Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Adios UMNOOOO...

Najib sebak mengalir airmata kesedihan, hilang kuasa, dibebani bala buatan sendiri, dan UMNO, dulunya menjadi kuda pondan pacuannya, bakal hilang riwayatnya sebelum akhir tahun ini. Tahun 2018 bersejarah. UMNOI/BN ditendang rakyat dari Putrajaya pada PRU 14, Tun M, mantan PM selama 22 tahun kembali menjadi PM kali kedua pada usia 92 tahun, dan, tak lama lagi, UMNO akan kulluhum pula.

Mereka yang menjerit separuh sasau Melayu, islam dan Raja menipu rakyat pada PRU 14 menjadi pandir bila hilang kuasa. Mereka menjadi semakin mabuk menjadi pandir bila memberi tepukan gemuruh pada mantan presiden UMNO yang bergelar maharaja perompak kelas cakrawala pada PAU. Nampaknya mereka tidak insaf dan muasabah dari kekalahan parti mereka.

Besar kemungkinan bala lebih besar akan menimpa UMNO sebelum berakhir tahun bersejarah ini. Harta UMNO bernilai berbilion ringgit. Mungkin ada penyanyak sedang merancang bagaimana hendak merompak harta UMNO pula. Nampaknya Zahid Hamidi pun terkebil-kebil seperti cicak makan kapur melihat kepimpinannya tidak dipedulikan, dan besar kemungkinan, akan berlaku rompak-merompak harta UMNO di kalangan para pemimpin yang berjiwa perompak.

Jangan ingat para perompak mudah merompak sebab sebahagian besar para pemimpin UMNO akan diheret ke mahkamah kelak atas tuduhan korupsi, salahguna kuasa, pengubahan wang haram, pecah amanah dan lain-lain lagi. Kalau mereka didapati bersalah dan dipenjara berpuluh tahun segala harta haram milik mereka dan keluarga akan dirampas sebagai harta negara. Kerajaan boleh bertindak membekukan harta UMNO oleh kerana UMNO dan para pemimpinnya terlibat dalam skandal 1MDB, korupsi, salahguna kuasa, pecah amanah dan sebagainya.

UMNO yang 61 tahun sebagai parti pemerintah akhirnya terkubur akibat penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh Najib Razak dan para badut yg menguasai UMNO/BN. Sebenarnya Najib membunuh UMNO kerana tidak menunaikan syarat pemilihan pucuk pimpinan parti sekali dalam tiga tahun. Nampaknya Najib bukan saja menjadi maharaja perompak kelas cakrawala akibat skandal 1MDB tetapi dia juga bertanggungjawab membunuh UMNO dan menyebabkan kehilangan kuasa. Anak Tun Razak ini bukan saja mencemarkan keturunan Tun Razak yang berasal dari Bugis tetapi dia juga menjadi kaldai tunggangan bininya, Rosmah Mansor, pencinta bomoh dan sami, beg Berkin, intan berlian bernilai berpuluh juta dolar. Sekarang suami isteri menunggu masa untuk pindah kediaman di Sg Buloh dan Kajang kelak.

Berjuta ahli UMNO yang menjadi mangsa kerakusan para pemimpin mereka perlu mencari parti lain untuk berteduh. meneruskan perjuangan yang diberkati Allah. Jangan harap budaya korup UMNO akan berlanjutan dalam PH. Ingat hari ini RAKYAT YANG BERKUASA, BUKAN PARTI POLITIK, BUKAN ULAR DALAM SEMAK, BUKAN ISTANA. Jangan cuba mengkhianati perjuangan dan aspirasi RAKYAT dalam PH. Sekali air bah sekali pasir berubah. UMNO pocik. Berhijrahlah ke PH untuk meneruskan perjuangan anda menurut budaya politik PH pula. - Yahaya Ismail

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Rosmah cipta rekod...

Isteri bekas PM Rosmah Mansor telah ditahan oleh SPRM petang ini dan dijangka akan didakwa esok. Berita ini tidak mengejutkan lagi kerana sebelum ini beliau sudah berulang alih ke ibu pejabat SPRM dipanggil memberi keterangan dan disiasat.

