Sepanjang sebulan sandiwara ini dimainkan, saya menunggu sama ada Tan Sri Shahrir Samad akan menjelaskan perkara yang sebenarnya kepada rakyat. Malangnya, beliau terus terjebak dengan sandiwara politik untuk meredakan kemarahan rakyat mengenai kerosakan yang telah berlaku ke atas Felda, sehingga beliau sempat mengeluarkan sindiran seolah-olah “kejayaan” Felda mendapatkan kembali tanah tersebut adalah hasil doa Perdana Menteri di Mekah.
Saya bersimpati kerana ramai rakyat kebanyakan yang tidak biasa dengan selok belok pembangunan tanah dan undang-undang tanah yang dengan mudah boleh terpedaya dengan sandiwara politik tersebut.
Hari ini, saya ingin menegaskan bahawa tanah Felda yang diwar-warkan kononnya telah didapati kembali hakmiliknya, sebenarnya telah hilang buat selama-lamanya.

Saya ingin mengingatkan perkara-perkara berikut:
i. Beberapa bidang tanah milik Felda ini telah diserahkan kepada sebuah syarikat pemaju yang bernama Symphony Promenade Sdn Bhd (SPSB) untuk membangunkan beberapa menara pejabat dan kediaman mewah
ii. Apabila pembangunan itu diteruskan, lot-lot bangunan itu akan dijual kepada pembeli-pembeli dan hakmilik bangunan bertingkat itu akan bertukar dari hakmilik tanah kepada hakmilik strata (satu hakmilik strata setiap satu ruang pejabat atau kediaman mewah yang dijual kepada pembeli)
iii. Hakmilik bangunan tersebut akhirnya adalah milik pembeli-pembeli persendirian dan bukan lagi hakmilik Felda, walaupun kini hakmilik tanah masih lagi dalam pegangan Felda
Sebab itu saya mahu mengingatkan Tan Sri Shahrir Samad bagaimana pendirian beliau sendiri telah berubah dalam tempoh sebulan mengenai pembangunan tanah-tanah tersebut.
Apabila beliau mula-mula mendedahkan sandiwara tanah ini, beliau dilaporkan oleh Berita Harian bertarikh 21 Disember 2017 bahawa Felda tidak berminat untuk meneruskan projek pembangunan KLVC di atas tanah-tanah Felda itu. Baca seterusnya...
Bukan lagi hak FELDA.
FELDA hanya dapat balik fotostat geran saja.
Siapa perompak-perompak yang jadi kaya raya ?
Haram dan Halal...


Tahun 2012 dulu ...

