Tidak akan ada rombakan dalam barisan ahli majlis eksekutif (exco) Selangor walaupun wujud khabar angin mengenai kemungkinan berlaku rampasan kuasa di negeri itu, baru-baru ini.
Menteri Besar Selangor Mohamed Azmin Ali berkata rakyat Selangor memberikan mandat satu penggal dan jelas pengundi mahukan perubahan di negeri itu.
“Ada mereka kata dalam kertas undi yang saya beri anda mandat tiga bulan? Tentulah tidak. Jangan pandang rendah kebijaksanaan pengundi."
Timbalan presiden PKR itu berkata demikian ketika mengulas kenyataan Pemuda Amanah yang beliau merombak exco Selangor dengan memecat exco PAS.
Semua tiga sayap PAS – Ulama, Pemuda dan Pusat – perwakilan meminta kepimpinan parti memutuskan hubungan dengan PKR pada perhimpunan muktamar parti Islam itu di Alor Setar, baru-baru ini.
“Jadi saya ada tugas untuk melaksanakan mandat itu dan ia bukan mengenai pilihan saya. Bukan saya yang memilih tetapi mereka membuat pilihan pada PRU lalu dan kita perlu menghormati proses demokrasi,” kata Azmin kepada wartawan selepas menghadiri satu majlis kerajaan negeri di Shah Alam hari ini.
Azmin berkata beliau menghormati cadangan daripada semua pihak tetapi rakyat yang memilih wakil rakyat daripada PKR, DAP dan PAS untuk membentuk kerajaan negeri sedia ada.
“Mandatnya untuk satu penggal, jadi bagi penggal akan datang kita perlu beri semula mandat kepada rakyat. Biar mereka buat keputusan, mereka akan nilai sepanjang lima tahun lalu apa yang anda buat untuk Selangor.
“Jika anda buat kerja dengan baik, adil pada semua dan berkhidmat dengan rakyat, saya pasti mereka akan sokong kita untuk terus mentadbir negeri ini. Semudah itu saja,” katanya.
Berhubung keputusan Ketua Pemuda PKR Ampang Adam Rosly untuk bercuti sehingga perbicaraan kesnya membuat kenyataan palsu selesai, Azmin berkata ia tindakan tepat.
“Betul tindakan itu untuk tidak membabitkan parti dan kita perlu menghormati proses undang-undang,” katanya, menambah Adam berhak mempertahankan dirinya.
Adam didakwa di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur pada 21 April kerana memberi keterangan palsu dan memalsukan dokumen yang diserahkan kepada pegawai SPRM ketika siasatan dilakukan terhadap kekayaannya pada Februari.
Kekayaan Adam disiasat selepas ketua Baju Merah Jamal Yunos pada tahun lalu membangkitkan persoalan bagaimana Adam boleh memiliki rumah agam pada usia muda. – malaysianinsight
SPR Penipu...
Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) hari ini mula mempamerkan Rang Daftar Pemilih Tambahan (RDPT) suku pertama. Salinan senarai ini sebelum ini dikongsikan kepada parti-parti politik namun kini hanya dipertontonkan di lokasi-lokasi awam seperti ini antara 9 Mei 2017 hingga 22 Mei 2017 dan melibatkan 960 tapak pameran seluruh negara.
Nah, terbukti hampir mustahil bagi petugas-petugas parti untuk menyemak satu demi satu nama pemilih yang terkandung dalam RDPT. Ternyata langkah SPR ini bukan sahaja menghadkan, menyukarkan proses semakan ini daripada dilaksanakan seakan melaksana strategi UMNO-BN!
Untuk makluman angka permohonan bagi rang suku 1/2017 adalah antara permohonan yang tertinggi iaitu sebanyak 326,905 permohonan. Sebanyak 242,691 pemilih baru, manakala 84,214 menukar alamat. Sebagai contoh hanya ada empat salinan diperagakan di seluruh kawasan Parlimen, Lembah Pantai. Saya masih kurang pasti samada setiap lokasi menunjukkan data pemilih yang sama atau tidak.
Adakah SPR mahu sukarelawan-sukarelawan parti berdiri sepanjang hari dan menyemak nama-nama pengundi yang tersenarai di sini secara manual? Haruskah kami pindahkan kerusi meja untuk memudahkan sukarelawan-sukarelawan kami membuat semakan?
RDPT mengandungi senarai daftar pemilih terkini yang sebelum ini diedarkan SPR kepada semua parti politik setiap suku tahun dan ia memudahkan kami membuat semakan. Bagi kami di Parti KEADILAN Rakyat, proses semakan senarai daftar pemilih ini penting bagi memastikan senarai yang dikeluarkan SPR bersih dari sebarang perkara yang meragukan atau penipuan.
Sebagai contoh, ia merupakan salah satu cara kami untuk mengenal pasti sekiranya wujud pengundi ‘hantu’ di sesebuah kawasan. Proses semakan yang kami lakukan sebelum ini dibuat secara teliti, satu demi satu nama pemilih disemak kesahihannya.
Namun arahan terbaru SPR ini bermakna kami hanya boleh melihat senarai terbabit di lokasi tertentu sahaja. Ini bermakna proses semakan terperinci yang selalunya dibuat di peringkat parti hampir mustahil dilaksanakan. Ini menyebabkan kami sukar untuk mengesan sekiranya ada penipuan dalam senarai berkenaan.
