Mengikut portal Umno Online, Parti Komunis China (CPC) telah menjemput Umno menghadiri kongresnya pada 19 pada 18 Oktober ini.
Laporan tersebut juga menyebut Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor berkata beliau menghargai kerjasama rapat antara Umno dan Parti Komunis China tersebut. Kemesraan makin menyerlah di antara dua pihak berkenaan.
Kerjasama antara kerajaan Malaysia dan negara China adalah perkara biasa tetapi kerjasama di antara Umno dan Parti Komunis China- CPC, adalah perkara yang berbeza dan bukan kebiasaan.
Adakah ini satu tahaluf yang baru yang akan dijalin? Cuba kita bayangkan kalau kerjasama ini terjalin antara parti dari komponen Pakatan Harapan dengan CPC, seperti hendak kiamat agaknya suasana di negara ini!
Haji Mat Sabu pernah dituduh kononnya bersimpati dengan komunis tidak lama dahulu. Abu dari mayat Chin Peng ketua komunis yang telah mati pun diharamkan oleh kerajaan dibawa masuk ke Malaysia untuk ditanam. Begitu takutnya Malaysia pada ideologi komunis yang telah mati dan tidak mempunyai kuasa lagi.
Hairannya kerajaan kita begitu mesra pula dengan China Komunis yang merupakan di antara kuasa tentera dan ekonomi agresif terbesar dunia hingga sanggup menggadai negara dengan menjual aset utama negara termasuk aset strategik seperti lapangan terbang tentera Sungai Besi dan menawar pelabuhan-pelabuhan utama di Kuantan, Johor Bahru, Melaka, Kelang dan Pulau Pinang.
Lee Min,leader of the communist Kepayang Gang
Di manakah konsistensi kerajaan Malaysia? Kalau rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina terutamanya dari DAP digambarkan sebagai ancaman kepada survival Melayu, kepada China Komunis negara kuasa besar asing dibukanya pula pintu negara seluas-luasnya peluang sehingga boleh menjadi risiko tinggi pada keselamatan dan kedaulatan negara.
Rupa-rupanya wang ringgit negara komunis boleh menjadi penawar kepada semua dosa ideologi komunis yang dahulunya digeruni. Bukankah umat Islam saudara kita di bahagian Barat negara China di Xinjiang sedang didiskriminasi, ditindas dan dibunuh beramai-ramai begitu lama?
Rekod buruk terhadap umat Islam
Rekod hak asasi manusia negara China Komunis terhadap umat Islam warga mereka sendiri adalah amat buruk dan dilaporkan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.
Kaum Uighur beragama Islam telah dilarang berpuasa dan banyak lagi sekatan ke atas agama Islam dikenakan.
Ini adalah ideologi komunis yang tidak membenarkan kebebasan beragama dan umat Islam adalah sasaran utama. Kini Umno dan Parti Komunis China menjalinkan kerjasama yang erat demi kepentingan kewangan.
Adakah wang pelaburan negara China boleh membasuh bersih dan mensucikan darah umat Islam yang telah ditumpahkan oleh rejim kejam parti komunis yang Umno makin mesra hari ini?
Kalau benar, betullah ia "cash is King" dan boleh menyelesaikan segala masalah dan dosa. China dari Parti Komunis negara asing memperoleh layanan dan keistimewaan yang lebih baik dari China rakyat warga Malaysia sendiri.
Adakah Umno berhasrat untuk bertahaluf dengan Parti Komunis China di peringkat antarabangsa dan pada masa yang sama bertahaluf dengan parti PAS di dalam negara?
Ini adalah konsep tahluf yang sangat canggih dan yang mengelirukan banyak pihak, terutamanya penyokong PAS di bawah.
What happened to Communist bogeyman?
PAS adalah parti yang perlembagaannya mendokong agama Islam, sementara CPC parti komunis yang menghalang kebebasan beragama. Tetapi kita mungkin tidak harus keliru lagi.
Umno yang pekat dengan semangat nasionalisnya telah boleh "memelayukan" PAS hingga menjadi lebih kebangsaan. Mungkinkah Umno boleh pula "me-Melayukan" Parti Komunis China pula?
Atau, mungkinkah PAS boleh membantu UMNO 'meng-Islamkan" Parti Komunis China? Tetapi adakah ini boleh dilakukan kerana ahli Parti Komunis China bukan Melayu!
Bukankah pimpinan atasan PAS hari ini berpegang kepada konsep Islam- Melayu seperti Umno juga? Lainlah kalau PAS masih berpegang kepada konsep PAS For All dan juga Islam For All dari era almarhum Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat yang kini telah hilang entah ke mana! - YB Raja Baharin Shah,mk
Hidup UMNO bergema di sekolah...
