
Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah yakin Barisan Nasional (BN) mampu membawa pulang lebih 500,000 rakyat Kelantan yang berhijrah ke negeri lain kerana faktor kerja, untuk menabur bakti di negeri itu jika BN diberi mandat mentadbir Kelantan pada pilihan raya umum ke-14 (PRU14) nanti.
Tengku Razaleigh yakin BN mampu membangunkan kembali Kelantan merangkumi semua aspek seperti pendidikan, ekonomi dan infrastruktur, sama seperti yang dinikmati oleh negeri lain ketika Malaysia sedang menuju ke arah status negara maju.
“Sejak lebih 20 tahun lepas rakyat Kelantan terpaksa berhijrah ke negeri-negeri lain kerana PAS tidak mampu membangunkan Kelantan sekali gus gagal menyediakan peluang pekerjaan kepada penduduk di negeri ini.
“PRU14 ini adalah pertimbangan terbaik untuk rakyat menyokong BN kerana hanya BN sahaja yang mampu memulihkan keadaan itu,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas Majlis Perasmian dan Penyerahan Dewan Orang Ramai di Pos Brooke hari ini.

Turut hadir Adun Galas Ab Aziz Yusof, Pengarah Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan (JPP) Kelantan Datuk Yahaya Mamat dan Pengarah Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (JAKOA) Kelantan/Terengganu Hashim Alang Abdul Hamid.
Sementara itu, ditanya sama ada beliau akan mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Gua Musang pada PRU14, Tengku Razaleigh berkata masih dalam pertimbangannya.
Katanya, beliau sudah menjadi Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang selama 45 tahun dan tidak pernah tewas pada pilihan raya umum yang ditandinginya.
“PRU14 merupakan penggal ke-12 saya bertanding dan ada beberapa pemimpin BN yang datang jumpa saya minta saya terus bertanding lagi pada kali ini. Saya akan pertimbangkannya,” katanya. - fmt

Sekarang baru pak lebai sedaq,
setakat undi Melayu saja, tak boleh menang PRU...
Cina!! Nak bantu PAS?...kedai judi, kedai jual arak, kedai nombor, night club dan senua aktiviti malam kena haramkan....amoi kena pakai seluar panjang..nak tolong pas? Jangan mimpi la. - Magen Mac
Dengan pengundi Melayu bolehlah kamu perbodohkan Pak Lebai oii, tapi dengan pengundi Cina atau India, undi PAS samalah seperti bantu kamu mempertahankan kerajaan Penyangak MO1. Ini kerana kamu anggap mempertahankan kerajaan Penyangak MO1 itu sama seperti mempertahankan "kerajaan Islam" yang kamu perjuangkan sekarang. Pengundi Cina dan pengundi India tak sokong Penyangak NO1 macam kamu sokong. - Nordin Kcd
Hadi bermusuh dengan DAP. Ramai orang cina sokong DAP. Sekarang merayu dengan cina pulak. Kan lebih senang gabung dengan PH. - Jamadi Jamadi
Hadi, you must be hallucinating! The only possiblity i will ever vote Pas is if i were totally blind and drunk and happened to trip over and land on my ballot paper and accidentally marked an 'x' on it. Even then i will still make sure the 'x' will not be in the box next to Pas, otherwise we Chinese have to be on all fours and licking your boots for generations to come! - Anonymous 1802761448130592
Now he begs for the Chinese support? After what he did to split Pakatan and wanting to introduce Hudud, he now asks (more like begging) for Chinese support? Does he think we are as stupid as he is? I guess he knows PAS is going to be renamed PAST.... for PAS Terminated. - Anonymous_3e86
I gave ceramahs to the chinese in Jalan Hamzah during the last election I appealed to the chinese to vote for PAS. This time around i shall tell them to vote for Amanah. PAS without Nik Aziz is like a ship without a captain and lost in the stormy sea. - rick teo
As a devout Christian and Chinese I had voted PAS during GE12 and GE13. But that was because Nik Aziz was PAS leader then. Need I say more ? I simply do not trust Hadi, not ever. All he is interested is to implement Islamic laws. - LR6SO4BK3

Hidup dalam ketakutan...

