PUTRAJAYA – The government said that the recent increment in electricity bills was due to technical error by Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB).
Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change Minister Yeo Bee Yin said, the government had instructed the utility company to be accountable on the mistakes.
She said, TNB was called by the Energy Commission (EC) in an emergency meeting this morning on the higher-than-normal electricity charges which caused a public uproar.
According to Bee Yin, TNB has highlighted three reasons which caused the issue according to their perspective. However, the commission was dissatisfied with their explanation.
“We will investigate the cause of the technical error by TNB in the electricity tariff charges. As of now, we have recorded 300 complaints from consumers throughout the country.
“We are not satisfied with the three excuses provided by TNB this morning, I’ve instructed the EC to investigate on this matter and we will act in accordance to the law if they (TNB) do not resolve the matter,” she said in a press conference today.
According to her, under Section 9C of the Electricity Supply Act 1990, TNB must fully comply to the performance standard of supply and services to the consumers and EC can act upon any incompliance, including taking legal actions.
However, Bee Yin denied that the problem was caused by the smart meter as only Melaka has that while the complaints came from all over Malaysia within a week.
The 300 complaints received so far is nine times higher than the normal complaints rate.
The EC will take about two weeks to look into all consumers complaints.
Bee Yin also denied that one of the reasons given by TNB is related to the allegations for former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, where there is an increment of surcharge.
“There is no surcharges or changes in tariffs. This is a new problem and it happens in May, where we are using the same tariff but the calculations on the bills are different. That is our problem now,” she said.
She also requested the consumers to allow some time for investigations into the matter and gave her guarantee that the government will listen to the grievances of the consumers who received the higher than normal electricity bill charges. – MalaysiaGazette
MR : Teknikal..??
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