'Kari' Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika (DOJ) semakin pedas. Kita sudah dengar macam mana dalam saman sivilnya yang kedua ia menceritakan perihal berlian, permata, emas suasa AS$27 juta (kira-kira RM122 juta) milik isteri Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).
Dan bagaimana sahabat akrab keluarga perdana menteri, Jho Low menghadiahkan emas permata bernilai hampir AS$10 juta (kira-kira RM45 juta) kepada bintang filem dan model Miranda Kerr daripada duit 1MDB.
Itu DOJ yang kata. Jadi kalau nak kerah peguam pantau dan saman, sasarannya bukanlah penggiat media sosial tetapi DOJ. Carilah salah DOJ dan samanlah sepuas-puas hati. Orang putih kata, to the heart’s content.
Cuma jangan jadi macam omong kosong "saman Selasa" Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak yang ancam nak saman Wall Street Journal pada Selasa 7 Julai 2015.
Dah lebih 700 hari berlalu, satu apa pun tak ada.
Tak puas hati lawanlah DOJ
Berbalik kepada saman sivil 'kari' (Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative/Inisiatif Dapatkan Balik Aset Yang dicuri Kerajaan) kedua oleh DOJ pada 15 Jun di Amerika, tujuannya ialah mendapatkan balik AS$540 juta (RM2.43 bilion) yang dicuri daripada 1MDB.
Antara harta yang dimohon untuk dirampas adalah permata merah jambu (pink diamond) 22 karat yang didakwa dibeli dengan duit songlap 1MDB dan gambar yang dihadiahkan kepada pelakon Hollywood Leonardo DiCaprio.
Senarai lengkap harta curi Jho Low dan konco-konconya adalah seperti berikut:
1.Kapal mewah “The Equanimity” kegunaan Jho Low;
2. Sejumlah 2.5 saham (D Preferred Stock) syarikat Palantir Technologies, sebuah syarikat perisian komputer.
3.Semua hak milik dan kepentingan di dalam Electrum Group, syarikat pengurusan pelaburan;
4.Hak ke atas filem "Dumb and Dumber" terbitan by Red Granite Pictures (milik bersama Riza Abdul Aziz, anak Rosmah dengar suami pertama);
5.Hak ke atas filem "Daddy's Home" terbitan Red Granite Pictures;
6.Poster litograf oleh pelukis Jerman Heinz Schulz-Neudamm untuk filem bisu (silent film) "Metropolis" tahun 1927;
7.Semua hak ke atas Fly Wheel Sports, rangkaian kelab kesihatan;
8.Sebutir permata 11.72 karat berbentuk jantung;
9.Sebiji loket permata 8.88 karat berwarna merah jambu dipagari oleh permata merah jambu terang 11 karat;
10.Satu set perhiasan mengandungi sebentuk cincin emas bertatah permata putih 18 karat, rantai, subang permata dan gelang bertatah permata;
11.Sepasang subang permata dan sebentuk cincin permata dengan 7.53 karat permata jenis 2A, 3.05 karat permata jenis 2A dan 3.08 karat permata jenis 2A;
12.Lukisan berjudul “Nature Morte au Crane de Taureau” (bahasa Perancis) oleh Pablo Picasso;
13.Sebuah kolaj berjudul “Redman One” oleh Jean-Michel Basquiat; dan
14.Gambar berjudul “Boy with the Toy Hand Grenade” oleh Diane Arbus;
Kalau ini cerita rekaan atau fitnah seperti kata konco-konco dedak Perdana Menteri masakan DOJ begitu teliti dan terperinci menyenaraikan barang-barang yang dibeli dengan duit curi itu?
Mereka ada bukan setakat empat saksi tetapi berpuluh malah beratus saksi. Ini bukan cerita standard Peguam Negara (Tan Sri) Mohamed Apandi Ali. Ini penyiasatan dan pertuduhan standard Amerika ke atas jenayah berlaku di bumi Amerika di mana mengalihkan wang haram (termasuk wang negara yang dicuri) adalah kesalahan berat.
DOJ mempunyai maklumat yang begitu terperinci sehingga ia tahu bila dan di mana isteri MO1 membeli belah pertama berlian di New York pada tahun 2013 ketika perdana menteri menghadiri Persidangan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.
Konco-konco Najib dalam kerajaan dan para pemakan dedak siber beliau tak perlulah cuba buat alasan itu dan ini termasuk kononnya DOJ tak maklumkan kepada mereka.