How ‘haram’ is this? Najib and Co. turn to 'suckling pig' to win Malay votes against the Chinese...
Everyday, we are seeing more proofs that the UMNO/BN coalition is arming itself with two new weapons for the 14th General Elections – fake news and corruption.
Najib and the UMNO/Barisan Nasional coalition are the worst culprits in concocting and peddling fake news and false information, but the UMNO/BN strategists and propagandists want to weaponise the fake news issues with new legislation and mechanism purportedly to combat fake news, but whose real purpose is to harass and persecute Pakatan Harapan leaders and supporters over fake news allegations while giving the UMNO/BN leaders and supporters immunity and impunity for the fake news they concoct and disseminate against Pakatan Harapan.
The attack launched by UMNO/BN cybertroops on the social media posting a fake photo of Muslim Pakatan Harapan leaders eating at a table where pork is served is one recent example.
The photo shows state PH chief Mukhriz Mahathir and Amanah president Mohamad Sabu eating at a table where a roast suckling pig could be seen.
The Facebook user posted the photo on Tuesday, captioned: “Nak undi Cina punya pasal sehingga sanggup makan babi. #Undi Pas.” (Because they want Chinese votes, they would even eat pork. #Vote PAS.)
This is fake news, as the sucking pig had been photoshopped, and this could be easily proven when compared to the original photograph.
In another instance, DAP Selangor and Wanita DAP leader, Young Syefura Othman(Rara) was target of the UMN0/BN cybertroopers and was accused of partaking in a Chinese festivity to chop up a sucking pig, when in fact she was not in the photograph or event at all!
It was a PKR event and those in the photograph were the Selangor PKR State Exco, Elizabeth Wong, PKR State Assemblywoman, Chua Yee Ling, and PKR Selayang Councillor Fok Wai Mun. Rara was not in the photograph or event, but she was defamed and Fok was falsely identified as her husband.

Such campaign of lies, fake news and false information must be condemned without reservation, and I must ask whether the Azalina Fake Committee on Fake News is the latest UMNO/BN stratagem to accuse and charge Pakatan Harapan of fake news, camouflaging the mass of fake news which UMNO/BN cybertroopers are concocting and peddling in the run-up to the 14GE.
The same applies to the corruption issue. The script is to use the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and other outfits to tarnish the image of Pakatan Harapan leaders as equally corrupt as Barisan Nasional leaders, and that on the score of integrity and corruption, the voters do not have much to choose between Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional.
This is why for the past month, the MCA Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong carried out the special assignment to undermine and destroy public confidence in DAP and Pakatan Harapan by ceaseless attacks on the Penang State Government’s undersea tunnel project, even to the extent of sabotage of the Penang undersea tunnel project.
This is most immoral and unethical for the greatest legacy of the Najib administration is undoubtedly the appellation of a global kleptocracy as a result of the world-infamous multi-billion dollar 1MDB kleptocratic money-laundering scandal, which has landed Malaysia with the worst ranking of TI CPI for the past 23 years. - limkitsiang.com
Woman dries panties using
airliner's overhead vent...
Earlier this week, a woman on a Ural Airlines flight was filmed literally airing her dirty laundry on the plane.
The video, shot by a fellow passenger and shared on social media, shows the woman making the most of her air travel time by drying her underwear using an overhead air vent on the plane.
According to fellow passengers on the flight from southern Turkey to Moscow, the woman was nonchalant about the whole process which lasted about 20 minutes, and didn’t seem remotely embarrassed.
While fellow passengers were left puzzled by the woman’s unusual behaviour, none of them said a word to her.
According to the Daily Mail, one passenger, who wished to remain anonymous, said:
‘Everybody was looking with interest and confusion, but everybody remained silent.’ –SAYS.COM
