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Leonardo da Vinci’s oil paintings on display in KL - once in a lifetime treat for all ardent lovers of Leonardo da Vinci’s artwork.

All Leonardo da Vinci’s oil paintings on display in KL
FMT Lifestyle
-July 14, 2019 7:00 AM

This is a once in a lifetime treat for all ardent lovers of Leonardo da Vinci’s artwork.

Of the many masterpieces he has produced in his lifetime, only 17 oil paintings remain. These are now scattered around the world in various locations, but you can now appreciate them all in one place.

The “Leonardo Opera Omnia” exhibition will be held at the 3A Gallery of the Kuala Lumpur National Art Gallery for one month from July 15 to August 15.

Hold on, it gets better: Admission is free!

The exhibition will feature the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper – two of the most famous and loved paintings in history, and just two of the many paintings Leonardo is famous for.

Put simply, Leonardo was the embodiment of the Renaissance era. Besides art, he was also a man of science, but it was the degree of technological advancement
which he reached that made him centuries ahead of his time.

For example, his notes that were previously dismissed as “irrelevant” now prove that he had a sophisticated understanding of the laws of friction nearly 200 years before they were formalised.

Leonardo was indeed a true genius in all aspects, to the extent that he deliberately added flaws into his plans. This was probably to prevent people from stealing his ideas.

It’s no wonder esteemed museums all over the globe have been commemorating the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death with this travelling exhibition which has made stops in Georgia, Warsaw, Poland and China.

This exhibition is an innovative and ambitious project which aims to share Italian cultural heritage made possible through digital paintings. These are HD, life-size reproductions of Leonardo’s 17 paintings.

The exhibition is presented by the Italian embassy in Kuala Lumpur in collaboration with the Kuala Lumpur National Art Gallery, the Italian Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ministry and RAI, the Italian public television.

3A Gallery
National Art Gallery (Balai Seni Negara)
2, Jalan Temerloh,
53200 Kuala Lumpur

Operating hours:

Daily: 10am – 6pm

Except during Hari Raya Aidiladha (11 August)
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