Buat apa DOJ nak maklumkan. Itu hak mereka dan saman itu dibuat di negara mereka. Kalau bagi tahu atau minta tolong pun belum tentu Apandi akan bantu macam berlaku kepada Peguam Negara Switzerland, Michael Lauber. Permintaannya tidak dilayan.
Jadi biar kita tinggal pasangan mewah itu sementara dan bincang mengenai satu lagi perkembangan penting iaitu penarikan diri (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim sebagai calon Perdana Menteri pakatan pembangkang.
Pada 17 Jun, Anwar mengumumkan yang beliau menarik diri sebagai calon Perdana Menteri Pakatan Harapan (PH) dan sebaliknya akan menumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya kepada Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU).
"Dan terkait dengan gesaan untuk menumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya kepada PRU, maka saya memilih untuk tidak menawarkan diri selaku calon Perdana Menteri," kata beliau dalam satu kenyataan.
Keputusan Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) itu adalah langkah penting dalam proses membentuk kesepakatan di kalangan parti-parti pembangkang pusat iaitu PKR, Amanah, Parti Peribumi Bersatu Malaysia dan DAP.
Tindakan baik hati (magnanimous) bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri era Tun Dr Mahthir itu membuka jalan kepada penyelesaian isu struktur kepemimpinan Pakatan Harapan dan mencerahkan harapan mendaftarkan PH sebagai pakatan rasmi sebelum PRU akan datang.
Bukan mudah membina konsensus di kalangan parti-parti PH kerana kesemua parti anggota berunding atas dasar sama rata, tidak seperti Barisan Nasional (BN) di mana Umno memaksakan hegemoninya ke atas parti-parti yang lain.
Asas perundingan di kalangan parti-parti PH adalah mewujudkan sebuah pakatan yang mantap dengan satu barisan kepemimpinan, satu perlembagaan, satu simbol dan satu manifesto. - kadir jasin
How US-DOJ Links Auntie Rosie
To A $27-Million Pink Diamond...
The 1MDB scandal, essentially a money laundering or a “PONZI” scheme, was so sophisticated and complex that when the U.S. Department of Justice released its latest investigation papers Thursday, the documents were as thick as 251-page. That speaks volumes about the difference between the US-DOJ and Malaysian Attorney General Chambers.
Last year (July 20, 2016), when then-U.S. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced that the Justice Department filed lawsuits to seize assets that it said were the result of US$3.5 billion that was misappropriated from 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Bhd), a fund set up by Najib Razak himself in 2009, it pretty much confirmed that money was stolen from 1MDB.
Back then, Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak, the No.1 bootlicker of PM Najib and his wife, Rosmah, went ballistic. Mr. Salleh took it that because then-President Barack Obama had golfed with his boss, Obama should have stopped the US-DOJ from investigating his golf buddy, because that’s what a corrupt Najib regime would normally do.
This round, the same Salleh Said Keruak, both clueless and panicked, has again gone bonkers. He blamed the opposition – of treason – for allegedly seeking foreign intervention in the Malaysia politics. Did he just say the opposition is more powerful than PM Najib son of Razak, so much so that badass Donald Trump is now a puppet of Mahathir or Lim Kit Siang?
As stupid as Mr. Salleh and his band of paid-bloggers might sound in their defence (and criticism) against the US-DOJ’s latest bombshell, it’s getting tougher to spin and twist about PM Najib’s innocence. Not only US-DOJ continues to link “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1“, popularly known as MO1, to money laundering, the latest documents has also revealed more crooked
But what has really irritated bootlicker Salleh Said Keruak was the revelation by Justice Department that the “wife of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” had purchased a 22-carat pink diamond necklace using money siphoned from 1MDB. Apparently, Jho Low (fullname: Low Taek Jho), being mentioned 911 times in the document, had done all the heavy lifting in the purchase arrangement.
It’s a public knowledge that MO1 refers to PM Najib Razak, simply because the US-DOJ also referred this individual to be a relative of Riza Shahriz, who happens to be Najib’s stepson. Therefore, an educated guess is MO1’s wife is “highly likely” Rosmah Mansor – wife of Najib Razak. Coincidently, Rosmah has gone bananas and threatened social media users with lawsuits if link her to the pink diamond.
