan agenda Islam dan Melayu dengan penubuhan Bank Islam, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA), Institut Istac, Amanah Raya dan lain-lain agensi termasuk merapatkan hubungan dunia Islam terutama pelabur Arab dari latar gerakan Islam Ikhwan Muslimin (sahabat karib Anwar sejak zaman ABIM) dengan Malaysia. Sebagai kesan nama Tun dan Malaysia telah melonjak jauh hingga mendapat jolokan negara Islam contoh.
Tidakkah manfaat yang dikecapi Tun ini datangnya dari Anwar – seorang individu yang didakwa ditolak oleh orang Melayu?

Sokongan orang Melayu kepada Anwar bukan hanya dalam kalangan penyokong UMNO tetapi juga dari Parti Pas. Ketika Anwar memimpin UMNO, sahabat karibnya arwah Ust Fadzil Noor (Timbalan Presiden ABIM ketika Anwar Presiden ABIM) menjadi Presiden Pas. Hubungan mereka amat akrab walau berbeza parti. Malah mereka saling bertasamuh sokong antara satu sama lain apabila berbincang sesuatu agenda yang baik untuk negara khususnya orang Melayu.
Selain itu, Anwar dalam sejarah karier politik beliau tidak pernah menghukum atau menggadai maruah orang Melayu. Berbeza dengan Tun sendiri yang dengan sengaja mendera orang Melayu Kelantan selama 20 tahun ketika Allahyarham Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat menjadi Menteri Besar Kelantan.
Kerana gagal menawan Kelantan pelbagai sekatan dilakukan termasuk hak Royalti minyak, hak untuk mendapatkan lebuh raya, hak pembangunan dan sebagainya telah dinafikan. Tidak cukup dengan itu, kerusi Parlimen untuk negeri Kelantan sentiasa dinafikan untuk ditambah. Setiap kali persempadanan pilihanraya berlaku, negeri Kelantan yang majoriti besar rakyatnya orang Melayu telah dinafikan hak untuk mendapat kuasa undi yang seimbang untuk ditambah kerusi Parlimen dan DUN. Namun kerajaan Kelantan pimpinan Arwah Tuan Guru Nik Aziz tetap bertahan dengan izin Allah.
Lebih memburukkan keadaan kerajaan pimpinan Tun telah menggadaikan kuasa undi Melayu apabila telah memulakan langkah membuat persempadanan pilihan raya untuk pilihan raya 2004 yang tidak pro kepada Melayu. Sejarah melihat tindakan ini sebagai hukuman Tun terhadap orang Melayu yang 60% telah menyokong Keadilan, Pas dan DAP bawah payung Barisan Alternatif pada tahun 1999.

