Usul pindaan persempadanan kawasan pilihan raya yang dibawa oleh Perdana Menteri Najib Razak di parlimen hari ini akhirnya diluluskan dengan undi belah bahagi, 80 menolak 129 undi menyokong. Usul itu dibahas hangat dalam parlimen sepanjang hari ini bermula lewat tengah hari.
Seramai 11 orang wakil rakyat enam (6) dari BN lima (5) dari oposisi mengambil bahagian membahas usul berkenaan.
Semua wakil pembangkang membahas memberi alasan dan hujah kenapa usul berkenaan perlu ditolak. Antara alasan diberi kononnya usul itu melanggar perlembagaan. Pihak SPR yang bertanggungjawab mengemukakan cadangan pindaan itu banyak yang mendapat kritikan pihak pembangkang dan dituduh menjadi "lembu bodoh" kepada Najib Razak.
Sekiranya SPR khusus pengerusinya Hashim Abdullah bertanggungjawab terhadap setiap apa yang dilemparkan kepadanya, wajar beliau meletak jawatan. Peletakan jawatan boleh dilihat sebagai tanggungjawab beliau serta untuk menjaga integriti suruhanjaya berkenaan.
Walaupun apa-apa yang dicadangkan oleh SPR itu masih memenuhi kehendak perlembagaan tetapi ada elemen-elemen yang terdedah menjelaskan ia dibuat atas kehendak parti memerintah atau melabakan parti pemerintah. Misalnya paling jelas bagaimana perseimbangan jumlah pengundian di setiap kawasan perbezaanya sangat ketara di antara satu lain.
Pindaan itu juga disifatkan sebagai pemusnahan kepada semangat nasional, perpaduan dan intgrasi kaum bila mana ada kawasan dilonggokkan dengan satu-satu kaum sahaja; kaum Cina diletakkan dalam satu kawasan manajala Melayu pula disatu kawasan.

Semasa menggulung perbahasan usul berkenaan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Zahid Hamidi menyenaraikan 14 perkara dibangkitkan oleh pembahas dan semuanya diambil kira. Bagaimana pun isu dibangkitkan oleh wakil Sempurna, Shafei Afdal berkaitan pertambahan kerusi di Sabah yang telah diluluskan oleh DUN Sabah tetapi dibatalkan, tidak diulas Zahid.
Pindaan itu seperti mana dituduh pembangkang ia adalah untuk memberi kelebihan kepada parti UBN menjamin UBN terus mengekalkan kerajaan. Sekiranya tuduhan itu ada kebenaran namun UBN tidak boleh optimis sangat dengan pindaan itu akan berpihak kepadanya.
Pengundi yang terbabit dengan persempadanan baru itu belum pasti semuanya akan mengundi BN. UBN hanya boleh mengubati kebimbangannya sahaja dengan pindaan yang penuh kontroversi tetapi tidak dapat menjamin kemenangan mudah. Sekiranya peratus mengundi tinggi di semua kawasan pindaan dilakukan hari ini tidak menjamin UBN akan selamat.
Apa yang perlu dibimbangkan UBN ialah penolakan rakyat kepada UBN ke belakangan ini semakin ketara. Perpecahan dalaman Umno berikutan wujudnya parti PBBM dilihat memberi masalah baharu kepada UBN dan Umno yang sebelum ini dilihat selesa apabila Pas sudah tidak bersama komponen Pakatan Harapan sedikit tergugat dengan keaktifan Dr Mahathir menyerang Najib.
Sikap diambil oleh Pas terhadap usul dibentang Najib itu, dimana mereka turut mempertikai dan menolaknya akan mempengaruhi pengundian Pas di luar sana untuk tidak mengundi UBN. Apa lagi kalau tiba-tiba terbentuk persefahaman baharu dalam PH di mana Pas akan bersama pakatan itu ini boleh menyebabkan UBN akan menangis tidak berlagu. - Mohd.Sayuti Omar

Ketua Pak Lebai ponteng
PAS tolong tongkat...