Tahun 2018 pula...
Sejarah membuktikan bahawa bila PAS bersendirian PAS hilang kerusi, tak boleh menang. PAS tahu hakikat ini tetapi PAS masih mahu bertanding juga walaupun ditempat yang PAS tahu terang terang PAS tak boleh menang.
Jadi apakah sebab sebenarnya yang PAS kali ini tiba tiba berkelakuan seperti orang tak tahu berpolitik?
Semua pengundi sedar bahawa PAS, dari sebuah parti politik yang dari mula keujudannya sehinggalah kebelakangan ini, dibawah kepimpinan haji Hadi, menentang sekuat kuatnya UMNO.
Tetapi sudah bertukar warna terhadap UMNO dalam permainannya. Ayat-ayat PAS sudah condung mengapongkan umno yg hampir tenggelam.
Mengapa? UMNO lebih Islam sekarang dibawah Najib dengan 1 MDB, keruntuhan FELDA, kandang lembu, RM2.6 bilion, 42 juta dalam akaun persendirian Najib?.....apakah ini amalan Islam?
PAS sudah hilang pegangan. PAS sudah buang prinsip dan nilai Islam kerana mengapongkan kleptocracy.
Akibat pertandingan PAS ditempat tempat yg nayata PAS akan kalah hanyalah bertujuan untuk memecahkan undi penentang UMNO dan Najib. PAS hanya hendak menolong memenangkan UMNO dan Najib dengan memecahkan undi pembangkang.
Harapan PAS hanyalah untuk mendapat dua atau tiga jawatan timbalan menteri kalau Najib menang pilihanraya nanti!
Inilah yg dikataknkan "undi PAS adalah undi UMNO"!
Ahli PAS pasti tahu menilai nilai undi mereka untuk menentang kemungkaran dan membersihkan Malaysia dari kekotoran kleptocracy pimpinan Najib ini. - Sopian Ahmad
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Dr Mahathir Mohamad spearheading Pakatan Harapan's 14th general election charge is not a case of the Machiavellian idea of the end justifying the means, according to PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli.
Claiming that many have missed the point, the Pandan lawmaker explained that winning Putrajaya is not the end which the opposition coalition seeks. Harapan, he added, is seeking an end to a system which has been in place for six-decades under Umno and BN's uninterrupted stranglehold on federal power.
“For that to happen, we must embrace changes as a process, not as a means to an end.
“Who is leading the charge to Putrajaya is less important than educating the Malays of the excesses of Umno so that we can break the racial stranglehold and emancipate the Malays once and for all.
“Whose record is less corrupt is less important than getting overwhelming public support for the restoration of public institutions' integrity and independence so that no one can ever rob the public coffers and get away with it.
“If we manage to do this, there is only one winner – not BN, not Harapan. The rakyat are the winner. They can install and throw out anyone without having to worry how an individual can have so much power over a group of people,” he told Malaysiakini.
Rafizi was responding to an article published in the Nikkei's Asian Review, in which Tokyo-based journalist William Pesek claimed that GE14 was more about Najib and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak brawling over who is less unscrupulous as opposed to finding a way forward for the nation. Read William Pesek's article here.
The PKR leader pointed out that at the end of Mahathir's rule, no journalist could have predicted that less than a decade later, Umno's hegemony would come under threat. Rafizi said the unthinkable happens when the process of change emancipates society.
“Once the people realise they hold the power and there are strong safeguards in the system against the excesses of the executive, leaders come and go.
“If by allowing Mahathir to lead the charge hastens the momentum of the process for change, I say so be it. Because what we did in the past to keep the momentum was more unthinkable,” he added.
'Some Chinese friends took years to accept Anwar'
On the same note, Rafizi said he does not blame those who with a cynical view and commentators being puzzled with Harapan's decision to provide Mahathir with such a crucial role.
“If I were to provide a diagnosis to explain the cynicism, the mismatch of expectation lies with (cynics') failure to understand that Malaysian society has embraced competitive politics more readily than the cynics and commentators had thought possible,” he added.
Rafizi recalled how he failed to understand the reason his older friends disagreed with the Reformasi movement, which he embraced, in 1998.
“They said it was all about Anwar (Ibrahim) and it would not have made any difference even if Anwar won then.
“Some Chinese friends took years before they could accept that Anwar was a changed man than the powerful deputy prime minister he was while he was still in Umno,” he said.
In retrospect, Rafizi said if he were a 40-year-old middle management employee in 1998, he might not have supported the Reformasi movement or joined PKR.
“I would not have believed that a multiracial party with sizeable Malay members would survive Malaysian politics because up till 1998, none ever did.
“But as a 40-year-old, we dreamed less and we calculated more. We were less idealistic and we tend to choose safety. Therefore, we spent more time thinking about what could go wrong instead of what opportunities lie ahead.
“But the young do not remember the past that much. They are not shackled by the misgivings of the past.
“So foolishly, a lot of us who jumped on the Reformasi bandwagon in 1998 in our late teens stayed foolish and went on to seek 'change' (whatever that meant then). In the process, we pushed the boundaries and rewrote the rules,” he added. - mk
Felda is calling for contractors to bid for the management of their resorts in Trolak, Hot Springs, Kuala Terengganu, Tekan (??) and Tanjong Leman.
Obviously Felda cannot manage this by themselves. Allow me to give Felda some advise. This 'outsourcing' will not work.
Unless Felda gives away the running of the resorts for free. No profit sharing, no franchise fees, nothing. Even then it will still not work.
I can tell you why.Tapi saya pun letih lah.Penat. Malas nak memikir !!
There is a FOUR LETTER word involved. It is called W O R K....
Most of these GLC and gomen run hotels, resorts etc depend a lot on the gomen for business. Kursus for teachers, gomen officers, kursus jabatan agama, seminars etc.
Now the gomen has no more money. The Navy has no money to run the ships and submarines as much. The Airforce has no money to fly airplanes as much. The universities have no money.
So which gomen department is going to book rooms in hotels and resorts for seminars and kursus?So Felda Residences will tutup kedai.
There is a major plus point though. These Resorts have a huge competitive advantage which few other places have. They can indeed become successful and money spinners.
But I am not sharing. Letih lah. Penat. Malas nak memikir. - ostb