The 22-carat pink diamond, described as “22.17carat Natural Fancy Intense Pink VS2 clarity (GIA#2115637296) Cut-Cornered Square Modified Brilliant Cut diamond,” was invoiced on 3 July, 2013 for a jaw-dropping US$23,000,000. The second invoice, dated July 31, 2013, was for US$4,300,000 for the accompanying necklace. Hence, the total cost was US$27,300,000.
Auntie Rosie, of course, didn’t have to worry about the dollar and cent because the US$27.3 million for the pink diamond was paid on 10 September, 2013 using funds traceable to the US$620 million payment from MO1 to Tanore. Ahh, so now we know why Mr. Najib had returned the US$620 million from the initial US$681 million – “donated by Saudi royal family”.
Najib didn’t return the US$620 million to his self-proclaimed Saudi royal family because the money was unused. He returned it because he needed to siphon it to somewhere else, as instructed by Jho Low. Upon Auntie Rosie’s request, Jho Low had arranged for jewellery designer Lorraine Schwartz to scout for a pink diamond on June 2, 2013.
UMNO, Najib’s political party, has been extremely critical of Israel and Jews. Perhaps the prime minister should remind his wife that Lorraine Schwartz is also known as “Jewish Queen of Oscar Bling”. Anyway, Schwartz travelled to Monaco on July 5, 2013 and met Jho Low aboard the Topaz, one of the largest private yachts in the world built at a cost of €400 million.
Jho Low had chartered the 147-meter yacht for 7 days at a cost of €3.5 million, which, of course was paid using money siphoned away from 1MDB. Aboard the Topaz, US-DOJ reveals how Schwartz showed the pink diamond to a group of people – Jho Low, the wife of “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1”, and one of her friends (“Malaysian Friend”).
The group happily discussed the design of the necklace to hold the 22-carat pink diamond. On 28 September, 2013, Schwartz met again with Jho Low and the wife of MO1 in a hotel suite in the Mandarin Time Warner in New York in order to show them the layout of the necklace that Schwartz had designed.
Schwartz was asked to invoice Blackrock Commodities (Global) Limited (“Blackrock”). On September 9, 2013, just days after Najib proudly told all and sundry that he had returned US$620 million to its original donor (a Tanore Account), US$58,849,050 was wired from the same Tanore Account to another account at Falcon Bank in Singapore held in the name of Midhurst Trading Limited (“Midhurst Trading Account”).
The following day on 10 September, 2013, Midhurst transferred US$32,760,000 to an account at DBS Bank Ltd. in Singapore held by Blackrock (the “Blackrock Account”). On the same day, Blackrock made two separate wire transfers to a bank account at Bank of America in New York held by Lorraine Schwartz Inc. in payment for the 22-carat pink diamond necklace.
Investigations done by US-DOJ have revealed that “Blackrock Account” was used to do nothing but to pay for jewellery purchases for Jho Low and their associates, including Auntie Rosie. Between April 2013 and September 2014, the account was used to purchase a total of approximately US$200 million in jewellery, again, using funds traceable to the 2013 bonds and the 2014 Deutsche Bank loans.
The modus operandi was to transfer stolen money from Jho Low-controlled entities – such as Affinity Equity, Tanore, and Midhurst (refer chart) – to the Blackrock Account whenever there was a need to purchase jewellery. Perhaps that explains the name Blackrock – gems or rock bought with black money obtained illegally. It’s very kind of Jho Low putting some thought on his piggybank’s name.
A 22-carat pink diamond, however, wasn’t the only rock which Auntie Rosie had gotten to decorate her neck. Why stop at only 1 diamond when she can get more gems for free. Auntie Rosie continued her shopping spree and by October, 2104, US$1,300,000 in funds traceable to misappropriated Deutsche Bank loan proceeds were used to purchase 27 jewelleries.
This round, the purchase included 27 different 18-carat gold necklaces and bracelets. The US-DOJ documents showed Jho Low had once again arranged for the purchase and payment of the jewelleries on behalf of the wife of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1. Again, Lorraine Schwartz made her killings with the spendthrift Auntie Rosie.
Unlike the previous appointment aboard the Topaz yacht, Lorraine Schwartz met and had dinner with Auntie Rosie at the Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles this time, before showing off her jewelleries to the wife of PM Najib Razak. The 27 pieces of jewelleries, all 18K – white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, black gold – of bangles or necklaces, were priced from US$40,172 to US$240,000 a pop.
