PAS patut saman 3 orang ini,
kosnya lebih rendah...
Mana mau lari..?!Setelah PAS menarik saman fitnah ke atas Sarawak Report maka Sarawak Report kini bebas sebebas-bebasnya membongkar, mendedah serta menyebarkan siri-siri rasuah yang diterima oleh PAS dari Najib Razak (UMNO).
Antara pendedahan terkini Sarawak Report menyatakan bahawa para peguam bagi pihak Haji Hadi di London mengesahkan audio suara (Ana Tahu) yang telah dianalisis di dalam Makmal Audio dan Forensik London adalah suara milik Nik Abduh..
Setelah disiasat dan diteliti dari setiap sudut dan aspek maka para peguam Hadi sendiri telah mengesahkan para pemimpin PAS memang telah menerima wang dan beberapa eset mewah dari UMNO.
Mampuihh...!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Pas jangan lagi asyik pusing sana dan pusing sini.. tidak bercakap benar sebagai seorang muslim..
Langsung tak kesian pada ahli2 parti sendiri sentiasa mahu ditipu sepanjang masa..
1. Pada masa tersebut 2017, ada 4 pihak yang tuduh PAS terima dana dari UMNO.
2. Tiga di dalam Malaysia; Rafizi, Husam dan Mahfuz dan Rafizi siap buat akuan bersumpah lagi. Akuan bersumpah ini kalau ada kesilapan, boleh di penjara. Apa yang PAS perlu buat ialah buat report polis kata akuan bersumpah Rafizi adalah palsu, polis akan siasat dan kalau betul palsu, Rafizi boleh di dakwa atas alasan menipu. Boom! as easy as that. Maruah PAS akan terperlihara tanpa banyak kos
3. Husam dan Mahfuz claim benda yang sama, cuma kedua-dua mereka dakwa mereka ada salinan slip transaksi Bank. Kalau sebab kos, PAS boleh aje saman mereka di dalam negara. Lagi murah. Dan nak reveal mana-mana statement kewangan di luar mahkamah akan tertakluk pada akta BAFIA. sebab tu husam dan Mahfuz beria-ia suruh PAS saman; kerana dalam mahkamah sahaja boleh tunjuk. PAS sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali ugut nak saman Husam tapi hasil? yillek.
4. Dan ada pulak Sarawak Report di UK. SR ini kira the weakest link sebab SR claim PAS terima duit dari UMNO tapi tak ada penyata kewangan etc macam Rafizi, Husam & Mahfuz.
5. At this time, PAS ingat saman SR adalah salah satu good move WALAUPUN KOS DIA Mahal.

6. Carter-Ruck, Lawyer PAS charge rate adalah dalam RM3,300 satu jam dan estimated kos untuk perbicaraan adalah dalam RM10 juta ringgit. Kalau PAS tak ada duit, macam mana boleh ambil firm paling mahal di london? Di sini pembaca boleh agak, siapa "kawan" yang tolong bayarkan.
7. Ini juga terbukti bila argument Zaid yang kata lepas PRU, PAS akan di biar terkontang kanting bayar kos guaman ( zaid tulis tahun 2017). Dan anda lihat di mana PAS acap kali merayu derma untuk bayar kos guaman beberapa kali bulan lepas2.
8. The fact that PAS sebenarnya nya mmg hendak tarik balik saman dari bulan 12, ada sumber yang dapat tahu dari pimpinan PAS sendiri
10. PAS berjaya raih 500K dari 400K yang di minta. jadi ada lebihan 100K.
11. Bila PAS tarik balik saman, seorang pimpinan PAS kata PAS masih lagi perlu raise dana untuk bayar kos mahkamah walaupun telah membelanjakan lebih dari RM2.6 juta untuk kos guaman .
13. Ini terbukti bila first defense argument SR hanyalah "truth defense" yang mana bukti2 dari kemewahan pemimpin PAS mengumpul harta dari duit UMNO.
14. Tiba-tiba audio Nik Abduh meletop; PAS already in panic mode. Ini yang mana SR kena bayar kos interloktuari sebab nak pinda Audio Nik Abduh sebagai bahan bukti baharu. Masa ini juga penyokong PAS bersorak yang PAS sudah menang awal saman Sarawak Report
15. Umum perlu ingat, Audio ini adalah tulen dan sahih. Mahkamah London sudah sahkan authenticity dah peguam PAS Carter-Ruck juga tidak membantah audio tersebut.
