Mereka yang tidak senang dengan Anwar Ibrahim atas berbagai sebab dengan mudah mengatakan dan membawa cerita yang Dr Mahathir Mohamad sayangkan Azmin Ali. Dibuat bebagai perkiraan, kononnya Azmin orang yang berada dekat bahkan dalam hati Dr Mahathir bukannya orang lain?
Dalam hal ini, tentulah ditundingkan kepada Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar digambarkan berada jauh dengan Dr Mahathir dan dalam masa sama dikesampingkan.
Diambil kemasukan Azmin dalam kabinet Dr Mahathir sebagai alasan. Hujah mudah, jika Dr Mahathir tidak mahukan Azmin atau kalau bukan ada mengada, masakan Azmin di tarik ke Putrajaya. Kisah burung tempua dijadikan pantulan.
Sekali pandang kejadian itu menampakkan keadaan yang kita lihat begitu. Tetapi jarang pula orang berfikir dari aspek lain. Tidak mudah untuk mengatakan Dr Mahathir ada agenda untuk mengkesampingkan Anwar. Orang yang bencikan Anwar akan membuat kesimpulan begitu dengan berbagai tokok tambahnya.

Dr Mahathir mahukan seseorang yang ada pengalaman untuk diletak di kementerian itu. Dalam hal ini, Azmin lah yang ada, seperti mana Guan Eng untuk kementerian kewangan. Hanya mereka berdua ada pengalaman pernah memimpin kerajaan. Jarang orang cuba menganalisa hakikat ini.
Mengenai gambaran Dr Mahathir mahukan Azmin menjadi PM, ia jauh panggang dari api. Dr. Mahathir tentu membuat perhitungan rapi kepada doa-doa orang tertentu mengenai hal itu. Dalam PH ada Majlis Presiden.
Dr Mahathir bukan Presiden yang memiliki kuasa penuh yang boleh menunjukkan kemahuannya secara diktator. Majlis Presiden lebih berkuasa daripada kehendak peribadi seorang Perdana Menteri. Dr Mahathir, kuasanya masih terbatas dan dikawal oleh majlis itu.

Jadi berdasarkan hujah dan alasan ini, Azmin kononnya menjadi pilihan Dr Mahathir untuk jadi PM menggantinya hanya satu igauan dan imiginasi syok sendiri. Satu usikan nakal untuk mencemaskan Anwar. Sebab itu saya kata, suka atau tidak, benci atau sayang, PM selepas Dr Mahathir adalah Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar jadi PM kehendak rakyat, kehendak rakyat tidak boleh ditolak.
Jika Anwar PM, timbalannya paling sesuai adalah Muhyiddin Yassin. Gabungan Anwar - Muhyiddin bakal membuka lembaran baru dalam kancah politik dan pentadbiran Malaysia. AM - Malaysia Aman. - MSO

Serangan anjing gila serlahkan politik macai PKR yang bertopengkan politik matang...
Apabila anjing peliharaan yang berpenyakit anjing gila dihantar oleh tuan mereka untuk menjadi pelacur politik, sebenarnya ia mencerminkan budaya politik jijik yang melahirkan watak-watak ini. Salakan Zuraida Kamaruddin yang berterusan hingga ke halaman Utusan Malaysia adalah salah satu daripada perlakuan politik jelek.
Pada dasarnya, dia menuntut perlantikan mengikuti keputusan pemilihan parti agar parti menjadi lebih demoktratik sedangkan dengan tidak secara langsung dia telah mengkritik dan mempersoalkan secara terbuka hak prerogatif presidennya sebagaimana termaktub dalam perlembagaan parti.
Begitu dangkal dan naif! Apa falsafah politik yang diamalkan sebenarnya? Mungkin inilah hasil dari Sekolah Politik Anak Abu dicampur dengan politik kiasu yang dipelajarinya di Singapura, tempat dia membesar dan bersekolah?