The next time you see “Malay Queen of Shopping” Auntie Rosie wearing some bling-blings around her neck or wrist, chances are she got them from “Jewish Queen of Oscar Bling” Lorraine Schwartz, courtesy of money stolen from 1MDB, which happens to be taxpayers’ money, mind you. With the investigation papers made public by US-DOJ, we believe it has helped solve another mystery.
Six years ago in 2011, Malaysians were foaming at the mouth with an explosive revelation that Rosmah had purchased a RM24 million diamond ring. At first, Auntie Rosie kept silent, then she said no comment, then her dumb aide and supporters said she could actually afford it because the so-called First Lady had been saving from young.
Now, we know the prime minister’s wife had lied about saving from young. Sure, she probably didn’t manage to buy the RM24 million diamond ring from American jeweller Jacob and Co. because of tremendous public pressure. But if she wanted to, Auntie Rosie could have it because by 2011, Jho Low had already plundered at least US$700 million to Good Star Limited.
Between 2009 and 2011, Jho Low had siphoned US$1.03 billion to his vehicle Good Star, and thereafter transferred at least US$368 million to Shearman IOLA Account (between Oct, 2009 and Oct, 2010). Stolen money transferred to Shearman IOLA Account was used to fund the luxurious lifestyles enjoyed by Jho Low and his associates.
Yes, if Malaysians had gone bonkers at the sight of Auntie Rosie wearing a RM24 million diamond ring, wait till they see a bling-bling 22-carat pink diamond necklace costing a jaw-dropping US$27.3 million (RM117 million) around her neck. That’s when the public wished they have had allowed Auntie Rosie wore her RM24 million ring – and be done with it (*sarcasm*).- finance twitter,gambitblog
But what has really irritated bootlicker Salleh Said Keruak was the revelation by Justice Department that the “wife of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” had purchased a 22-carat pink diamond necklace using money siphoned from 1MDB. Apparently, Jho Low (fullname: Low Taek Jho), being mentioned 911 times in the document, had done all the heavy lifting in the purchase arrangement.
It’s a public knowledge that MO1 refers to PM Najib Razak, simply because the US-DOJ also referred this individual to be a relative of Riza Shahriz, who happens to be Najib’s stepson. Therefore, an educated guess is MO1’s wife is “highly likely” Rosmah Mansor – wife of Najib Razak. Coincidently, Rosmah has gone bananas and threatened social media users with lawsuits if link her to the pink diamond.
The 22-carat pink diamond, described as “22.17carat Natural Fancy Intense Pink VS2 clarity (GIA#2115637296) Cut-Cornered Square Modified Brilliant Cut diamond,” was invoiced on 3 July, 2013 for a jaw-dropping US$23,000,000. The second invoice, dated July 31, 2013, was for US$4,300,000 for the accompanying necklace. Hence, the total cost was US$27,300,000.
Auntie Rosie, of course, didn’t have to worry about the dollar and cent because the US$27.3 million for the pink diamond was paid on 10 September, 2013 using funds traceable to the US$620 million payment from MO1 to Tanore. Ahh, so now we know why Mr. Najib had returned the US$620 million from the initial US$681 million – “donated by Saudi royal family”.
Najib didn’t return the US$620 million to his self-proclaimed Saudi royal family because the money was unused. He returned it because he needed to siphon it to somewhere else, as instructed by Jho Low. Upon Auntie Rosie’s request, Jho Low had arranged for jewellery designer Lorraine Schwartz to scout for a pink diamond on June 2, 2013.
UMNO, Najib’s political party, has been extremely critical of Israel and Jews. Perhaps the prime minister should remind his wife that Lorraine Schwartz is also known as “Jewish Queen of Oscar Bling”. Anyway, Schwartz travelled to Monaco on July 5, 2013 and met Jho Low aboard the Topaz, one of the largest private yachts in the world built at a cost of €400 million.
Jho Low had chartered the 147-meter yacht for 7 days at a cost of €3.5 million, which, of course was paid using money siphoned away from 1MDB. Aboard the Topaz, US-DOJ reveals how Schwartz showed the pink diamond to a group of people – Jho Low, the wife of “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1”, and one of her friends (“Malaysian Friend”).