Why Dr M winning GE14
will chart victory for rakyat...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad spearheading Pakatan Harapan's 14th general election charge is not a case of the Machiavellian idea of the end justifying the means, according to PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli.
Claiming that many have missed the point, the Pandan lawmaker explained that winning Putrajaya is not the end which the opposition coalition seeks. Harapan, he added, is seeking an end to a system which has been in place for six-decades under Umno and BN's uninterrupted stranglehold on federal power.
“For that to happen, we must embrace changes as a process, not as a means to an end.
“Who is leading the charge to Putrajaya is less important than educating the Malays of the excesses of Umno so that we can break the racial stranglehold and emancipate the Malays once and for all.
“Whose record is less corrupt is less important than getting overwhelming public support for the restoration of public institutions' integrity and independence so that no one can ever rob the public coffers and get away with it.
“If we manage to do this, there is only one winner – not BN, not Harapan. The rakyat are the winner. They can install and throw out anyone without having to worry how an individual can have so much power over a group of people,” he told Malaysiakini.
Rafizi was responding to an article published in the Nikkei's Asian Review, in which Tokyo-based journalist William Pesek claimed that GE14 was more about Najib and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak brawling over who is less unscrupulous as opposed to finding a way forward for the nation. Read William Pesek's article here.
The PKR leader pointed out that at the end of Mahathir's rule, no journalist could have predicted that less than a decade later, Umno's hegemony would come under threat. Rafizi said the unthinkable happens when the process of change emancipates society.
“Once the people realise they hold the power and there are strong safeguards in the system against the excesses of the executive, leaders come and go.
“If by allowing Mahathir to lead the charge hastens the momentum of the process for change, I say so be it. Because what we did in the past to keep the momentum was more unthinkable,” he added.
'Some Chinese friends took years to accept Anwar'
On the same note, Rafizi said he does not blame those who with a cynical view and commentators being puzzled with Harapan's decision to provide Mahathir with such a crucial role.
“If I were to provide a diagnosis to explain the cynicism, the mismatch of expectation lies with (cynics') failure to understand that Malaysian society has embraced competitive politics more readily than the cynics and commentators had thought possible,” he added.
Rafizi recalled how he failed to understand the reason his older friends disagreed with the Reformasi movement, which he embraced, in 1998.
“They said it was all about Anwar (Ibrahim) and it would not have made any difference even if Anwar won then.
“Some Chinese friends took years before they could accept that Anwar was a changed man than the powerful deputy prime minister he was while he was still in Umno,” he said.
In retrospect, Rafizi said if he were a 40-year-old middle management employee in 1998, he might not have supported the Reformasi movement or joined PKR.
“I would not have believed that a multiracial party with sizeable Malay members would survive Malaysian politics because up till 1998, none ever did.
“But as a 40-year-old, we dreamed less and we calculated more. We were less idealistic and we tend to choose safety. Therefore, we spent more time thinking about what could go wrong instead of what opportunities lie ahead.
“But the young do not remember the past that much. They are not shackled by the misgivings of the past.
“So foolishly, a lot of us who jumped on the Reformasi bandwagon in 1998 in our late teens stayed foolish and went on to seek 'change' (whatever that meant then). In the process, we pushed the boundaries and rewrote the rules,” he added. - mk
Felda 'Lelong' Resort...
Felda is calling for contractors to bid for the management of their resorts in Trolak, Hot Springs, Kuala Terengganu, Tekan (??) and Tanjong Leman.
Obviously Felda cannot manage this by themselves. Allow me to give Felda some advise. This 'outsourcing' will not work.
Unless Felda gives away the running of the resorts for free. No profit sharing, no franchise fees, nothing. Even then it will still not work.
I can tell you why.Tapi saya pun letih lah.Penat. Malas nak memikir !!
There is a FOUR LETTER word involved. It is called W O R K....
Most of these GLC and gomen run hotels, resorts etc depend a lot on the gomen for business. Kursus for teachers, gomen officers, kursus jabatan agama, seminars etc.
Now the gomen has no more money. The Navy has no money to run the ships and submarines as much. The Airforce has no money to fly airplanes as much. The universities have no money.
So which gomen department is going to book rooms in hotels and resorts for seminars and kursus?So Felda Residences will tutup kedai.
There is a major plus point though. These Resorts have a huge competitive advantage which few other places have. They can indeed become successful and money spinners.
But I am not sharing. Letih lah. Penat. Malas nak memikir. - ostb

Apa pendapat anda dengan kajian ini kononnya PAS secara bersendirian akan mendapat sokongan dari pelbagai kaum termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak hingga cecah 61% menjelang PRU14

Change a must in GE14,or else Malaysia will be missing...
