Ini tak boleh kata darurat, kata Zamihan
Penceramah kontroversi Zamihan Mat Zain berkata kejadian masyarakat Cina tumpang berteduh di sebuah surau di Georgetown, Pulau Pinang ketika banjir besar tidak sepatutnya berlaku.
Katanya, situasi itu masih tidak boleh dikelaskan sebagai darurat.
“Situasi gambar di atas tidak sepatutnya berlaku,” kata pegawai kader Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) yang sebelum ini berdepan kontroversi mengkritik sultan Johor dalam isu dobi khusus untuk orang Islam.
“Ia tidak boleh dikategorikan sebagai darurat kerana masih ada ikhtiar lain untuk keperluan mereka.”
Walaupun terdapat perbezaan pendapat pendapat berkaitan hukum agama, rata-rata warga maya memuji langkah bilal Surau Taman Free School itu yang mempelawa sekumpulan masyarakat Cina, lelaki dan perempuan dewasa, berteduh di rumah ibadat itu.
Berdasarkan gambar yang tular, kelihatan seorang lelaki yang tidak berbaju kesejukan, seorang wanita berseluar pendek paras lutut, manakala yang lain sedang duduk atau berbaring menghilangkan kepenatan mereka.
Mengakui sedar akan dikecam, Sapno berkata beliau tentu akan lebih rasa bersalah melihat mangsa banjir tiada arah tujuan atau lebih buruk dihanyutkan arus deras.
Dalam kenyataan di Facebook semalam, Zamihan berkata pihak pengurusan surau itu perlu mengingatkan mereka dengan adab dan syarat bagi menjaga kesucian masjid.
Beliau turut berkongsi kembali gambar tersebut dengan teman dan pengikutnya di media sosial itu.
Zamihan juga membentangkan beberapa hukum sama ada orang bukan Islam boleh masuk dan duduk dalam masjid. Antaranya, berdasarkan pandangan iman Shafie, hukum asal membolehkan perkara itu dengan keizinan dari orang Islam yang baligh dan berakal (pemerintah) sekalipun orang kafir tersebut dalam keadaan junub kecuali Masjidil Haram.
Sementara itu,Pegawai Penerangan di Pejabat Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang itu berkata sikap saling bantu membantu, meringankan beban antara satu sama lain dan bertoleransi sememangnya amalan Muslim di negeri itu sejak sekian lama.
“Ekoran itu, kami warga Pulau Pinang aman damai sehingga kini, walaupun ada pihak-pihak tertentu lakukan provokasi yang tidak bertanggungjawab, bahkan selalunya provokasi itu datang dari luar Pulau Pinang,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Katanya lagi, orang Islam di Pulau Pinang dididik mengangkat tinggi pendekatan rahmat sekelian alam yang dibawa oleh Islam.
“Tidak menjadi hairan dan susah bagi masyarakat kami membantu sesiapa sahaja yang berhadapan sebarang kesusahan dan musibah seperti dalam hal banjir, waima melibatkan rumah ibadat kami seperti masjid atau surau,” tambahnya.
Wan Ji menjawab kritikan terhadap bilal sebuah surau di George Town yang menyelamatkan 70 warga keturunan India dan Cina di sekitar Lengkuk P Ramlee selepas air naik ke paras dada pada awal pagi Ahad lalu. - mk
Ustaz Zamihan, sudah-sudahlah...jangan asyik mencari kesalahan. Kita harus sama-sama berganding bahu membantu mangsa tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama. Saya percaya sifat belas kasihan dan saling membantu merupakan nilai murni yang terkandung dalam ajaran Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. - Jerome Lim
Ahli kariah dah ckp air paras dada.. Dia org pun xnak berlindung kat surau sbb hormat, tp itu dah kira darurat. Apa salah kita tolong menolong sesama insan.. Aku rasa dia nie igt darurat tu penang dah xdak dlm peta kot baru nak ckp darurat.. Buang jer la serban ko tu.- Amizul Mat
Kalau nak diambil kira, kenapa Zamihan tidak menyelar tindakan pihak pengurusan Masjid Sultan Mizan Putrajaya, Masjid Putra, Masjid Pulau Melaka dan lain-lain masjid yang membenarkan orang bukan Islam masuk dan bergambar..bukan dharuratpun..saja masuk melawat..Zamihan tidak melihat keindahan Islam itu sendiri. Dia melihat Islam dalam konteks yang sempit dan dangkal..sebab itu apa yang keluar dari mulutnya bukanlah sesuatu yang berlandaskan nas-nas atau dalil. - Razzman Hmj
Buatlah kebaikan. Kita disuruh buat baik kepada haiwan, apatah lagi manusia. Mereka yg tidak berada di zon banjir mungkin tak nampak mereka yg sedang alami kesukaran. - Noor Khalili
Pada pandangan aku... Ape yg dr zamihan nyatakan itu betol.. Cume dr zamihan xde dlm situasi itu.. Jd dia xtau situasi itu darurat atau x... Manakala bilal tu plak..tlh melakukan tindakan yg betol... Dgn mengajak penduduk non muslim utk berteduh di rumah allah itu. Jika dibiarkan mungkin juga mereka akan lemas. Dibawa arus banjir dan sebagainya. Aku tabik spring dkt bilal tu kerana cuba menolong mereka yg kesusahan akibat banjir ini... Islam itu indah.. Islam itu mudah dan islam itu bukan taliban malah islam itu bkn bersifat perkauman..- Zahar Qala-azar
Lessons to learn from a disaster...