17. Bila audio tersebut adalah benar, kandungan audio tersebut yang menyebabkan PAS menarik balik saman.
A) yang Nik Abduh ambil duit UMNO,
B ) Nik Abduh mengaku Presiden PAS dan juga pimpinan PAS ambil duit UMNO
C) Nik Abduh mengaku dia sendiri anak derhaka sebab ingkar amaran ATGNA untuk tidak berkerjasama dengan UMNO
D) Nik Abduh mengaku dia ajen tali baru CIA ( menderhaka pada YDPA)
E) Nik Abduh mengaku yang dia ujud kan jemaah lain untuk singkirkan Jebon.
19. Bila ini semua ada dalam audio tersebut, maknanya semua nama yang dalam audio tersebut boleh di sapina boleh London court.
20. Tuan-tuan bayangkan kalau DS Najib, Nik Abduh dan pemimpin2 besar PAS & UMNO masuk dalam kandang saksi di london
21. Tidakkan ia akan menjadi circus show? Dan semua hal dalam kelambu PAS dan UMNO akan terbongkar?
22. Sebab ini lah PAS sanggup tarik balik saman; dari malu besar kalau kalah di London.
23. Audio Nik Abduh sudah jadi wild card dan turning point untuk kes SR.

24. Ingat surah Ali Imran di bawah, ayat 54
"Dan mereka merancang (tipu daya), Allah juga merancang (membalas tipu daya), dan Allah sebaik-baik perancang (membalas tipu daya)."
Lepas tu ada kata PAS tarik balik saman sebab kesihatan Presiden:
1) The fact that saman di failkan tahun 2017, dan kalau Presiden tak sihat, kenapa boleh bertanding PRU?
2) Kalau tak sihat, macam mana elok aje fly pergi luar negara tahun lepas di UK?
3) Walaupun Presiden acap kali ponteng sidang parlimen, kenapa tiada pun official statement dari doktor kata bila ponteng itu sebab masalah kesihatan?
Kalau betul sebab masalah kesihatan biar lah consistant.
Dengan kronologi di atas harap jangan ada lagi penyokong PAS yang boleh buat ignorance statement pasal KOS dan
kesihatan dalam penarikan balik saman SR. - f/bk wan mohd faisal wak
Masa Sarawak Report mendedahkan pemimpin Pas terima duit daripada wang 1MDB yang diselewengkan, ramai yang menyuruh Pas mengambil tindakan. Kononya dengan menyaman Sarawak Report sahaja akan mengajar Editornya Clare Rewcastle Brown erti kebenaran dan bahana membuat fitnah.
Pas pun saman dan mulai berangan akan mendapat jutaan ringgit kerana menang kes dan dibayar ganti rugi oleh Clare.
Maka para ahli dan penyokong Pas ramai-ramai angkat tangan dan bersetuju. Semua sanggup keluar wang dalam kilas, kocek baju, dari seluar dalam atau pun yang disimpan di celah dada atas bonet susu. Demi perjuangan Pas perlu ditolong bantu.
Pemimpin Umno juga tumpang setengah mangkok menyokong Pas. “Saman, Tuan Guru, nama baik Tuan Guru dan Pas perlu dibersihkan.” Begitulah hasut pemimpin Umno.
Hari ini apabila Tuan Guru telah menyedari akan “kebodohan” dan “kerugian” dengan menyelesaikan saman terhadap Sarawak Report dengan cara menyelesai di luar mahkamah, maka pemimpin Umno pun berkokok mengatakan tindakan itu sesuai dan terbaik.
Begitulah dunia politik bila setuju dan bila tidak setuju. Kalau sudah setuju, apa pun tindakan bagus dan kalau tidak setuju semua tindakan tidak kena dan diejek. Kita hanya menyaksikan kepuraan dan hipokrasi semata.- MSO
Well, this is nothing new. When one is vested with so much power it tends to get into one’s head. We see this happening with the former ruling coalition which was in power for over 61 years until a 93-year old man forced it out into the cold. That is poetic justice, so to speak.