Jika andaian itu satu kebenaran maka tidak perlulah kuasa diperuntukkan kepada presiden untuk buat perlantikan. Perlembagaan parti patutnya beri kuasa lantikan kepada Presiden ikut formula pakar matematik. Tetapi sebenarnya semua ahli telah ambil maklum bahawa Presiden yang akan dipilih mempunyai kuasa yang selaras dengan kedudukannya sebagai Presiden.
Ini adalah ruang yang diperuntukkan bagi Presiden menggunakan kebijaksanaannya untuk melantik sesiapa yang dirasakan perlu demi maslahat yang lebih besar buat parti. Semua orang yang faham politik tahu akan hakikat ini. Itulah sebabnya Dr Mahathir melantik Waythaya Moorthy yang tidak mempunyai parti atau parti yang tidak mengganggotai PH dan Liew Chin Tong yang kalah dalam pilihanraya dilantik menganggotai kabinetnya tanpa soal.

Kenapa tak ada salakan anjing gila terhadap lantikan mereka berdua itu? Dari kem Najib pun tak ada? Ia adalah P-R-E-R-O-G-A-T-I-F Tun Dr Mahathir. Sila ulang ungkapan ini, wahai gadisku!
Dari sudut politik, ia bermakna bahawa dia boleh melantik sesiapa sahaja yang difikirkannya layak. Atau adakah kita akan mempersoalkan PM-PM yang lalu atau lantikan presiden Majlis Tertinggi Umno ke Dewan Negara, hanya kerana kita nak menyekolahkan menteri ini?
Ia sebenarnya sangat asas, dan untuk mempersoalkannya, akan mendedahkan kelemahan dan kejumudan politik seseorang. Tetapi malangnya, anjing gila itu dihantar hanya untuk menyalak menjadi abdi suruhan tuannya dan bukan hasil analisis pemikiran politik yang mendalam.
Kenapa seorang menteri meletakkan dirinya menjadi abdi begitu rendah untuk menyerang pemimpinnya sendiri di khalayak ramai? Adakah ia nak memaparkan kepada seseorang tertentu bahawa kemelut dan permusuhan masih wujud dan kem-kem yang berseteru masih ada walaupun pihak yang bertanding telah bersalaman dan berpelukan ketika Kongres Tahunan yang lalu? Pastinya imej parti tercalar di mata rakyat!
Semasa saya membesar dalam tahun lima puluhan, ramai isteri orang kampung yang tinggal di barak buatan British ketika zaman Darurat mempunyai perangai suka bertengkar dan berkelahi antara satu sama lain, sehingga ada di antara mereka suka mengangkat kain sarung mereka.

Anak-anak memanggilnya "Selak-selak". Bagaimana mendedahkan alat kelamin sendiri kepada orang lain adalah cara membuktikan hujah dan kononnya ia adalah kebenaran. Zuraida mungkin memiliki jawapan dari contoh yang saya berikan itu.
Singapura mempunyai banyak barak-barak seperti itu. Kami memanggilnya, "perangai budak barak" seperti yang dipamerkan oleh Zuraidah. Menteri ini mungkin merupakan salah seorang daripada mereka yang mendapat maklumat dalaman bahawa baton tidak akan diserahkan kepada presidennya. Jika tidak, kenapa dia melepaskan geram dan mengherdik PM menanti.
Justeru bagi watak yang berkepentingan ini, perlumbaan untuk menjadi ketua macai kepada PM alternatif telah bermula. Seolah-olah politik peribadi mengatasi integriti parti. Kelebihan baginya adalah bahawa dia mempunyai pesaing yang memiliki taraf dan kelas yang lebih tinggi darinya dalam pertempuran sebelumnya. Janganlah jadi seperti Najib dengan cerita nenek kebayannya di Facebook.