Squabble between rival politicians have often crossed the line in more recent years. It is hoped that the latest development will serve as a launching pad for eventual political maturity.
As a matter of fact, after Lim sought the help of the federal government, BN leaders have instructed the national security council to coordinate in the rescue operation that also sees the participation of the national guards and national disaster management agency, among others.
Humanitarianism transcends all political boundaries, and since the government has been so generous as to provide humanitarian assistance to the Rohingya and other foreigners, it should also offer a hand to disaster-stricken Malaysians irrespective of their states or political affiliations.
MCA, Gerakan Rakyat and Umno Puteri have also volunteers to Penang while the Johor youth and sports department has mobilized some 150 to 200 volunteers in
addition to the financial assistance from the Kelantan and Selangor state governments.
NGOs and charitable institutions are rushing relief items to the disaster zone while Sin Chew Daily, Foguangshan and other organizations have provided food and other necessities. We have picked up countless of calls from readers who are eager to donate to flood victims.
The same happened in end-2006 and 2011 new year's eve in Johor and during the end-2014 floods in Kelantan, where Malaysians regardless of race and religion joined in to help the victims through their hardest moments.
This is happening in Penang today. We will never forget that we are all Malaysians living harmoniously on this land where skin color is immaterial. If we learn to forgive and are willing to selflessly help those in distress, there isn't a disaster we are unable to overcome.
However, hatred has been thriving in the hearts of many people lately due to political differences. We no longer feel for our compatriots who are less fortunate or are in need.
When flash floods struck Penang on September 15, netizens started a whole new round of verbal wars in the cyberspace, as they did when Federal Highway in KL was submerged in floodwaters on October 30.
For the past ten years Malaysian politics has taken a turn for the worse, often sacrificing the interests of the rakyat. For example, the confrontation between Selangor state government and the BN federal government when the state came under water rationing recently has resulted in the delay of the Langat 2 water treatment plant project, with the first phase now slated for completion only in December 2019.
On the issue of Chinese primary schools in Selangor, both MCA and DAP have been at loggerheads for years but to no avail.
It is hoped that the floods in Penang will open the eyes of our politicians to the need of placing the interests of the rakyat above their own, and work together whenever necessary for the well-being of the people.
Meanwhile, the public must also learn to lay down their political prejudices and not to turn against their friends, colleagues or relatives just because they are on different sides of the political divide. It is utterly foolish to allow politics to eat into our day-to-day lives. There are many things way more important than politics in life.
Having experienced so many floods and other natural calamities, perhaps we should learn to be more humble in front of Mother Nature, as our environmentally destructive acts will surely backfire one day.
Global warming has already given rise to climate changes, triggering unusual earth movements that will intensify earthquakes. Our country is no longer a disaster-free heaven, as evidenced by the tremor measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale in Ranau, Sabah two years ago.
Affected by Typhoon Lan sweeping across much of eastern Philippines, East Malaysia experienced unusual storms on October 21 this year, while peninsular Malaysia saw its hottest days in years. In under two weeks, the northern part of peninsular Malaysia was affected by low pressure that triggered sustained storms.
Natural resources and environment minister Wan Junaidi has said the floods in Penang were due to unusually high rainfall not seen in more than a hundred years.
Why do we see so many instances of abnormal rainfall in recent years? Perhaps we should learn to accept the reality that the age of "global weirding" has finally arrived.
The flood mitigation measures we have today may not be adequate to tackle such enormous rainfalls, and we need to mobilize more of our resources to better prepare ourselves for imminent disasters of unprecedented scales, including improving our existing climate warning systems as well as evacuation and relief mechanisms.- sinchewdaily
Folks I just heard this last night. Kepala Bapak is building a getaway home in Koh Samui. The contractors have been told to get it completed by February 2018. The contractors are working 24/7.
Here is a map of Koh Samui Island off the east coast of Thailand.
Completion by February 2018. That means our Big Event will not take place until after February 2018.
People are saying March 2018 now. November 2017 does not seem likely.
It takes at least a year to build a house. More than a year if you compute the time for drawing the plans, getting approvals etc. This means Kepala Bapak has been planning this getaway home for more than two years now.
Folks, they are getting ready to fly the coop, in the event they lose their perch.
Why Koh Samui? Thai hospitality.
Thailand is ruled by a military junta. In the past Thai juntas were all easily greased. There is no reason to believe the nature of Thai juntas has changed. They can be very hospitable.