The group happily discussed the design of the necklace to hold the 22-carat pink diamond. On 28 September, 2013, Schwartz met again with Jho Low and the wife of MO1 in a hotel suite in the Mandarin Time Warner in New York in order to show them the layout of the necklace that Schwartz had designed.
Schwartz was asked to invoice Blackrock Commodities (Global) Limited (“Blackrock”). On September 9, 2013, just days after Najib proudly told all and sundry that he had returned US$620 million to its original donor (a Tanore Account), US$58,849,050 was wired from the same Tanore Account to another account at Falcon Bank in Singapore held in the name of Midhurst Trading Limited (“Midhurst Trading Account”).
The following day on 10 September, 2013, Midhurst transferred US$32,760,000 to an account at DBS Bank Ltd. in Singapore held by Blackrock (the “Blackrock Account”). On the same day, Blackrock made two separate wire transfers to a bank account at Bank of America in New York held by Lorraine Schwartz Inc. in payment for the 22-carat pink diamond necklace.
Investigations done by US-DOJ have revealed that “Blackrock Account” was used to do nothing but to pay for jewellery purchases for Jho Low and their associates, including Auntie Rosie. Between April 2013 and September 2014, the account was used to purchase a total of approximately US$200 million in jewellery, again, using funds traceable to the 2013 bonds and the 2014 Deutsche Bank loans.
The modus operandi was to transfer stolen money from Jho Low-controlled entities – such as Affinity Equity, Tanore, and Midhurst (refer chart) – to the Blackrock Account whenever there was a need to purchase jewellery. Perhaps that explains the name Blackrock – gems or rock bought with black money obtained illegally. It’s very kind of Jho Low putting some thought on his piggybank’s name.
A 22-carat pink diamond, however, wasn’t the only rock which Auntie Rosie had gotten to decorate her neck. Why stop at only 1 diamond when she can get more gems for free. Auntie Rosie continued her shopping spree and by October, 2104, US$1,300,000 in funds traceable to misappropriated Deutsche Bank loan proceeds were used to purchase 27 jewelleries.
This round, the purchase included 27 different 18-carat gold necklaces and bracelets. The US-DOJ documents showed Jho Low had once again arranged for the purchase and payment of the jewelleries on behalf of the wife of MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1. Again, Lorraine Schwartz made her killings with the spendthrift Auntie Rosie.
Unlike the previous appointment aboard the Topaz yacht, Lorraine Schwartz met and had dinner with Auntie Rosie at the Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles this time, before showing off her jewelleries to the wife of PM Najib Razak. The 27 pieces of jewelleries, all 18K – white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, black gold – of bangles or necklaces, were priced from US$40,172 to US$240,000 a pop.
The next time you see “Malay Queen of Shopping” Auntie Rosie wearing some bling-blings around her neck or wrist, chances are she got them from “Jewish Queen of Oscar Bling” Lorraine Schwartz, courtesy of money stolen from 1MDB, which happens to be taxpayers’ money, mind you. With the investigation papers made public by US-DOJ, we believe it has helped solve another mystery.
Six years ago in 2011, Malaysians were foaming at the mouth with an explosive revelation that Rosmah had purchased a RM24 million diamond ring. At first, Auntie Rosie kept silent, then she said no comment, then her dumb aide and supporters said she could actually afford it because the so-called First Lady had been saving from young.
Now, we know the prime minister’s wife had lied about saving from young. Sure, she probably didn’t manage to buy the RM24 million diamond ring from American jeweller Jacob and Co. because of tremendous public pressure. But if she wanted to, Auntie Rosie could have it because by 2011, Jho Low had already plundered at least US$700 million to Good Star Limited.
Between 2009 and 2011, Jho Low had siphoned US$1.03 billion to his vehicle Good Star, and thereafter transferred at least US$368 million to Shearman IOLA Account (between Oct, 2009 and Oct, 2010). Stolen money transferred to Shearman IOLA Account was used to fund the luxurious lifestyles enjoyed by Jho Low and his associates.
Yes, if Malaysians had gone bonkers at the sight of Auntie Rosie wearing a RM24 million diamond ring, wait till they see a bling-bling 22-carat pink diamond necklace costing a jaw-dropping US$27.3 million (RM117 million) around her neck. That’s when the public wished they have had allowed Auntie Rosie wore her RM24 million ring – and be done with it (*sarcasm*).- finance twitter,gambitblog
Gambar Rosmah dalam video Al-Jazeera