Jika peraturan parti tidak dapat dipertahankan, kenapa dia tidak tinggalkan parti itu! Kecuali melainkan itulah perancangan dan matlamatnya. - Umar Mukhtar
Apa hak pengguna...
The “Mamak” Who Disguised As
A Good Muslim To Steal, Loot and Plunder...
A Good Muslim To Steal, Loot and Plunder...
Malays, Islam and Monarchy are strongly guarded and enshrined in the Constitution.
In reality, the minority non-Muslims couldn’t care less about the Malays or Bumiputera (son of the soil), as long as they do not force their extreme, radical and racist belief or policies on the minorities. The real enemies of Malay Muslims are not the ethnic Chinese or ethnic Indian but rather the fake Malay Muslims who have infiltrated into the system and take advantage of the racism policies.
We’re talking about people like Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, whose ancestors came from India and landed in Malaya (modern day Malaysia) by boat, the same way Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s ancestors originated from Kerala did. In fact, due to his South Indian descent, Abdul Azeez speaks fluent Tamil in addition to Malay. But being proud of his roots can only bring him so far.
Fortunately for Abdul Azeez, the Federal Constitution defines a Malay as a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, and who conforms to Malay customs. So, Mr. Azeez transforms himself as a Malay and enjoys all the perks and privileges as if he is a genuine Malay, when in fact he’s just a “Mamak” (Indian Muslim).
There’s nothing wrong with Mamaks. After all, they make the best “teh tarik” and “roti canai” money can buy. However, a Mamak like Abdul Azeez, who disguised as a good Muslim had been scamming the real Malay Muslims for as long as one can remember, until the downfall of the extremely corrupted and racist UMNO party, of which he is the supreme council member.
On Tuesday, Abdul Azeez Rahim and his brother Abdul Latiff Abdul Rahim were arrested and will be brought to court to face charges the following day (Wednesday, Jan 16). Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigators revealed that both the Baling MP and Abdul Latif were arrested in connection with investigations into graft and money-laundering.
Apparently, the Malay Muslim wannabes has been slapped with 12 charges of corruption and money laundering amounting to a staggering RM144.5 million – more than former Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s 45 charges of CBT (criminal breach of trust) and money laundering involving RM114 million.
This is not the first time Abdul Azeez has been arrested though? In May last year, the same month Najib regime stunningly lost power, the anti-corruption agency raided and seized RM500,000 in cash of various currencies from Azeez’s home as part of an investigation into the appointment of contractors for Tabung Haji (Hajj Pilgrims Fund) projects.
In September the same year, Azeez and his brother Latif were arrested after being called in for questioning over allegations of soliciting bribes. After his 10-day MACC remand ended, Azeez’s release saw the arrest of his own son on the same day, also on allegations of corruption and money laundering. It seems the family of Abdul Azeez, like ex-PM Najib Razak, were crooks after all.
Yes, Abdul Azeez was one of the UMNO crooks who tried very hard to be more Malay than the original ethnic Malay and more Muslim than the Arabs in the Middle East. Like Michael Jackson, who had wanted to be transform himself into a white man, this UMNO warlord was fabulously offended when he was called “thambi” (younger brother in Tamil) or “mamak”.
His desire to become a Malay Muslim was so strong that he chose to prove it by mocking and insulting the non-Muslims. He told an opposition Member of Parliament of Chinese ethnicity in 2015 to “balik tongsan” (go back to China). His outburst was both racist and derogatory; although it was hilarious coming from the mouth of someone whose forefathers came from Southern India.
To project his image as a good Muslim, he had done a marvellous job as the champion of the Palestinians, so much so he was appointed honorary ambassador for Palestine in 2012. That was why when his houses were raided by the anti-corruption officers, he conveniently claimed the RM500,000 seized was to finance a mission to Gaza, Palestine.
