Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Beza nasib Superman Hew dan Zaid Ibrahim...

Apa persamaan yang ada pada Perhimpunan Agung Umno (PAU) ke-71 berbanding PAU ke-70?

Kedua-dua perhimpunan mendapat hadiah “peluru” politik istimewa daripada ketelanjuran ahli DAP dalam bertutur kata.

Pada PAU tahun lepas, video kontroversi berkisarkan kenyataan “screw orang Melayu” oleh bekas ahli DAP, Hew Kuan Yau yang lebih dikenali sebagai Superman ditayangkan untuk tatapan umum.

Pada PAU tahun ini, Umno pula disajikan dengan kenyataan Datuk Zaid Ibrahim di akaun Twitter beliau berkenaan Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

Kedua-duanya memberi keuntungan politik berlebihan kepada Umno, namun begitu terdapat perbezaan yang ketara di dalam reaksi DAP terhadap 2 peristiwa ini.

Ketika kontroversi Hew menjadi panas, Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang dilihat cuba mengurangkan “damage” terhadap DAP dengan menyatakan walaupun parti tidak bersetuju dengan nada dan cara kasar Hew menyampaikan mesejnya di ceramah, akan tetapi beliau menegaskan apa yang diperkatakan Hew bukanlah rasis.

Ketika disoal apakah DAP akan mengambil tindakan disiplin terhadap Hew, Kit Siang tidak menjawab.

Sejurus selepas video Hew ditayangkan di PAU 2016, Kit Siang terus tampil membelasah Umno dan menyoal apakah ada keperluan untuk menggunakan video tersebut untuk membina persepsi buruk terhadap DAP, sedangkan Hew bukan lagi ahli DAP. Hew yang masih aktif di pentas DAP meninggalkan parti itu ekoran insiden tersebut.

Bagaimana pula dengan kontroversi melibatkan Zaid, yang kemasukkannya dalam DAP dihadiri Kit Siang sendiri dan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad?

Setakat ini, tiada sepatah kata yang membela Zaid daripada DAP. Yang ada hanyalah kenyataan menjauhkan Zaid daripada DAP oleh Pengerusi DAP Selangor, Tony Pua.

Pua berkata, Zaid perlu menanggung akibat sendiri daripada ketelanjuran kenyataannya terhadap Sultan Selangor.

“Ahli-ahli kami dibenarkan menyatakan pendapat mereka, tetapi mereka perlu menangani sebarang akibat yang timbul,” katanya sambil menegaskan kenyataan Zaid tidak ada kaitan dengan DAP kerana kenyataan itu tidak dibuat parti itu dan Zaid tidak memegang sebarang jawatan dalam DAP.

Selepas aksi ugutan terhadap beliau oleh Ketua Umno Bahagian Sungai Besar, Datuk Seri Jamal Md Yunos, Zaid mula meluahkan rasa kecewanya selepas tiada pemimpin Pakatan Harapan yang disanjunginya tampil untuk membelanya.

“Nampaknya saya tiada kawan yang akan bersama saya dalam keadaan saya sekarang.

“Saya akan cuba jumpa TPM Zahid secepat yang boleh. Lagipun ini mengenai keselamatan nyawa saya dan keluarga saya,” tulis beliau di Twitter.

Memang patut Zaid terasa kecewa. Lihatlah sahaja perbezaan layanan DAP terhadap Hew dan beliau. Beliau akan faham siapa yang dilihat sebagai pemutar skru dan siapa ialah skru.

Siapa lagi sanggup menggunakan skru karat yang membawa ancaman tetanus kepada pemiliknya? Sudah tentu pemutar skru akan cari skru yang lain. - fmt

Bersatu atau mampuih,Dr M beritahu Pakatan
Story kat SINI dan SINI   

Malaysia Declares War On Israel? 
Are You Kidding?...

Malay Mail reports that Hishamuddin,the Defense Minister said that the Malaysian military is ready to head to the Middle East. So is the Sun Daily.

Oops indeed. However, before the Malay Mail took down the story, other news sites had already carried Malay Mail's report. One of them was Yahoo News Singapore.

"IF the Agong orders" ??  Ok so the declaration comes with a 'subject to" - a deft "taichi"  to the Agong.I think the YDP Agong may be surprised as well. 

This tantamounts to a declaration of war against another country. It is certainly a declaration of hostile intent. And not just any country but Israel.