Plus the weather and food in Koh Samui are very close to ours. Sambal belacan aplenty.
Now here is the kicker. This news about the new getaway house seems to be known among the Gang of Thieves. Thats how I got to know about it. Not from a thief but from someone who knows some of them.
The question is what about the rest of the Gang of Thieves? Do they all have enough money to build a getaway house on Koh Samui? Will Koh Samui become a getaway haven for expatriate thieves from Malaysia?
If Kepala Bapak is planning his escape, what becomes of all the butt lickers? What becomes of the prepaids? Who is going to look after them?
It looks like they will be left on their own to fend for themselves. Great misery awaits them. Very great misery. - ostb
NGOs and charitable institutions are rushing relief items to the disaster zone while Sin Chew Daily, Foguangshan and other organizations have provided food and other necessities. We have picked up countless of calls from readers who are eager to donate to flood victims.
The same happened in end-2006 and 2011 new year's eve in Johor and during the end-2014 floods in Kelantan, where Malaysians regardless of race and religion joined in to help the victims through their hardest moments.
This is happening in Penang today. We will never forget that we are all Malaysians living harmoniously on this land where skin color is immaterial. If we learn to forgive and are willing to selflessly help those in distress, there isn't a disaster we are unable to overcome.
However, hatred has been thriving in the hearts of many people lately due to political differences. We no longer feel for our compatriots who are less fortunate or are in need.
When flash floods struck Penang on September 15, netizens started a whole new round of verbal wars in the cyberspace, as they did when Federal Highway in KL was submerged in floodwaters on October 30.
For the past ten years Malaysian politics has taken a turn for the worse, often sacrificing the interests of the rakyat. For example, the confrontation between Selangor state government and the BN federal government when the state came under water rationing recently has resulted in the delay of the Langat 2 water treatment plant project, with the first phase now slated for completion only in December 2019.
On the issue of Chinese primary schools in Selangor, both MCA and DAP have been at loggerheads for years but to no avail.
It is hoped that the floods in Penang will open the eyes of our politicians to the need of placing the interests of the rakyat above their own, and work together whenever necessary for the well-being of the people.
Meanwhile, the public must also learn to lay down their political prejudices and not to turn against their friends, colleagues or relatives just because they are on different sides of the political divide. It is utterly foolish to allow politics to eat into our day-to-day lives. There are many things way more important than politics in life.
Having experienced so many floods and other natural calamities, perhaps we should learn to be more humble in front of Mother Nature, as our environmentally destructive acts will surely backfire one day.
Affected by Typhoon Lan sweeping across much of eastern Philippines, East Malaysia experienced unusual storms on October 21 this year, while peninsular Malaysia saw its hottest days in years. In under two weeks, the northern part of peninsular Malaysia was affected by low pressure that triggered sustained storms.
Natural resources and environment minister Wan Junaidi has said the floods in Penang were due to unusually high rainfall not seen in more than a hundred years.
Why do we see so many instances of abnormal rainfall in recent years? Perhaps we should learn to accept the reality that the age of "global weirding" has finally arrived.
The flood mitigation measures we have today may not be adequate to tackle such enormous rainfalls, and we need to mobilize more of our resources to better prepare ourselves for imminent disasters of unprecedented scales, including improving our existing climate warning systems as well as evacuation and relief mechanisms.- sinchewdaily
Kepala Bapak Building Getaway Home
On Koh Samui Island...
Folks I just heard this last night. Kepala Bapak is building a getaway home in Koh Samui. The contractors have been told to get it completed by February 2018. The contractors are working 24/7.
Here is a map of Koh Samui Island off the east coast of Thailand.
Completion by February 2018. That means our Big Event will not take place until after February 2018.
People are saying March 2018 now. November 2017 does not seem likely.
It takes at least a year to build a house. More than a year if you compute the time for drawing the plans, getting approvals etc. This means Kepala Bapak has been planning this getaway home for more than two years now.
Folks, they are getting ready to fly the coop, in the event they lose their perch.
Why Koh Samui? Thai hospitality.
Thailand is ruled by a military junta. In the past Thai juntas were all easily greased. There is no reason to believe the nature of Thai juntas has changed. They can be very hospitable.
Plus the weather and food in Koh Samui are very close to ours. Sambal belacan aplenty.
Now here is the kicker. This news about the new getaway house seems to be known among the Gang of Thieves. Thats how I got to know about it. Not from a thief but from someone who knows some of them.
The question is what about the rest of the Gang of Thieves? Do they all have enough money to build a getaway house on Koh Samui? Will Koh Samui become a getaway haven for expatriate thieves from Malaysia?
If Kepala Bapak is planning his escape, what becomes of all the butt lickers? What becomes of the prepaids? Who is going to look after them?
It looks like they will be left on their own to fend for themselves. Great misery awaits them. Very great misery. - ostb
Bila banjir anda akan bantu yang mana satu?...A B C D.