Unlike the Chinese, however, 52-year-old Abdul Azeez feels deplorable of his roots with regard to ethnicity and ancestry. At least Mahathir Mohamad is open about his ancestry, acknowledging it could be traced to Kerala in India. But if Azeez could even claim to possess a Master in Business Administration degree from the unrecognised Preston University, USA, he has no shame at all.
Under the previous Najib administration, bootlicker Azeez became a director of Tabung Haji (Hajj Pilgrims Fund) in 2011. After his election to Parliament in 2013, he became Tabung Haji’s chairman. It was like inviting the wolf to take good care of the sheep. The crook, together with former CEOs Ismee Ismail and Johan Abdullah, happily plundered the Hajj pilgrims’ money.
According to Singapore “The Sunday Times”, the hard-earned savings fund for Muslims to perform the mandatory hajj pilgrimage should have RM64 billion in assets, but has been found to be short of RM4 billion in deposits in 2016. The Tabung Haji management had also “faked 2017’s accounts to justify its dividend payout” of up to 6.25% just before the May 9 elections.
Interestingly, the pilgrim’s fund was used to bailout 1MDB when it was revealed that Tabung Haji, under the same leadership of Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, had agreed to buy one piece of land in TRX (Tun Razak Exchange) to develop a 40-storey serviced apartment block at a hugely inflated price – RM188.5 million when the one and a half acres land cost only RM4.15 million.
Among the UMNO warlords, Mr. Azeez was on top of the food chain, given tons of government projects and contracts of gigantic size. He was so powerful and greedy that Chief Secretary Ali Hamsa, Treasury Secretary-General Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah and even the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) were in his pocket.
Known as the “King of Mamak Gang” in the previous administration, all the roads and sewerage systems worth above RM100 million practically had his fingerprints. Even UMNO warlords had complained why the procurement of fire trucks and ambulances were awarded to Azeez Rahim on a silver platter. The crook essentially controlled all the secretaries of every government agency.
With access to unlimited funds under the Najib regime, Azeez was the man the former disgraced prime minister would approach to fix problems. As the fixer from the North, the former Tabung Haji chairman SOP would call and offer bribes to close cases – from lucky draws to buy voters to giving hard cold cash to minister to close the infamous 1MDB scandal investigation. - FT
In reality, the minority non-Muslims couldn’t care less about the Malays or Bumiputera (son of the soil), as long as they do not force their extreme, radical and racist belief or policies on the minorities. The real enemies of Malay Muslims are not the ethnic Chinese or ethnic Indian but rather the fake Malay Muslims who have infiltrated into the system and take advantage of the racism policies.
We’re talking about people like Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, whose ancestors came from India and landed in Malaya (modern day Malaysia) by boat, the same way Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s ancestors originated from Kerala did. In fact, due to his South Indian descent, Abdul Azeez speaks fluent Tamil in addition to Malay. But being proud of his roots can only bring him so far.
Fortunately for Abdul Azeez, the Federal Constitution defines a Malay as a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, and who conforms to Malay customs. So, Mr. Azeez transforms himself as a Malay and enjoys all the perks and privileges as if he is a genuine Malay, when in fact he’s just a “Mamak” (Indian Muslim).
There’s nothing wrong with Mamaks. After all, they make the best “teh tarik” and “roti canai” money can buy. However, a Mamak like Abdul Azeez, who disguised as a good Muslim had been scamming the real Malay Muslims for as long as one can remember, until the downfall of the extremely corrupted and racist UMNO party, of which he is the supreme council member.
On Tuesday, Abdul Azeez Rahim and his brother Abdul Latiff Abdul Rahim were arrested and will be brought to court to face charges the following day (Wednesday, Jan 16). Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigators revealed that both the Baling MP and Abdul Latif were arrested in connection with investigations into graft and money-laundering.
Apparently, the Malay Muslim wannabes has been slapped with 12 charges of corruption and money laundering amounting to a staggering RM144.5 million – more than former Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s 45 charges of CBT (criminal breach of trust) and money laundering involving RM114 million.