Tun sebenarnya lupa beliau adalah punca mengapa wujudnya blok yang kuat dari pengundi bukan Melayu di Parlimen hingga hari ini.
Persempadanan pilihan raya untuk PRU 2004 telah dibuat dengan menaikkan peratus pengundi Cina di setiap kawasan DUN & Parlimen supaya pembangkang kalah teruk kerana waktu itu sokongan padu pengundi Cina kepada Barisan Nasional begitu kuat dan BN waktu itu ditolak majoriti besar orang Melayu yang menyokong Anwar dan menolak Tun. Mengambil contoh statistik DUN Kajang, pada tahun 1999 peratus pengundi Melayu adalah sebanyak 57.4% dan kesannya calon Pas Dr Syafie Abu Bakar menang di kawasan berkenaan rentetan sokongan besar orang Melayu kepada pembangkang.
Namun, pada PRU 2004 peratus Melayu telah dikurangkan oleh BN sehingga menjadi 43.9% sebagai strategi BN untuk merampas DUN Kajang dari PAS. Kesannya BN menang di kawasan berkenaan ekoran pengundi Cina & India yang menjadi undi majoriti iaitu 52.8% dan mereka menjadi kuasa penentu di DUN berkenaan. Maka, walaupun majoriti Melayu di DUN Kajang menyokong PAS, PAS tetap tewas di kawasan berkenaan kerana orang Melayu telah hilang kuasa penentu ekoran sikap tamakkan kuasa oleh BN. Namun, akhirnya strategi BN dan Tun Mahathir ini memakan diri apabila pada tahun 2008 pengundi Cina beralih menyokong pembangkang. Senario ini berlaku di Kajang dan majoriti besar di semua DUN & Parlimen lain di mana pengundi Cina telah menjadi kuasa penentu dan kesannya BN hilang majoriti 2/3 Parlimen.
Apabila strategi Tun ini memakan diri bilamana orang cina mengundi pembangkang pimpinan Anwar, adilkah Anwar yang dipersalahkan hingga dilabel sebagai liberal dan tidak menjaga Melayu? Sedangkan ia berpunca dari Tun sendiri. Dalam pada itu, sebagai rekod Pakatan Rakyat pimpinan Anwar telah mendapat sokongan padu orang Melayu khususnya di bandar pada PRU 2008 dan pada PRU 2013 ketika Tun bersama Dato Seri Najib. Dalam masa yang sama ketika Tun menentang Dato Seri Najib, parti Tun hanya berupaya memenangi 13 kerusi Parlimen dari keseluruhan 52 kerusi yang dipertandingkan.
Terakhir sekali, Anwar dalam sejarah amat setia dengan UMNO – Parti yang digelar sebagai Parti Keramat Melayu dan tidak pernah bertindak keluar dari UMNO. Beliau berbeza dengan Tun yang dengan sengaja keluar dari UMNO beberapa kali. Tidak cukup dengan keluar beliau sendiri telah membubarkan UMNO.
Berdasarkan catatan-catatan ini, semoga rakyat sendiri membuka mata dan menilai kembali dakwaan Tun kononnya Anwar ditolak oleh orang Melayu. Molek juga kiranya Tun memuhasabah diri, boleh jadi beliau sendiri yang ditolak bukan saja orang Melayu, malah oleh partinya sendiri. - Rausyan Fikr 2020

