Sudah pasti Najib dan Zahid sudah membuat perhitungan sebaik-baiknya sebelum membuat keputusan untuk menziarahi Anwar di hospital sebegitu dekat dengan pilihan raya umum ke 14.
Ziarah Najib dan Zahid kali ini menimbulkan satu perasaan yang mendamaikan seolah-olah seperti suasana di Hari Raya. Dua pihak yang bertelagah berdamai menghulurkan salam maaf zahir dan batin.
Kepada mereka yang tidak mengikuti politik secara dekat, foto Najib dan Zahid melawat Anwar bersama pasangan mereka akan dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang damai dan “sweet”.
Foto itu turut memberikan gambaran di minda rakyat bahawa suhu permusuhan di antara mereka sudah menurun. Mereka hanyalah saingan di medan politik, dan bukannya musuh.
Mereka di Pakatan Harapan yang sebelum ini menyelar ungkapan “UG” ketika Najib melawat Hadi, kini terkedu lidah untuk menghuraikan ziarah Najib dan Zahid ini.
PAS yang sedang hebat mempromosikan “Budaya Politik Matang dan Sejahtera” kini memberitahu para penyokong Pakatan Harapan (PH) bahawa ziarah Najib dan Zahid ke Anwar adalah contoh budaya matang yang mereka maksudkan selama ini.
Seperti mana PAS yang sudah bertegas mereka tetap akan melawan Umno di PRU ke-14, PH juga tetap melawan BN meskipun Najib dan Zahid menziarahi Anwar. Segalanya seri.
Cuma ziarah Najib dan Zahid mungkin menimbulkan satu teori konspirasi di dalam Umno-BN.
Antara persoalan yang pasti timbul ialah, apakah perlunya Zahid melawat Anwar sehari selepas Najib selaku PM melawat Anwar? Bukankah itu sudah berlebihan penghormatan yang diberikan kepada Anwar?
Apakah ada persaingan antara Najib dan Zahid di sebalik takbir meskipun kedua-dua pimpinan saling memuji antara satu sama lain di depan media?
Suhu politik
Memandangkan ziarah Najib dan Zahid ke atas Anwar menimbulkan aura yang sebegitu positif bagi politik negara, apakah Najib dan Zahid akan menimbangkan ziarah ke atas Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pula selaku bekas PM yang sudah melepasi umur 90 tahun?
Lawatan muhibah ini pasti akan menarik perhatian rakyat yang kini keletihan politik.
Pertama, ini boleh menurunkan suhu politik negara. Kedua, ini boleh mengubah cara berpolitik hari ini yang berdasarkan cacian, makian, sindiran dan fitnah sekiranya pendamaian ini menjadi tular di kalangan rakyat. Usahlah kita nafi bahawa berita politik hari ini didominasi cacian antara Dr Mahathir dan Najib.
Ziarah Najib ke atas Dr Mahathir tidak akan dapat menghentikan azamnya untuk menjatuhkan beliau.
Akan tetapi, ziarah ini mungkin dapat mengubah persaingan tersebut daripada politik dendam kepada persaingan siapa yang lebih berjiwa besar sebagai pimpinan negara. Persaingan sebegini adalah lebih baik untuk negara berbanding dengan apa yang ada hari ini.
Diharap budaya saling bermaafan menjelang pilihan raya ini dapat dikekalkan supaya rakyat dan para ahli politik dapat memberi fokus kepada isu-isu yang lebih penting sebagai modal untuk memancing undi daripada mengharapkan undi melalui
politik kebencian semata-mata.- fmt
Three-quarters of Johor folks polled by Singapore-based research centre ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute revealed they agree with the Johor royal house intervening in politics should the need arise.
In the survey results released this week, the highest support for this notion came from the Malays in the southern state, at 84.9 per cent, followed by the ethnic Chinese at 65.1 per cent, and Indians (53.2 per cent).
“The strong Malay support for the Johor Sultan intervention in politics when necessary is consistent with the community’s acceptance of the Sultan’s traditional role as their ‘protector’,” the report said.
Furthermore, those responded also had no problems with the royalty involving itself in business ventures.
Over half, at 51.8 per cent, disagreed that the royal house should refrain from business ventures.
Broken by ethnicities, close to 59 per cent of Malays supported such business ventures, compared to the Indians (52 per cent), and the Chinese (40.5 per cent).
“Finally, 18.8 per cent of Chinese respondents, 19.5 per cent Indian respondents, and only 6.2 Malay respondents are unsure whether or not the Johor royalty should refrain from business ventures,” it said.
In addition, those polled also viewed the monarchy positively, agreeing that the Johor royal family is a good steward of the state’s resources, the Sultan looks after the personal interests of the citizens, and is a good guardian of Islam.
The survey polled 2,011 respondents from Johor by phone between May and June this year.
Malays made up 55 per cent of the respondents, Chinese at 38 per cent, and Indian at 7 per cent.
One in 10 Johoreans identify as Bangsa Johor first,malaysian second.
84% of Johore Malays want
the Sultan to intervene in politics...
Three-quarters of Johor folks polled by Singapore-based research centre ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute revealed they agree with the Johor royal house intervening in politics should the need arise.
In the survey results released this week, the highest support for this notion came from the Malays in the southern state, at 84.9 per cent, followed by the ethnic Chinese at 65.1 per cent, and Indians (53.2 per cent).
“The strong Malay support for the Johor Sultan intervention in politics when necessary is consistent with the community’s acceptance of the Sultan’s traditional role as their ‘protector’,” the report said.
Furthermore, those responded also had no problems with the royalty involving itself in business ventures.
Over half, at 51.8 per cent, disagreed that the royal house should refrain from business ventures.
Broken by ethnicities, close to 59 per cent of Malays supported such business ventures, compared to the Indians (52 per cent), and the Chinese (40.5 per cent).
“Finally, 18.8 per cent of Chinese respondents, 19.5 per cent Indian respondents, and only 6.2 Malay respondents are unsure whether or not the Johor royalty should refrain from business ventures,” it said.
In addition, those polled also viewed the monarchy positively, agreeing that the Johor royal family is a good steward of the state’s resources, the Sultan looks after the personal interests of the citizens, and is a good guardian of Islam.
The survey polled 2,011 respondents from Johor by phone between May and June this year.
Malays made up 55 per cent of the respondents, Chinese at 38 per cent, and Indian at 7 per cent.
One in 10 Johoreans identify as Bangsa Johor first,malaysian second.