Cam mana nak menang P/Raya utk BN ikut SPR
Mari nak komen pasal persempadanan semula SPR ni.
Ok mai kita tengok 2 case studies.
How to Win PRU for dummies.
Daerah mengundi yang dikeluarkan dari Lembah Pantai adalah kawasan yang solid pakatan masa PRU13 which are:
1. Jalan Tun Sambanthan
2. Kampung Bahagia
3. Kampung Bohol
Dan dimasukkan
1.Tasik Perdana
Nak tau Tasik Perdana tu ada apa? Situlah Bukit Aman bro. Ada 6500 pengundi
saja di situ.
Lembah Pantai dalam bahaya.
Daerah mengundi yang dikeluarkan adalah 2 kawasan yang solid pakatan semasa PRU13
1. Kuala Ampang (2k lebih pengundi)
2. Ukay Perdana (2k lebih pengundi)
Dan dimasukkan 2 kawasan yang pro BN semasa PRU13.
1. Enggang Utara (2k lebih pengundi)
2. Enggang Selatan (2k lebih pengundi)
And this guys, is how you win an election. *special thanks to my deepthroat for the analysis - fbk
Almost all of the objections raised by voters against proposed re-delineation of electoral boundaries in Selangor where thrown out by the Election Commission, according to the report tabled in Parliament today by Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Of 738 objectors, each representing at least 100 voters, 92.1% were thrown out for failing to meet requirements of a local enquiry, the report revealed.
As for objections that did make it to the local inquiry, 81.4% of them were rejected by the EC.
The objections were made between January and February this year when the EC held its second and final round of public hearings on the proposed re-delineation exercise for parliamentary and state constituencies in the state. The local inquiries were held in March.
Voters’ complaints were similarly themed: Altered boundaries and the shifting of voters to and from neighbouring areas had distorted the ethnic composition of constituencies.
Some voters also complained of new boundaries that ran down the middle of localities, such as housing estates, some of which lacked direct road access to the constituencies that they were being shifted to.
Among the objectors was Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali, who told the EC to avoid creating "single-race constituencies", and that boundaries were unconstitutional under Section 2 of Schedule 13 of the federal constitution, which requires the EC to have regard for local community ties in its re-delineation proposals.
The MB's objections, made at the local inquiry level on March 1, were thrown out.
In the report tabled by Najib today, the EC had also included all 18 parliamentary seats listed in the first redelineation proposal last year.
Out of the 22 parliamentary constituencies in Selangor, 18 constituencies were initially slated to have their boundaries altered prior to the first round of local enquiries between January and December. After the local enquiries, five parliamentary constituencies had their boundaries changed: Ampang, Kuala Selangor, Gombak, Pandan, and Tanjong Karang.
It was these seats that much of the state's voters' contention were focussed on, according to the two-volume 1,000 page report that detailed voters’ objections in all the states and federal territories, except Sabah and Sarawak.
The uneven distribution of voters is also evident in the parliamentary and state seats in Selangor, with the biggest seats having four times more voters than the smallest seats.
The parliamentary seat of Damansara, for example, has 150,439 voters compared to Sabak Bernam’s 37,126 voters, according to the EC report.
Meanwhile, the state seat of Subang Jaya, has 66,059 voters whereas the smallest proposed state constituency, Sungai Air Tawar, has only 15,033 voters.
According to calculations by electoral reform pressure group Engage, voters in BN seats nationwide have an average 1.6 times the voting power of seats controlled by the opposition.
The average number of voters in a BN parliamentary constituency is 48,288 compared, with opposition average of 79,436.
Malapportionment also meant that a simple parliamentary majority, or control of 112 seats, could be achieved with just 33% of the votes, according to a briefing by Engage member and political analyst Wong Chin Huat yesterday
Selangor has 2.078 million registered voters.
The EC is mired in a protracted legal battle with the opposition-controlled Selangor government. The Court of Appeal will tomorrow rule on an appeal by the state government after it lost its bid at the High Court for a judicial review to declare the re-delineation exercise unconstitutional. – malaysianinsight
Lembah Pantai dalam bahaya.
Daerah mengundi yang dikeluarkan adalah 2 kawasan yang solid pakatan semasa PRU13
1. Kuala Ampang (2k lebih pengundi)
2. Ukay Perdana (2k lebih pengundi)
Dan dimasukkan 2 kawasan yang pro BN semasa PRU13.
1. Enggang Utara (2k lebih pengundi)
2. Enggang Selatan (2k lebih pengundi)
And this guys, is how you win an election. *special thanks to my deepthroat for the analysis - fbk

EC dismissed nearly all of
Selangor voters’ objections...
Almost all of the objections raised by voters against proposed re-delineation of electoral boundaries in Selangor where thrown out by the Election Commission, according to the report tabled in Parliament today by Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Of 738 objectors, each representing at least 100 voters, 92.1% were thrown out for failing to meet requirements of a local enquiry, the report revealed.
As for objections that did make it to the local inquiry, 81.4% of them were rejected by the EC.
The objections were made between January and February this year when the EC held its second and final round of public hearings on the proposed re-delineation exercise for parliamentary and state constituencies in the state. The local inquiries were held in March.
Voters’ complaints were similarly themed: Altered boundaries and the shifting of voters to and from neighbouring areas had distorted the ethnic composition of constituencies.
Some voters also complained of new boundaries that ran down the middle of localities, such as housing estates, some of which lacked direct road access to the constituencies that they were being shifted to.
Among the objectors was Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali, who told the EC to avoid creating "single-race constituencies", and that boundaries were unconstitutional under Section 2 of Schedule 13 of the federal constitution, which requires the EC to have regard for local community ties in its re-delineation proposals.
The MB's objections, made at the local inquiry level on March 1, were thrown out.
In the report tabled by Najib today, the EC had also included all 18 parliamentary seats listed in the first redelineation proposal last year.
Out of the 22 parliamentary constituencies in Selangor, 18 constituencies were initially slated to have their boundaries altered prior to the first round of local enquiries between January and December. After the local enquiries, five parliamentary constituencies had their boundaries changed: Ampang, Kuala Selangor, Gombak, Pandan, and Tanjong Karang.
It was these seats that much of the state's voters' contention were focussed on, according to the two-volume 1,000 page report that detailed voters’ objections in all the states and federal territories, except Sabah and Sarawak.
The uneven distribution of voters is also evident in the parliamentary and state seats in Selangor, with the biggest seats having four times more voters than the smallest seats.
The parliamentary seat of Damansara, for example, has 150,439 voters compared to Sabak Bernam’s 37,126 voters, according to the EC report.
Meanwhile, the state seat of Subang Jaya, has 66,059 voters whereas the smallest proposed state constituency, Sungai Air Tawar, has only 15,033 voters.
According to calculations by electoral reform pressure group Engage, voters in BN seats nationwide have an average 1.6 times the voting power of seats controlled by the opposition.
The average number of voters in a BN parliamentary constituency is 48,288 compared, with opposition average of 79,436.
Malapportionment also meant that a simple parliamentary majority, or control of 112 seats, could be achieved with just 33% of the votes, according to a briefing by Engage member and political analyst Wong Chin Huat yesterday
Selangor has 2.078 million registered voters.
The EC is mired in a protracted legal battle with the opposition-controlled Selangor government. The Court of Appeal will tomorrow rule on an appeal by the state government after it lost its bid at the High Court for a judicial review to declare the re-delineation exercise unconstitutional. – malaysianinsight