Government of Malays,
by Malays,for Malays...
In an interview he gave recently and which was widely reported, he explained why he could not support Anwar even for the post of deputy prime minister. Projecting his own prejudices upon the Malay political landscape, he said Anwar was perceived by the Malays as being “too liberal” – and all because Anwar committed the unpardonable sins of forming a multiracial party and being willing to work with the DAP.
Anwar to Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Mahathir said when Tengku Razaleigh left UMNO he formed a Malay party, whereas when Anwar left UMNO he formed “a liberal” (i.e. non-Malay) party. Anwar also “wanted to get DAP’s support,” he said. To Mahathir, this amounted to unacceptable, even treasonous behaviour.
There you have it: the two reasons why Mahathir was never very happy with the Pakatan Harapan (PH) construct and why he set about trying to replace PH with a Malay unity government.
Anwar’s unpardonable sin
To Mahathir, Anwar is not fit to be prime minister because he doesn’t subscribe to the Ketuanan Melayu, Malaysia is for Malays ideology. In other countries, tolerance and respect for diversity is considered a virtue; here it is dismissed as a dangerous “liberal” idea that must be stamped out.
Mahathir seems to believe that the Malays are so weak that they will always need a strong leader like him – a Peter the Great of Russia (one of the two men he admires most) – to save them from the Chinese. It is by no means a unique view; the Perlis mufti, for example, opined that Malaysia needs a Saddam Hussein to keep the non-Malays in check.
It seems to make no difference to them that the Malays have never been more secure or that the notion of non-Malays taking over the country is simply preposterous.
Remember too, that Mahathir has never forgiven Anwar, his one-time protégé, for turning against him at the height of the Asian financial crisis. He was so enraged by Anwar’s betrayal that he exacted terrible vengeance.
Apparently, his feelings for Anwar have not changed. Indeed, his dislike of Anwar appears to have only intensified since the latter’s release from prison. Of course, Mahathir kept insisting publicly that he would honour the deal for Anwar to succeed him but, as we now know, he was just biding his time and waiting for the right moment to move against Anwar.
DAP: Unrequited love
Faulting Anwar for being willing to work with the DAP is also hypocritical given that Mahathir himself joined hands with the DAP in his quest to oust Najib and return to power. Perhaps he feels that only he is strong enough to control the DAP.
In any case, his comments must have come as something of a shock to the DAP leadership. They were, until recently, his most ardent cheerleaders. They consistently supported him and waxed eloquent about his leadership. They were so taken in by him that they were begging him to stay on as prime minister even as he was preparing to ditch them.
Of course, it was all unrequited love; Mahathir never cared much for them and neither did he defend them against the barrage of scurrilous slander they had to cope with. Now that he has suffered a setback, he is singing their praises once more just in case he might need their help. If it also drives a wedge between PKR and DAP all the better.
Like Hadi, Mahathir is happy to work with the DAP when it suits him and quick to ditch them once they have outlived their usefulness. Ultimately, PPBM, UMNO and PAS all share the same objective of keeping the DAP (and by extension the non-Malays) from any kind of meaningful participation in government.
Token representation
Their idea of an acceptable multiracial coalition is one in which non-Malays have nothing more than token representation, the kind that MCA and MIC have always been happy to provide. The concept of Malaysia as a genuine multiracial and multireligious polity with shared citizenship is simply anathema to politicians like Mahathir and the rest of the Ketuanan Melayu crowd.
As Mahathir wrote in his seminal book The Malay Dilemma almost 50 years ago, “Malays are the rightful owners of Malaya, and that if citizenship is conferred on races other than the Malays, it is because the Malays consent to this. This consent is conditional.”
In other words, citizenship for non-Malays is conditional on their acceptance of absolute Malay hegemony. Recent statements by Hadi Awang and others that Malaysia is for Malays is simply an echo of what Mahathir has been saying all these years. What they want is a government of Malays, by Malays, for Malays.
An ephemeral unity
Mahathir is down, of course, but he is not out, at least not yet. He is now talking about challenging Muhyiddin for the top PPBM post, warning that he is going to be keeping a close eye on Muhyiddin’s performance and hinting that he might again lead PH against Muhyiddin.
It could well be part of a strategy to force Muhyiddin to reach some kind of accommodation with him that will offer him a face-saving way out and perhaps secure a place for his son going forward. After all, the Malay unity government that we see today is exactly what Mahathir had in mind; Muhyiddin just beat him to it.
In the meantime, Mahathir still has room to manoeuvre. The Perikatan Nasional coalition is, in many ways, more unstable than the one it replaced. Malay unity has always been as ephemeral as the morning dew. If history is anything to go by, Malay leaders are most united when venting their spleen against the DAP, Christians and Jews; much less so when they try to work together. They all have outsized egos and ambitions that make it difficult for them to cooperate with each other for any length of time. It is an environment in which Mahathir thrives best.
What all this means is that we are entering a period of prolonged political instability; anything can happen. Watch and pray.- Dennis Ignatius
There you have it: the two reasons why Mahathir was never very happy with the Pakatan Harapan (PH) construct and why he set about trying to replace PH with a Malay unity government.
To Mahathir, Anwar is not fit to be prime minister because he doesn’t subscribe to the Ketuanan Melayu, Malaysia is for Malays ideology. In other countries, tolerance and respect for diversity is considered a virtue; here it is dismissed as a dangerous “liberal” idea that must be stamped out.
Mahathir seems to believe that the Malays are so weak that they will always need a strong leader like him – a Peter the Great of Russia (one of the two men he admires most) – to save them from the Chinese. It is by no means a unique view; the Perlis mufti, for example, opined that Malaysia needs a Saddam Hussein to keep the non-Malays in check.
It seems to make no difference to them that the Malays have never been more secure or that the notion of non-Malays taking over the country is simply preposterous.
Remember too, that Mahathir has never forgiven Anwar, his one-time protégé, for turning against him at the height of the Asian financial crisis. He was so enraged by Anwar’s betrayal that he exacted terrible vengeance.
Apparently, his feelings for Anwar have not changed. Indeed, his dislike of Anwar appears to have only intensified since the latter’s release from prison. Of course, Mahathir kept insisting publicly that he would honour the deal for Anwar to succeed him but, as we now know, he was just biding his time and waiting for the right moment to move against Anwar.