Kesalahan yang dibayangkan dilakukan Rosmah mungkin banyak dan tidak terduga. Jika beliau kena menghadapi takdir itu, itulah sewajarnya. Setiap orang melakukan kesalahan mengikut undang2 negara dan Tuhan perlu menjalani hukuman setimpal. Tiadak ada siapa dikecualikan.

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Sejauh mana dan apa kesalahannya masih belum dipastikan. Perbicaraan masih belum dijalankan.

Bagaimana pun takdir yang menimpa Rosmah itu perlulah diambil iktibar oleh semua orang khususnya mereka yang memiliki kuasa. Hanya mereka sedemikian sahaja berpotensi melakukan salah guna dan penyelewengan.

Apa yang menimpa Rosmah adalah sejarah buat negara kita. Belum pernah ada isteri bekas Perdana Menteri negara ini melalui jalan yang dilalui Rosmah. Beliau mencipta sejarah juga mencipta kecemaran kepada negara, sebagai seorang perempuan yang dianggap nombor satu negara. - MSO

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Selepas Najib Razak yang setakat ini sudah berdepan dengan 32 pertuduhan di mahkamah, kini isterinya, Rosmah Mansor pula menerima nasib yang sama.

Ketika hadir memberi keterangan di Bangunan SPRM Putrajaya sejak pagi, pada jam 3.20 petang tadi, Rosmah ditahan oleh agensi anti rasuah itu.

Ini bermakna beliau akan bermalam di Bangunan SPRM pada malam ini sebelum dibawa ke mahkamah pagi esok untuk menghadapi pertuduhan.

Turut sedang ditahan di lokap SPRM ketika ini ialah Ahli Parlimen Baling, Abdul Azeez Rahim yang tahanan reman 10 harinya akan berakhir pada 5 Oktober.

Menurut laporan media, sekurang-kurangnya 15 pertuduhan berkaitan penggubahan wang haram bakal dikenakan kepadanya di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur esok.

Sebagaimana Najib yang merupakan bekas Perdana Menteri pertama dalam sejarah negara didakwa di mahkamah, Rosmah juga mencatat sejarah sebagai isteri bekas Perdana Menteri yang pertama didakwa di mahkamah. - f/bk

Najib, Azzeez, Shafee all a done deal. And now literally and physically the biggest fish among them all…FLOM.  How much better can it get? What about Nazri Aziz and Shahrizat? Don’t worry too much about Zahid…he will go in to…it is just a matter of when. And once they are done with the politicians they can start bringing the KSU’s in….and that Irwan Seregar guy should be the first to be paraded in cuffs! Yep this guy below! - steadyaku47

Tan Sri Irwan Serigar dancing after being removed from office

Hello "Puteri Transformasi" Spending RM 1 million for beauty products which obviously didnt work on your mother, and RM 3 million for flowers on your wedding day...that’s going too far my dear...

The troublemakers of Port Dickson...

 I never thought I would hear Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's name again, the man the late Karpal Singh branded a liar. In the Sodomy II trial, Karpal did not accept a single cent from Anwar Ibrahim as his defence lawyer because he believed that Saiful and the BN cohort behind him were orchestrating a grand conspiracy.

In the trial, Saiful contradicted himself multiple times, made numerous inconsistent statements, and had given rise to grave doubts against the prosecution’s allegations. Despite being a college dropout, Saiful could breeze through the then-deputy prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s house before the incident willy-nilly, and get in touch with the top police of the country with ease. And now he's running against Anwar in Port Dickson.

The only other candidate of note is former Negeri Sembilan menteri besar Mohd Isa Abdul Samad, whose tenure as Felda chairperson saw the company bleeding money at the expense of rural poor settlers.

The candidates standing against Anwar have two things in common. One, they are launching an anti-Anwar hate campaign targeting his character. Two, they are taking this by-election as an opportunity to
obtain 14 days personal glory in the guise of democracy.

On the face of it, the seven-cornered fight could be seen as a celebration of democracy. But while democracy means defending your fellow citizen’s right to contest at the by-election, it doesn’t necessarily follow that you must support them. This is because the opposition against Anwar in this particular by-election is fraught with the two elements: hatred and opportunism. All in the guise of 'democracy'.


They say that Anwar’s decision to contest in the Port Dickson by-election is undemocratic because voters are being betrayed. They say people did not vote Pakatan Harapan in to see this; that this was a severing the people’s trust. But this argument is unsustainable. The democratic impulse is not forgone.

