Selepas spekulasi Tian Chua keluar parti tidak menjadi kenyataan, Otai Reformis pula tampil membidas Ketua Wanita Zudaida Kamaruddin, Timbalan Presiden Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, dan pasukan 'Kartel'.
“Pemilihan calon bagi DUN negeri dan parlimen yang diputuskan oleh presiden parti tidak perlu dipertikaikan lagi, khususnya dari kumpulan pendesak ketua wanita dan pasukan timbalan presiden yang dilabelkan Kartel.
“Otai Reformis 1998 dan aktivis-aktivis parti PKR menentang keras ugutan dan penentangan terhadap keputusan presiden.
“Dasar pemilihan calon telah ditetapkan KPI yang digariskan telah diambil kira serta pengorbanan calon pada tahun tahun sebelumnya diambil kira,” kata setiausaha kumpulan veteran aktivis reformasi 1998 itu, Shaiful Ariffin.
Dalam kenyataan petang ini, Shaiful berkata Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Ismail telah membenarkan semua saluran sedia ada untuk mengemukakan senarai calon.
“Fakta fakta calon disaring ,disemak uji, diverifikasi dan diberi penilaiaan seadil-adilnya oleh jawatankuasa pemilihan maka tidak Perlu adanya tentangan atau ugutan di peringkat ini.
“Politik itu murni jika kita mengikhlaskan tindakan kita kerana Allah, bangsa dan negara,” katanya.

Sementara itu, ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini, Shaiful mengesahkan istilah 'Kartel' itu merujuk kepada Azmin dan Zuraida.
Diminta menjelaskan maksud ugutan itu, Shaiful menjelaskan terdapat ugutan peribadi yang tidak perlu dijelaskan.
“Nampaknya ada ugutan nak keluar parti, tapi saya dengar ada rumours daripada Tian Chua, tapi saya tengok kenyataan media tak sebegitu.
“Ada ugutan peribadi yang tak payah payah dimaklumkan. Biasalah ada ugutan keluar parti.
“Ada yang nak boikot,” katanya.
Ditanya berkaitan pertemuan Zuraida dan Azizah, Shaiful berkata terdapat perbincangan ringkas tetapi belum jelas apa isinya. - mk

Time running out
as delegation fails
A delegation led by Selangor PKR deputy chief Zuraida Kamaruddin to see PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail this morning on the disputed candidate list for Selangor failed to yield results, leaving the party with less than 24 hours for a resolution.
The candidate list is expected to be announced at a Pakatan Harapan gathering at the Kuala Selangor stadium tomorrow night.
Selangor PKR lawmaker Hee Loy Sian said during the state leadership's meeting with Wan Azizah at her home in Segambut this morning, the PKR president had sought to "confirm" some names.
"Some were new candidates, the president wanted to know their background," he said.
The delegation came amid complaints from within PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's circles that Wan Azizah had decided to drop several candidates proposed by Selangor PKR. Azmin is also the Selangor PKR chief.
Hee, who is the incumbent Petaling Jaya Selatan MP, said Azmin did not personally go to see Wan Azizah as he was in Penang.
However, he said Azmin will personally meet Wan Azizah soon. The meeting is expected to take place tomorrow.
Asked how did Wan Azizah react to the candidate list proposed by Selangor PKR, Hee said: "She neither say okay or not okay".
"She will finalise the list with Azmin as soon as possible," he said.
Hee also brushed aside concerns that time was running out, claiming that the official candidate list does not necessarily have to be announced tomorrow.
"Who said there will be an announcement tomorrow? Only you said it," he said.
Pressed on when the list can be formalised and announced, he added: "You will need to ask the president, I cannot answer that.
"Hopefully by tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or two days later. But it would not be later than 25th," he said.
Nomination day for the 14th general election is fixed on April 28 while polling day will be on May 9. - mk
to strike deal with Wan Azizah...
The candidate list is expected to be announced at a Pakatan Harapan gathering at the Kuala Selangor stadium tomorrow night.
Selangor PKR lawmaker Hee Loy Sian said during the state leadership's meeting with Wan Azizah at her home in Segambut this morning, the PKR president had sought to "confirm" some names.
"Some were new candidates, the president wanted to know their background," he said.
The delegation came amid complaints from within PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's circles that Wan Azizah had decided to drop several candidates proposed by Selangor PKR. Azmin is also the Selangor PKR chief.
Hee, who is the incumbent Petaling Jaya Selatan MP, said Azmin did not personally go to see Wan Azizah as he was in Penang.
However, he said Azmin will personally meet Wan Azizah soon. The meeting is expected to take place tomorrow.
Asked how did Wan Azizah react to the candidate list proposed by Selangor PKR, Hee said: "She neither say okay or not okay".
"She will finalise the list with Azmin as soon as possible," he said.
Hee also brushed aside concerns that time was running out, claiming that the official candidate list does not necessarily have to be announced tomorrow.
"Who said there will be an announcement tomorrow? Only you said it," he said.
Pressed on when the list can be formalised and announced, he added: "You will need to ask the president, I cannot answer that.
"Hopefully by tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or two days later. But it would not be later than 25th," he said.
Nomination day for the 14th general election is fixed on April 28 while polling day will be on May 9. - mk
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