Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Anwar Ramal Dirinya Jadi PM Ke-8 Tahun Depan

Anwar Ibrahim menjangkakan beliau akan mengambil alih jawatan perdana menteri daripada Dr Mahathir Mohamad tahun depan.

Dalam satu wawancara dengan Bloomberg Television, Anwar berkata, lawannya yang menyasarkan jawatan nombor satu itu “tidak relevan”.

“Tiada tanda mana-mana parti akan memperkenal atau mempromosi atau melobi nama lain.

“Ia tidak menghalang individu lain yang bercita-cita,” katanya sambil menyifatkan mereka sebagai “tidak relevan”.


 Malaysian ruling party leader Anwar Ibrahim, who cut a deal to become the country’s next prime minister ahead of last year’s election, said he should take power around May 2020. 
“There’s an understanding that it should be around that time, but I don’t think I should be too petty about the exact month,” Anwar said in an interview with Bloomberg Television’s Haslinda Amin in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, when asked whether the transition would happen two years after Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad took power. 
“But there is this understanding that he will resign and that I should assume it.”
Anwar, 72, dismissed reports that Minister of Economic Affairs Azmin Ali or Mukhriz Mahathir, the prime minister’s son, would be considered for the role instead of him. 
Anwar’s political secretary had been briefly detained in July over leaked sex videos
allegedly featuring Azmin, deputy leader of the ruling People’s Justice Party. 
“There’s no sign of any party introducing or promoting or lobbying for other names,” Anwar said. “This does not stop other individuals with ambitions with their own design. And this to me is quite irrelevant. Whether it has been discussed, whether it has been given legitimacy, the answer is no.” 
Questions over when Anwar will take power have loomed over Malaysian politics ever since Mahathir led the coalition to a surprise victory last year. The conflict between Mahathir’s two likely successors raised the possibility the 94-year-old would extend his stay in power as the ruling party struggled to contain internal dissent. 
‘Ecological Warfare’ 
In the interview, Anwar reserved his strongest comments on the impact of the forest fires burning in Indonesia that have caused a dangerous haze in parts of Southeast Asia, disrupting air travel and forcing the closure of schools. 
“We should feel outraged and I consider this an ecological warfare,” Anwar said. “It is not a small matter. It is affecting essentially millions of our people,“ he said, noting this requires governments to be more assertive. “We have to be stronger, regardless of whether it’s Malaysia, Singapore or Indonesia – I mean these are big companies. Why are we not making sure they are being held accountable and at least bear part of the cost.” 
Stinging smoke from illegal burning to clear land for palm oil and paper plantations has covered western and central regions of Indonesia and parts of Malaysia, with thousands of people reporting acute respiratory illness. It’s revived fears of a repeat of 2015 when a total of 2.6 million hectares of land was affected, costing Indonesia 221 trillion rupiah ($15.7 billion) in economic losses.

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