Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Netizens Upset over Video of Men Merciless Beating of Crocodile

Angry reaction over brutal, merciless act against trapped croc

Friday, 8 Mar 201910:38 AM MYT
by stephen then

MIRI: Videos and pictures are making the rounds on social media in Miri, showing a group of men brutally hammering and beating a crocodile that was entangled in a fishing net.

The Star received the video footages from two different sources and have forwarded them to senior officials at Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) headquarters in Kuching.

The incident is said to have happened at Batu Satu Miri.

At 9.30am on Friday (March 8), SFC
general manager Oswald Bracken sent a message saying he had directed the Wildlife Action Team to investigate.

"We want to identify the exact location now," said the message.

The video shows several men, a few of them in safety helmets and boots worn by workers, smashing the head of a crocodile entangled in a net.

Later on social media, somebody said the location was Batu Satu Miri.

Malaysian Nature Society Miri chairman Musa Musbah said the brutal killing was totally unnecessary.

"The crocodile was already caught in the net.

"These men could have just notify the authorities like the police or forestry or fisheries to handle the crocodile.

"What they did is a case of cruelty and they should be hauled up and penalised," he said.

The video showed the crocodile struggling and twisting about as it was clubbed with a hammer and rod.

The men spoke in Malay, indicating they could be locals or Indon workers.

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