This is not the first time Abdul Azeez has been arrested though? In May last year, the same month Najib regime stunningly lost power, the anti-corruption agency raided and seized RM500,000 in cash of various currencies from Azeez’s home as part of an investigation into the appointment of contractors for Tabung Haji (Hajj Pilgrims Fund) projects.
In September the same year, Azeez and his brother Latif were arrested after being called in for questioning over allegations of soliciting bribes. After his 10-day MACC remand ended, Azeez’s release saw the arrest of his own son on the same day, also on allegations of corruption and money laundering. It seems the family of Abdul Azeez, like ex-PM Najib Razak, were crooks after all.
Yes, Abdul Azeez was one of the UMNO crooks who tried very hard to be more Malay than the original ethnic Malay and more Muslim than the Arabs in the Middle East. Like Michael Jackson, who had wanted to be transform himself into a white man, this UMNO warlord was fabulously offended when he was called “thambi” (younger brother in Tamil) or “mamak”.
His desire to become a Malay Muslim was so strong that he chose to prove it by mocking and insulting the non-Muslims. He told an opposition Member of Parliament of Chinese ethnicity in 2015 to “balik tongsan” (go back to China). His outburst was both racist and derogatory; although it was hilarious coming from the mouth of someone whose forefathers came from Southern India.
To project his image as a good Muslim, he had done a marvellous job as the champion of the Palestinians, so much so he was appointed honorary ambassador for Palestine in 2012. That was why when his houses were raided by the anti-corruption officers, he conveniently claimed the RM500,000 seized was to finance a mission to Gaza, Palestine.
Unlike the Chinese, however, 52-year-old Abdul Azeez feels deplorable of his roots with regard to ethnicity and ancestry. At least Mahathir Mohamad is open about his ancestry, acknowledging it could be traced to Kerala in India. But if Azeez could even claim to possess a Master in Business Administration degree from the unrecognised Preston University, USA, he has no shame at all.

Under the previous Najib administration, bootlicker Azeez became a director of Tabung Haji (Hajj Pilgrims Fund) in 2011. After his election to Parliament in 2013, he became Tabung Haji’s chairman. It was like inviting the wolf to take good care of the sheep. The crook, together with former CEOs Ismee Ismail and Johan Abdullah, happily plundered the Hajj pilgrims’ money.
According to Singapore “The Sunday Times”, the hard-earned savings fund for Muslims to perform the mandatory hajj pilgrimage should have RM64 billion in assets, but has been found to be short of RM4 billion in deposits in 2016. The Tabung Haji management had also “faked 2017’s accounts to justify its dividend payout” of up to 6.25% just before the May 9 elections.
Interestingly, the pilgrim’s fund was used to bailout 1MDB when it was revealed that Tabung Haji, under the same leadership of Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, had agreed to buy one piece of land in TRX (Tun Razak Exchange) to develop a 40-storey serviced apartment block at a hugely inflated price – RM188.5 million when the one and a half acres land cost only RM4.15 million.
Among the UMNO warlords, Mr. Azeez was on top of the food chain, given tons of government projects and contracts of gigantic size. He was so powerful and greedy that Chief Secretary Ali Hamsa, Treasury Secretary-General Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah and even the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) were in his pocket.
Known as the “King of Mamak Gang” in the previous administration, all the roads and sewerage systems worth above RM100 million practically had his fingerprints. Even UMNO warlords had complained why the procurement of fire trucks and ambulances were awarded to Azeez Rahim on a silver platter. The crook essentially controlled all the secretaries of every government agency.
With access to unlimited funds under the Najib regime, Azeez was the man the former disgraced prime minister would approach to fix problems. As the fixer from the North, the former Tabung Haji chairman SOP would call and offer bribes to close cases – from lucky draws to buy voters to giving hard cold cash to minister to close the infamous 1MDB scandal investigation. - FT

Even the hardcore criminals were invited.