DAP: Unrequited love
Faulting Anwar for being willing to work with the DAP is also hypocritical given that Mahathir himself joined hands with the DAP in his quest to oust Najib and return to power. Perhaps he feels that only he is strong enough to control the DAP.
In any case, his comments must have come as something of a shock to the DAP leadership. They were, until recently, his most ardent cheerleaders. They consistently supported him and waxed eloquent about his leadership. They were so taken in by him that they were begging him to stay on as prime minister even as he was preparing to ditch them.
Of course, it was all unrequited love; Mahathir never cared much for them and neither did he defend them against the barrage of scurrilous slander they had to cope with. Now that he has suffered a setback, he is singing their praises once more just in case he might need their help. If it also drives a wedge between PKR and DAP all the better.
Like Hadi, Mahathir is happy to work with the DAP when it suits him and quick to ditch them once they have outlived their usefulness. Ultimately, PPBM, UMNO and PAS all share the same objective of keeping the DAP (and by extension the non-Malays) from any kind of meaningful participation in government.
Their idea of an acceptable multiracial coalition is one in which non-Malays have nothing more than token representation, the kind that MCA and MIC have always been happy to provide. The concept of Malaysia as a genuine multiracial and multireligious polity with shared citizenship is simply anathema to politicians like Mahathir and the rest of the Ketuanan Melayu crowd.
As Mahathir wrote in his seminal book The Malay Dilemma almost 50 years ago, “Malays are the rightful owners of Malaya, and that if citizenship is conferred on races other than the Malays, it is because the Malays consent to this. This consent is conditional.”
In other words, citizenship for non-Malays is conditional on their acceptance of absolute Malay hegemony. Recent statements by Hadi Awang and others that Malaysia is for Malays is simply an echo of what Mahathir has been saying all these years. What they want is a government of Malays, by Malays, for Malays.

An ephemeral unity
Mahathir is down, of course, but he is not out, at least not yet. He is now talking about challenging Muhyiddin for the top PPBM post, warning that he is going to be keeping a close eye on Muhyiddin’s performance and hinting that he might again lead PH against Muhyiddin.
It could well be part of a strategy to force Muhyiddin to reach some kind of accommodation with him that will offer him a face-saving way out and perhaps secure a place for his son going forward. After all, the Malay unity government that we see today is exactly what Mahathir had in mind; Muhyiddin just beat him to it.
In the meantime, Mahathir still has room to manoeuvre. The Perikatan Nasional coalition is, in many ways, more unstable than the one it replaced. Malay unity has always been as ephemeral as the morning dew. If history is anything to go by, Malay leaders are most united when venting their spleen against the DAP, Christians and Jews; much less so when they try to work together. They all have outsized egos and ambitions that make it difficult for them to cooperate with each other for any length of time. It is an environment in which Mahathir thrives best.
What all this means is that we are entering a period of prolonged political instability; anything can happen. Watch and pray.- Dennis Ignatius

Terima kasih PH! Geng PN-tu blkg jangan
nak perasan lelebih plak arr! Ni bukan hasil usaha hangpa! - f/bk

Gara-gara adun PAS yang seketul itu pun telah dibakul sampahkan UMNO. PAS & UMNO kini betul2 berebut jawatan dan kuasa. Bukan untuk berkhidmat kpd rakyat. Mereka juga tidak dipilih rakyat. Mereka memilih sesama sendiri. Rakyat yang dapat tahi. - f/bk

Nasib Kerajaan tebuk atap...
So takdak alasan nak delay trial Najib.Sambung minggu depan...