Bila pemimpin UMNO tunjuk kebodohan depa,simpanlah sikit kebodohan tu. Beranikah Menteri Pelajaran ambik tindakan terhadap menteri tak berpelajaran ini? - tanpa nama
Headmaster Mohd Amin Hamzah said this has nothing to do with politics. With Umno flags, Umno anthem and chanting "long live Umno" are nothing to do with politics? No wonder our students' standards studying in national schools are getting worse when you have such a clueless and idiotic HM.- Ferdtan
This is a blatant violation of the MOE guidelines on such events. There must be no political speeches, party flags, symbols, songs and slogans. So why did this headmaster breach the MOE policy? Is he an UMNO member? If the MOE defends the actions of this school and headmaster then at the state level in Opposition controlled states the MB, CM and Executive Councillors ought to be allowed to visit schools for similar events. Otherwise it is blatant hypocrisy. The headmaster of this school should be rudely reminded that it is the taxpayer who funds his salary and his school and not UMNO/BN or the individual minister concerned. But since it was Adnan Mansor this sort of nonsense is to be expected. As a parent I send my child to school for an education and not for party political propaganda. What next indoctrinate our kids at the nursery level like some Communist state? - Gerard Lourdesamy
Langkawi Ferry Ticket Sales Down 50%,
Harga Satay naik, Goodbye F1 Sepang...
This is based on their ferry ticket sales (from Kuala Kedah and Kuala Perlis) which have dropped by the amount of those figures.
Local people have less money for discretionary spending. Discretionary spending
means spending on non-essential purchases like vacations and luxury items.
The single biggest cause of this drop is the GST which has sent prices of goods and services skyrocketing.
The vast majority of people who are wage earners have seen their purchasing power drop because easily 15% of their monthly income is now used to pay GST and the higher prices for goods and services caused by the same GST.
In my neighborhood the 'food truck' operator has reduced the size of the chicken in their nasi campur from one nice piece of chicken to a few small pieces of chicken.
And then they have increased the price from RM5.00 to RM6.00 - a 20% price inflation !!
So the young office girls and boys must spend RM1.00 more to pay for a smaller portion of food. So if 100 people buy food from this food truck, it means there is RM100.00 less money to be spent elsewhere, including to buy ferry tickets to Langkawi.
So the Langkawi ferry operators are under financial stress, hotels in Langkawi, shops and businesses are all under financial stress.
The accompanying message said, "Bought satay. Normal shop. Kena RM2.70 to RM3.00 per stick. Ouch!"
That was not from a kedai mamak nasi kandar ok.RM2.70 per stick of satay ayam !! Thats insane.Satay daging RM3.00 perstick !! Poor people can just look at pictures of satay.
The gomen better give cheap financial aid to the mamak nasi kandar operators. Why? So that the mamak nasi kandar can still sell affordable, good quality, halal and delicous food which everyone can afford to eat.
Without the mamak nasi kandar, many many folks, especially Malay people will not be able to afford to eat quick and nutritious meals. Please treat the mamak nasi kandar as part of the nation's food security structure.
Not many people can afford to eat satay at RM2.70 per stick.
The following is from The NST:
"The locals are not buying the tickets to watch F1," Razlan Razali, chief executive of the Sepang International Circuit (SIC) told AFP.
Razlan said Sepang, which can accommodate 120,000 fans, drew just 45,000 to last month's running of the race, and race-day TV ratings also were poor. Razlan, however, said ticket sales have been declining since 2014.
My comments : 2014 was the year when the subsidies were removed as well. The peoples' purchasing power has been seriously dampened ever since the GST was imposed in 2015.
The F1 started dying in 2014. The CEO himself says ticket sales have been declining since 2014. It has gotten worse post GST in 2015.
The entire economy is dying, including the Langkawi ferries and the F1 races, since the GST was imposed in 2015.
There is also another side to this F1 race going bust.Its the crash in oil prices and the loss of gomen revenues.
In both Sepang races, the tickets were for one of those very expensive "private rooms" that are sound proofed, airconditioned and overlook the race track. They also had their own outside areas overlooking the tracks, a never ending buffet table, drinks, waiters and such. The private rooms were huge.
In both cases, the very, very expensive tickets were sponsored by the korporat people. First by Berita Harian and the second time by another korporat. The korporat who were either living off buta money, monopoly businesses (like newspapers or telcos) or GLCs.
In fact a sizeable number of the attendees at the expensive seats in Sepang were all 'korporat sponsored'. It was the age of plenty oil money at that time. They were burning oil money.
Who wants to spend their own money to see the F1 races? Plus there is no technology culture here. The people who went to see the races knew nothing or very little about cars or racing. They just went there to be seen. Throughout the race they were more interested in eating and talking endlessly. Hardly anyone looked at the F1 cars as they zoomed by.