My rambling today has nothing to do with Barisan Nasional or Najib or his corpulent wife. It has nothing to do with how Perak is being administered or why Pakatan Harapan lost in the Cameron Highlands by-election. It is about a mundane matter which affects you, me and the people around us. It is about a public utility company using its might to brow-beat or more appropriately, bully its customers. We have been on the receiving end of government service providers for far too long. All of us have our own story to relate. And the punchline is almost identical – “pay or we’ll come down hard on you”. Being powerless and without recourse to react meaningfully what options have we but to comply.
This was the dilemma faced by the management of Meru Valley EcoVillage, which is located within the Meru Valley Resort in suburban Ipoh. The upscale residential property consisted of villas, townhouses and apartments of varying sizes and specifications. Some 166 have been taken up by both locals and foreigners who are drawn by the resort-like ambience of the property.
In mid-January national power provider, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) alleged that the management had tampered with the power supply to the residential complex. This was made following an inspection of the TNB substation by its staff. A letter to the effect was sent to the management requiring them to settle the matter with TNB’s northern region office in Bukit Mertajam. Getting an appointment with the Bukit Mertajam office was a hassle in itself, but met them they did. However, the encounter was not pleasant, as the desk officers insisted that a penalty be imposed contingent to TNB Act. And based on the Act any tampering of meters, offenders will be slapped with a penalty amounting to five years back payment.
How could it be five years when Meru EcoVillage was only in existence for barely three years? Upon checking, the figure was reduced to one year but the amount was still staggering – RM70,000. Although TNB is still owing the property developer RM43,000 in excess payment, an offer to deduct the said sum from the charged amount was rejected. Meru EcoVillage has to pay the said amount, regardless of the difference.
They were damned rigid. No acceptance of early payment plus a reconnection fee by the client. The utility company insisted on cutting the electricity supply the following day and Meru EcoVillage must go through the hassle of getting a bill for payment. And once this was done only then would a receipt be issued for purpose of reconnection. The reason was obvious – to inconvenience the end-user. Period.
The amount was duly paid on the day the utility company threatened to cut supply to the complex. But payment was made under protest and was objected by the utility company. They insisted that, since payment was made, Meru EcoVillage was culpable and was complicit in the commitment of tampering. An offer to show video footage taken from the developer’s closed-circuit television was dismissed, as it was of no relevance to the issue. As the customer had made a payment it was proof that they had tampered with the meter.
Meru EcoVillage felt cheated. They were forced to fork out RM70,000 through no fault of theirs. Add the RM43,000 that they had overpaid TNB, a sum of RM113,000 has been unwittingly paid due to the action of some overzealous officers of the utility company.
And to rub salt to wound, the officer told Meru EcoVillage to use an alternative source of power supply if disconnected. They suggested a mobile generator. Fancy using such a contraption in a placid surrounding like the EcoVillage. It is not only ridiculous but out-rightly immoral.
Judging from the “altercation” the long-cherished marketing adage about customers being the king does not feature in TNB’s scheme of things. To them, as with other service providers, this well-tried threat looms large and menacing in the background. And it always works since minions like you and I do not want to tangle with a behemoth for obvious reasons. So, we meekly pay up and withdraw to a corner to cry. End of story.
Incidentally, Tenaga Nasional Berhad is the only electric utility company in Peninsular Malaysia. It is the largest publicly-listed power company in Southeast Asia with almost RM100 billion worth of assets. It serves nearly nine million customers in Peninsular Malaysia, including corporate clients like Meru EcoVillage. The states of Sabah and Sarawak have their own utility companies.
TNB’s core activities are in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Hopefully, they can exercise a little flexibility when dealing with their customers, especially those who pay big money, on time and with minimum fuss. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari

Mengenal Politik...
Masa Sarawak Report mendedahkan pemimpin Pas terima duit daripada wang 1MDB yang diselewengkan, ramai yang menyuruh Pas mengambil tindakan. Kononya dengan menyaman Sarawak Report sahaja akan mengajar Editornya Clare Rewcastle Brown erti kebenaran dan bahana membuat fitnah.
Pas pun saman dan mulai berangan akan mendapat jutaan ringgit kerana menang kes dan dibayar ganti rugi oleh Clare.
Maka para ahli dan penyokong Pas ramai-ramai angkat tangan dan bersetuju. Semua sanggup keluar wang dalam kilas, kocek baju, dari seluar dalam atau pun yang disimpan di celah dada atas bonet susu. Demi perjuangan Pas perlu ditolong bantu.