One, the people of Port Dickson are not deprived of the most fundamental democratic component: choice. Democracy is only ruined if incumbent Danyal Balagopal Abdullah switched places with Anwar without an election, and Anwar is appointed MP internally without the consent of the people. Here, there is an election, there is a choice.

Two, Danyal was not coerced into any arrangements beyond his preference. He stated many times his decision was voluntary.

Three, even if we assume that this was undemocratic under normal circumstances, Anwar’s situation is highly exceptional. The key event was the conspiratorial, politically-motivated imprisonment that suspended democracy in 2015.

By saying Anwar cannot contest now in the false name of democracy is to give power, validity, and recognition to the undemocratic practice of jailing him and preventing him from running in the first place. 


They say their opposition against Anwar in Port Dickson is a sign of protest. They say Anwar should have contested in Pandan or Permatang Pauh to take the place of Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail or Nurul Izzah Anwar. But the claim of nepotism is valid only when the person could not have obtained the position without the favour of family or relatives.

In this case, we can all agree that individually and collectively, the Anwar family won most of what they have now on their own merits. You can call her a seat-warmer, but Wan Azizah has helped make PKR the largest party in the country in terms of representation in Parliament. 

Nurul Izzah has also long walked out of her father’s shadow into becoming one of the most intelligent, eloquent, and progressive politicians Malaysia has in her own right. Her rejection of a ministerial post she was more than qualified for is testament to her resolve to separate family from power.

Collectively, however, they are also made examples of with the usual shiftless claims of nepotism. The family of Lim Kit Siang, with Guan Eng, and Hui Ying, and the family of Karpal, with Gobind Singh, Ramkarpal Singh, Jagdeep Singh and Sangeet Kaur, are no different.

There is a struggle behind their participation in politics that cannot be simply dismissed by idle claims of nepotism. We must bear in mind that these families have seen their forbears go through jail, vilification, and failure in the name of the struggle.

Their initial participation was not in the hope of power and glory – there was, at the time, none to be had – but it was forced against the unsettling face of injustice. If we observe it this way, we would no longer see them as a burden, but an addition to our collective consciousness infused with righteousness and honest conviction.


They say Anwar is too impatient, that he should have waited two years. And in any case, he is too untrustworthy to become prime minister since he is too cosy with Umno lawmakers. But this argument is unsubstantiated. Anwar and Mahathir have repeated a million times that Mahathir will remain prime minister only for two years from May 2018, and Anwar will be his one and only successor.

Anwar has repeated time and again that he will adhere to the succession plan and provide support and room for the latter to govern. Besides, if everyone already expects Anwar to assume the premiership at two years, a by-election is required in any event.

The claim of impatience is in actuality informed by a personal hatred for Anwar. They think that Anwar cannot be prime minister because he is untrustworthy. However, there is no basis to substantiate how, why, and when Anwar has shown signs of betrayal.

It was Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi himself who said he didn’t meet Anwar, but instead met Mahathir twice. It was Anwar himself that said a unity government with Umno is not in the works. It was the people who relied on the backs of a Reformasi machinery that promised to pardon Anwar and making him the eighth prime minister that saw BN deposed for the first time. And now of course, like his whole life, there are many who will embark on variegated tactics to stop Anwar in his tracks. Even when Anwar had not done anything to warrant such treatment.

My guess is that these are planned by troublemakers intent on splitting apart the Harapan government. You do this by making sure the Mahathir-Anwar succession is broken. You do this by making sure Anwar doesn’t win the by-election. And you do this by standing against him. Throw the government into instability, and voters will start to distrust a government who cannot fulfil their promises.

I may be proven wrong. Maybe some of the candidates in Port Dickson are sincere in their desire to serve the constituents and can make good MPs. But as things stand, it is hard to see anything else but an opportunistic, orchestrated hate campaign against Anwar. - James Chai

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4 Tan Sri ni dah kena blacklist dari keluar Negara. Nak pergi Dannok pun tak lepas. Yang paling untung tentulah Irwan SERIGALA. Billion dapat collect untuk Najib. Yang 3 ekor lagi tu dapat DEDAK saja sebab tukang COVER abang Jib...

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