Now the oil money is much, much less. Gone.So there is less 'korporat sponsorship' of F1 tickets.The GST has pushed up the prices of everything.
Also since few people have any real interest in car racing or automotive technology (which is what motor racing is all about) who then wants to spend their own money to buy the F1 tickets?
This is Malaysia beb - kalau orang korporat tak belanja, tak payah pergi lah. So this year despite an 80% discount or something for the "private rooms" the F1 tickets could still not be sold, there was a minimum turnout. No more mani maa. No more buta money to burn.
So the F1 is going to bungkus. There will not be an F1 race anymore in Sepang.- ostb
The single biggest cause of this drop is the GST which has sent prices of goods and services skyrocketing.
The vast majority of people who are wage earners have seen their purchasing power drop because easily 15% of their monthly income is now used to pay GST and the higher prices for goods and services caused by the same GST.
In my neighborhood the 'food truck' operator has reduced the size of the chicken in their nasi campur from one nice piece of chicken to a few small pieces of chicken.
And then they have increased the price from RM5.00 to RM6.00 - a 20% price inflation !!
So the young office girls and boys must spend RM1.00 more to pay for a smaller portion of food. So if 100 people buy food from this food truck, it means there is RM100.00 less money to be spent elsewhere, including to buy ferry tickets to Langkawi.
So the Langkawi ferry operators are under financial stress, hotels in Langkawi, shops and businesses are all under financial stress.
The accompanying message said, "Bought satay. Normal shop. Kena RM2.70 to RM3.00 per stick. Ouch!"
That was not from a kedai mamak nasi kandar ok.RM2.70 per stick of satay ayam !! Thats insane.Satay daging RM3.00 perstick !! Poor people can just look at pictures of satay.
The gomen better give cheap financial aid to the mamak nasi kandar operators. Why? So that the mamak nasi kandar can still sell affordable, good quality, halal and delicous food which everyone can afford to eat.
Without the mamak nasi kandar, many many folks, especially Malay people will not be able to afford to eat quick and nutritious meals. Please treat the mamak nasi kandar as part of the nation's food security structure.
Not many people can afford to eat satay at RM2.70 per stick.
"The locals are not buying the tickets to watch F1," Razlan Razali, chief executive of the Sepang International Circuit (SIC) told AFP.
Razlan said Sepang, which can accommodate 120,000 fans, drew just 45,000 to last month's running of the race, and race-day TV ratings also were poor. Razlan, however, said ticket sales have been declining since 2014.
My comments : 2014 was the year when the subsidies were removed as well. The peoples' purchasing power has been seriously dampened ever since the GST was imposed in 2015.
The F1 started dying in 2014. The CEO himself says ticket sales have been declining since 2014. It has gotten worse post GST in 2015.
The entire economy is dying, including the Langkawi ferries and the F1 races, since the GST was imposed in 2015.
There is also another side to this F1 race going bust.Its the crash in oil prices and the loss of gomen revenues.
In both Sepang races, the tickets were for one of those very expensive "private rooms" that are sound proofed, airconditioned and overlook the race track. They also had their own outside areas overlooking the tracks, a never ending buffet table, drinks, waiters and such. The private rooms were huge.
In both cases, the very, very expensive tickets were sponsored by the korporat people. First by Berita Harian and the second time by another korporat. The korporat who were either living off buta money, monopoly businesses (like newspapers or telcos) or GLCs.
In fact a sizeable number of the attendees at the expensive seats in Sepang were all 'korporat sponsored'. It was the age of plenty oil money at that time. They were burning oil money.
Who wants to spend their own money to see the F1 races? Plus there is no technology culture here. The people who went to see the races knew nothing or very little about cars or racing. They just went there to be seen. Throughout the race they were more interested in eating and talking endlessly. Hardly anyone looked at the F1 cars as they zoomed by.
Now the oil money is much, much less. Gone.So there is less 'korporat sponsorship' of F1 tickets.The GST has pushed up the prices of everything.
Also since few people have any real interest in car racing or automotive technology (which is what motor racing is all about) who then wants to spend their own money to buy the F1 tickets?
This is Malaysia beb - kalau orang korporat tak belanja, tak payah pergi lah. So this year despite an 80% discount or something for the "private rooms" the F1 tickets could still not be sold, there was a minimum turnout. No more mani maa. No more buta money to burn.
So the F1 is going to bungkus. There will not be an F1 race anymore in Sepang.- ostb
Azmin gagal paksa IGP tangkap Jho Low...
Perjuangan PAS sebenaq...
Depa tu MELAYU kah?Pasai UMNO Melayu
akan jadi bangsat dalam negara sendiri...
Kemalangan ngeri.Mangsa dilapor masih purrah di wad ICU...