Most certainly this is grandstanding by Hisham in front of the UMNO General Assembly. It was not a serious threat against Israel. 

Bro, you should not have said such things. Saudi Arabia will not be happy either. 

Saudi Arabia (where you have sent our troops to "help" Saudi Arabia bomb Yemen) is now a close ally of Israel. 

Israel is training Saudi troops on the Tiran and Sanafir Islands in the Red Sea. 

Saudi airspace is now open to the Israeli airforce.Saudi Arabia and Israel have exchanged IFF codes for their fighter aircraft. IFF is 'Identification Friend or Foe'. 

You will also be placing our troops unnecessarily in harm's way.You have already created logistical and planning nightmares for the Armed Forces chiefs.They will most certainly react to your speech. You are the Defense Minister.

Our Armed Forces are not equipped or trained to fight a land war or an air war in the Middle East, especially against Israel.They will be decimated. Plus, where are you going to get the money to pay for such a misadventure.

Just for your information here are some military facts about Israel...

1. Israel declares air superiority in the Middle East for the next 40 years

"The announcement of the operationalization of the [F-35] Adir aircraft comes at a time in which the IAF is operating on a large scale
on a number of fronts in a dynamic Middle East," said IAF commander Brig-Gen. Amikam Norkin. He added that the F-35s will equip Israel to handle "constantly evolving and complex challenges" in the region.

After the US Airforce, the Israelis are the second country in the world to fly the latest F35 stealth fighter.  Not only that but the Israelis have already "reengineered and reconstructed" the American F35. The entire avionics and flight software for the Israeli F35s are designed and Made in Israel. The Israeli F35 has been re-engineered to carry Made in Israel missiles and bombs. They have also renamed the F35. They call it the Adir. The Adir is possibly more advanced and more capable than the American F35. 

2. Jericho 3 ICBMs can hit Hisham's house within 50 feet of accuracy.

The Israeli Jericho III ICBM is among the top FOUR ICBMs in the world in terms of range - which is 11,500 km or over 7,100 miles.  So they can hit Hisham's house from Israel.

The range of the Jericho III is substantial, encompassing the entirety of the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, and most of North America, South America, and North Oceania. 

As such, the Jericho III enables the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to launch a nuclear warhead into almost any location on Earth. At relatively closer-range targets, the reentry velocity is such that the Jericho III is believed to be largely immune to all operational missile defense systems.

Unless we have Patriot missiles to protect us, better not mess with the Israelis. Will they fire a Jericho III at Malaysia?  If we attack them, they might just do it. 

It will be a huge show of force to the rest of the Islamic world.  And who will care if Malaysia gets bombed? You think the Arabs and Saudis will come to our aid? Or protest on our behalf?  


3.  Israeli Navy's Dolphin class submarines.

The Dolphin-class submarine is capable of carrying 16 torpedoes and submarine-launched cruise missles (SLCMs).The cruise missiles have a range of at least 1,500 km (930 mi). Equipped with a 200 kiloton nuclear warhead containing up to 6 kilograms (13 lb) of plutonium. 

The Israelis have the super quiet Dolphin submarines which they have been using in super mysterious ways. There is believed to be a nuclear weapons capable Israeli submarine on permanent patrol - sometimes off the coast of Iran. 

These are diesel electric submarines with "AIP" or air independent propulsion which gives them a submerged endurance of up to 30 days. They could sail submerged into the Straits of Melaka if they wanted to.

I really dont think our Armed Forces have the capacity to fend against all this military hardware. 

Not to mention the nasties at the Mossad who are now most likely tailing Hishamuddin.  Lets not get carried away bro. At our age, you dont want to start something that you cannot finish.- ostb

Jerusalem was Isreal's capital before Jesus was born... 

The people’s sovereign: (Clockwise from right) Sultan Sharafuddin making a point during the interview; mingling with the rakyat; in ceremonial robes at the State Assembly; with the Crown Prince, accompanied by Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin.

Dalam dewan nyanyi lagu anak kecil main api. 
Luar dewan anak2 kecil menangis tambang bas naik lagi

Najib and Netayahu

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‘Ingatlah (wahai ‘Auf) ada enam (tanda) sebelum datangnya hari Kiamat. (Lalu beliau menyebutkan salah satunya), “Penaklukan Baitul Maqdis.”(HR Bukhari)

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