Pemimpin Umno juga tumpang setengah mangkok menyokong Pas. “Saman, Tuan Guru, nama baik Tuan Guru dan Pas perlu dibersihkan.” Begitulah hasut pemimpin Umno.
Hari ini apabila Tuan Guru telah menyedari akan “kebodohan” dan “kerugian” dengan menyelesaikan saman terhadap Sarawak Report dengan cara menyelesai di luar mahkamah, maka pemimpin Umno pun berkokok mengatakan tindakan itu sesuai dan terbaik.
Begitulah dunia politik bila setuju dan bila tidak setuju. Kalau sudah setuju, apa pun tindakan bagus dan kalau tidak setuju semua tindakan tidak kena dan diejek. Kita hanya menyaksikan kepuraan dan hipokrasi semata.- MSO
Pay Or We'll Cut Supply...
Well, this is nothing new. When one is vested with so much power it tends to get into one’s head. We see this happening with the former ruling coalition which was in power for over 61 years until a 93-year old man forced it out into the cold. That is poetic justice, so to speak.
My rambling today has nothing to do with Barisan Nasional or Najib or his corpulent wife. It has nothing to do with how Perak is being administered or why Pakatan Harapan lost in the Cameron Highlands by-election. It is about a mundane matter which affects you, me and the people around us. It is about a public utility company using its might to brow-beat or more appropriately, bully its customers. We have been on the receiving end of government service providers for far too long. All of us have our own story to relate. And the punchline is almost identical – “pay or we’ll come down hard on you”. Being powerless and without recourse to react meaningfully what options have we but to comply.
This was the dilemma faced by the management of Meru Valley EcoVillage, which is located within the Meru Valley Resort in suburban Ipoh. The upscale residential property consisted of villas, townhouses and apartments of varying sizes and specifications. Some 166 have been taken up by both locals and foreigners who are drawn by the resort-like ambience of the property.
In mid-January national power provider, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) alleged that the management had tampered with the power supply to the residential complex. This was made following an inspection of the TNB substation by its staff. A letter to the effect was sent to the management requiring them to settle the matter with TNB’s northern region office in Bukit Mertajam. Getting an appointment with the Bukit Mertajam office was a hassle in itself, but met them they did. However, the encounter was not pleasant, as the desk officers insisted that a penalty be imposed contingent to TNB Act. And based on the Act any tampering of meters, offenders will be slapped with a penalty amounting to five years back payment.
How could it be five years when Meru EcoVillage was only in existence for barely three years? Upon checking, the figure was reduced to one year but the amount was still staggering – RM70,000. Although TNB is still owing the property developer RM43,000 in excess payment, an offer to deduct the said sum from the charged amount was rejected. Meru EcoVillage has to pay the said amount, regardless of the difference.

They were damned rigid. No acceptance of early payment plus a reconnection fee by the client. The utility company insisted on cutting the electricity supply the following day and Meru EcoVillage must go through the hassle of getting a bill for payment. And once this was done only then would a receipt be issued for purpose of reconnection. The reason was obvious – to inconvenience the end-user. Period.
Meru EcoVillage felt cheated. They were forced to fork out RM70,000 through no fault of theirs. Add the RM43,000 that they had overpaid TNB, a sum of RM113,000 has been unwittingly paid due to the action of some overzealous officers of the utility company.
And to rub salt to wound, the officer told Meru EcoVillage to use an alternative source of power supply if disconnected. They suggested a mobile generator. Fancy using such a contraption in a placid surrounding like the EcoVillage. It is not only ridiculous but out-rightly immoral.
Judging from the “altercation” the long-cherished marketing adage about customers being the king does not feature in TNB’s scheme of things. To them, as with other service providers, this well-tried threat looms large and menacing in the background. And it always works since minions like you and I do not want to tangle with a behemoth for obvious reasons. So, we meekly pay up and withdraw to a corner to cry. End of story.
Incidentally, Tenaga Nasional Berhad is the only electric utility company in Peninsular Malaysia. It is the largest publicly-listed power company in Southeast Asia with almost RM100 billion worth of assets. It serves nearly nine million customers in Peninsular Malaysia, including corporate clients like Meru EcoVillage. The states of Sabah and Sarawak have their own utility companies.
TNB’s core activities are in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Hopefully, they can exercise a little flexibility when dealing with their customers, especially those who pay big money, on time and with minimum fuss. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari
