Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


On IGP's Admission he knows the whereabouts of the daughter of Indira Gandhi, there is already a Federal Court order to arrest Ridhuan and return child

I know where Indira’s daughter is, says IGP
Nicholas Chung
-January 31, 2020 10:54 AM

Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador says he is working on resolving the case of Indira Gandhi ‘missing’ daughter.

SEPANG: Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador today said he knows the whereabouts of the daughter of Indira Gandhi, the Hindu woman who was awarded custody of the child who was taken away by her former husband.

“People don’t know where she is. I know where she is, that’s why an initiative is ongoing to negotiate (on the case).

“Let’s resolve this, so that she can stay in this country and receive an education.

“There’s no need to hide, come forward,” he told Muhammad Ridhuan Abdullah.

Speaking to reporters at the sidelines of an event here, Hamid said they were working on arranging a meeting between the two parents and resolving the problem as they both have rights according to the law.

He stressed that it was more important that the welfare of the child, Prasana Diksa, who was 11 months old when Ridhuan took her away 10 years
ago, was ensured.

He said he was also concerned about the emotions of the mother, who has not seen her daughter for so long, adding that “I understand that”.

“God-willing, I can’t say if (the matter can be resolved) in one or two months, but I’m working towards it. So, be a little more patient.”

Hamid also said he had no problems if the Indira Gandhi Action Team (Ingat) decides to file a RM100 million suit against him for failing to explain why the girl could not be located.

“It’s their right to sue me or the government. That’s up to them,” he said.

Indira’s lawyers yesterday questioned why Hamid was looking for a “win-win solution”, saying there was already a Federal Court order requiring the IGP and the police to arrest Ridhuan and return Prasana to her.

Indira was awarded custody of Prasana but the girl was taken away by her ex-husband.

He had converted to Islam in 2009 before converting their three children without her consent – a move the Federal Court declared unlawful in 2018.

The Federal Court issued an order in 2016 for the police to arrest Ridhuan and return Prasana to her mother.

On Tuesday, Ingat threatened a RM100 million suit against Hamid if the police failed to explain why Prasana could not be located and reunited with her mother.
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