Peguam Negara Israel sedang mempertimbang mendakwa isteri Perdana Menteri, Benjamin Netanyahu, Sara, kerana disyaki menggunakan dana kerajaan untuk majlis makan malam peribadi dan katering berjumlah AS$100,000 (RM419,410).
Sara disiasat kerana membuat pesanan serta tempahan barangan yang menimbulkan kesangsian, apabila melaporkannya sebagai perbelanjaan awam dan tidak membayar secara peribadi.
Beliau menempah hidangan istimewa serta membeli perabot taman untuk vila keluarga Netanyahu di Caesarea, sebuah bandar di tengah Israel dan mengisytiharkannya perbelanjaan awam.
Di samping itu, beliau turut disiasat kerana menggunakan seorang pegawai kediaman rasmi perdana menteri di Baitulmaqdis sebagai penjaga bapanya.
Kementerian Kehakiman dalam satu kenyataan berkata, Peguam Negara Avichai Mandellit bercadang mendakwa Sara Netanyahu atas kesalahan yang termasuk memperoleh barangan secara menipu, melakukan penipuan dan pecah amanah.
Satu tulisan ruangan Facebook Perdana Menteri Israel diterbitkan lewat semalam sebagai maklum balas laporan media berhubung pengumuman Mandelbilt berkata, tuduhan ke atas Sara adalah 'tidak masuk akal dan terbukti tidak berasas.'
Memetik laporan Channel 2 TV News, Peguam Negara Israel, Avichai Mandleblit dijangka mengumumkan perkara itu hari ini.
Benjamin juga sedang disiasat atas 2 kesalahan rasuah. - Reuters
China Press melaporkan wanita itu mengamuk selepas mendapati tayarnya dikunci pihak berkuasa tempatan berkenaan kerana menghentikan keretanya di tempat letak kenderaan orang kelainan upaya (OKU).
Wanita terbabit memarahi penguat kuasa itu dengan “menghayun” sebatang kunci stereng sambil memberi alasan dia terpaksa meletak kereta di sana kerana tiada tempat lain.
“Saya beli makanan untuk OKU salahkah? Salahkah?” teriaknya berulang kali.
“Tak salah. You beli makanan, you tak salah,” jawab penguat kuasa bercermin mata gelap itu.
“Tak salah kenapa kunci kereta saya?” soal wanita itu lagi.
“You parking kereta salah,” kata penguat kuasa itu sambil bertanya jika wanita terbabit seorang OKU.
“Saya tolong OKU, you tak fahamkah?” katanya sambil menghentak kakinya.
“Saya faham…Kalau betul-betul you tolong OKU, baik parking tengah-tengah (jalan) saja,” kata penguat kuasa lelaki itu.
Pemandu terbabit kemudiannya merendahkan suara dengan berkata, meletakkan kereta di tengah jalan memang dilarang.
“Apakah you betul ke tak betul? Panggil saya park in the middle…Eh, you officer tau,” kata wanita berkenaan.- fmt
Tahukah anda kita import
arang batu dari Korea Utara?
Explain why I was barred
from visiting Chinese school...
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng wants the Education Ministry to explain why he was not allowed to visit a Chinese school in Sungai Lembu, Bukit Mertajam, to extend financial aid.
Lim told a press conference that the move to bar his visit was a "travesty of democratic principles".
"Why victimise the Penang government and bully its chief minister? There is no logic in preventing us from visiting the school when all we want to do is provide financial aid.
"Bear in mind that I am the only Chinese chief minister in the country, and yet, I cannot enter a Chinese primary school in my own
state, despite having written a letter to inform the Education Ministry. I have never experienced this before. It must be because the general election is near," Lim said.
According to Lim, he was supposed to visit and provide financial aid to the Sungai Lembu Chinese primary school, on which he had earlier informed the ministry.
Lim received a letter on Sept 6 from Penang Education Department director Shaari Osman, informing him that he is not allowed to visit the school.
Application rejected by ministry
He was told that his application had been rejected by the Education Ministry.
Lim also claimed that an Umno leader had been permitted to visit the school, although the party "does not support Chinese education".
The Bagan MP went on to ask: “There is no respect for the post of CM but how come an Umno leader, coming from a party that supports only one language education, was allowed into the school?”
Lim was referring to Umno Permatang Pauh division chief Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said, who has visited several schools in Permatang Pauh, and even organised a record-making event that saw Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak participating in a feast while sitting cross-legged at the Seberang Perai Polytechnic last month.
Sungai Lembu was thrust into the spotlight after state executive councillor in charge of environment, welfare and caring society, Phee Boon Poh, and two others were detained by the MACC last month over the operations of an illegal factory.
Lim urged state government officials to go to such schools to see for themselves that kind of aid that is required, instead of just relying on reports.
He also asked if the ministry could give a guarantee that it would provide enough allocations for needy schools.
"If they are unable to do so, why stop us from entering school to see their needs?
“We cannot provide all the funds due to financial constraints, but we can give some remedial funds annually,” Lim said.
“If the Education Ministry cannot guarantee enough funds for Chinese schools, then it is politicising education for its own selfish interests,” he stressed. - mk
KM: Mengapa larang saya lawat sekolah Cina
According to Lim, he was supposed to visit and provide financial aid to the Sungai Lembu Chinese primary school, on which he had earlier informed the ministry.
Lim received a letter on Sept 6 from Penang Education Department director Shaari Osman, informing him that he is not allowed to visit the school.
He was told that his application had been rejected by the Education Ministry.
Lim also claimed that an Umno leader had been permitted to visit the school, although the party "does not support Chinese education".
The Bagan MP went on to ask: “There is no respect for the post of CM but how come an Umno leader, coming from a party that supports only one language education, was allowed into the school?”
Lim was referring to Umno Permatang Pauh division chief Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said, who has visited several schools in Permatang Pauh, and even organised a record-making event that saw Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak participating in a feast while sitting cross-legged at the Seberang Perai Polytechnic last month.
Sungai Lembu was thrust into the spotlight after state executive councillor in charge of environment, welfare and caring society, Phee Boon Poh, and two others were detained by the MACC last month over the operations of an illegal factory.
Lim urged state government officials to go to such schools to see for themselves that kind of aid that is required, instead of just relying on reports.
He also asked if the ministry could give a guarantee that it would provide enough allocations for needy schools.
"If they are unable to do so, why stop us from entering school to see their needs?
“We cannot provide all the funds due to financial constraints, but we can give some remedial funds annually,” Lim said.
“If the Education Ministry cannot guarantee enough funds for Chinese schools, then it is politicising education for its own selfish interests,” he stressed. - mk
KM: Mengapa larang saya lawat sekolah Cina
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