Saya khuatir tindakan SPR ini mendekatkan lagi demokrasi di negara kita kepada penipuan. Ia menyukarkan ketelusan dalam proses demokrasi dicapai.
Apapun, kami akan terus mempersiapkan petugas-petugas kami terhadap sebarang kemungkinan penipuan pilihan raya. Saya juga menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia agar membantu kami membuat semakan ke atas senarai daftar pemilih dan kenal pasti pengundi-pengundi hantu yang mungkin dibawa masuk BN dalam senarai daftar pemilih kali ini.
Taktik kotor ini akan sama-sama kita lawan! Jangan relakan penipuan SPR demi memenangkan UMNO-BN !
Nurul Izzah Anwar
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai
Naib Presiden dan Pengarah Pilihan Raya KEADILAN
Malay politics in a fix...
The biggest risk in Malaysian politics lies with the fact that a handful of individuals are in firm control of their parties without an effective checks and balances mechanism in place.
Four years have lapsed since the last general elections in 2013. Both Umno and PAS have deviated off course during the past four years, creating a slew of problems and
These two parties represent the Malay politics, which in turn steers the direction this country is heading to. In the absence of the ability for self reflection and rectification, the country will never be able to deliver itself from the current stalemate.
Take the just concluded PAS muktamar for instance. It was a more religionized convention teeming with religious agendas without any solid political strategies.
PAS leaders and delegates targeted their firepower at fellow opposition parties such as PKR, DAP and Amanah without offering any advice or opinion on the 1MDB scandal, systemic corruption, skyrocketing living expenses and other more pertinent issues in their capacity as leaders of an opposition party.
The assemblies of PAS syura council, youth and wanita wings along with the parent body all adopted the motion to break ranks with PKR for the simple reason the party had collaborated with PAS' enemies (DAP and Amanah) and that PKR did not respect PAS leaders. By right, Umno is the real and powerful enemy PAS will have to face.
In politics, an enemy's enemy is a friend, but PAS' decision to abandon its allies is something hard to understand.
The PAS muktamar also adopted the motion that only a Muslim could become the country's prime minister. A youth delegate even claimed that one of the reasons his party had decided to break the ties with PKR was because the Selangor state government had allowed Selena Gomez to stage her concert at Shah Alam's indoor stadium.
All these point to the fact that PAS is inching steadily towards complete Islamization while Hadi Awang is in full control of the party.
When a predominantly Malay party has advocated theocracy, it would put all its emphasis on religion, not the well-being of this country. All signs point to the trend that the relationship between these two parties has slowly moved from one of rivalry to strategic partnership.
As a matter of fact, way before PAS changed its course, Umno had already started to display a right tilt.
Umno abandoned its 1Malaysia advocacy soon after the 2013 general elections, introducing instead bumi empowerment policy in a bid to win the hearts of rural Malay voters.
When Najib took over as the prime minister on April 3, 2009, he attempted to win over urban, non-Malay and young voters in order to win back the two-thirds majority for the BN. So he introduced a series of reform programs such as the abolition of ISA and three state of emergency laws.
However, after suffering a major setback in GE13, Umno decided to steer away from this direction and set its sight on its fundamental support base instead to consolidate its hold to the federal administration.
Democracy and freedom have since taken the back seat and the Sedition Act he previously promised to repeal was revived while the policy of transparent governance was slowly retreating. For instance, there have been no follow-ups to the 1MDB investigations as the Auditor-General's report on 1MDB was classified as top secret.
In the latest settlement between 1MDB and IPIC, only a brief statement has been issued without specifying the amount of compensation and whether the government would have to bear this burden.
Such transparency is also non-existent in the case of Bandar Malaysia's collapsed deal. Now that IWH and CREC have denied that they have failed to perform their payment obligations, it is necessary for the authorities to offer a clear explanation on this matter. Intransparency will only trigger more doubts and panic in the market.
The rise of extremism threatening our religious harmony has also been a consequence of problems in our politics. Worryingly, this kind of politics will only lead more people down the wrong way.
Politics by right should serve the needs of the country and her people. But now, we are making economy, religion and even administration to serve the needs of politics, to an extent that even the civic society finds it difficult to reverse this trend because the country's biggest Malay opposition party is not on their side.
The biggest risk in Malaysian politics lies with the fact that a handful of individuals are in firm control of their parties without an effective checks and balances mechanism in place. This situation will only spawn a sense of helplessness among the rakyat and eventually political indifference in a vicious cycle.- mysinchew
These two parties represent the Malay politics, which in turn steers the direction this country is heading to. In the absence of the ability for self reflection and rectification, the country will never be able to deliver itself from the current stalemate.
Take the just concluded PAS muktamar for instance. It was a more religionized convention teeming with religious agendas without any solid political strategies.
PAS leaders and delegates targeted their firepower at fellow opposition parties such as PKR, DAP and Amanah without offering any advice or opinion on the 1MDB scandal, systemic corruption, skyrocketing living expenses and other more pertinent issues in their capacity as leaders of an opposition party.
The assemblies of PAS syura council, youth and wanita wings along with the parent body all adopted the motion to break ranks with PKR for the simple reason the party had collaborated with PAS' enemies (DAP and Amanah) and that PKR did not respect PAS leaders. By right, Umno is the real and powerful enemy PAS will have to face.
In politics, an enemy's enemy is a friend, but PAS' decision to abandon its allies is something hard to understand.
The PAS muktamar also adopted the motion that only a Muslim could become the country's prime minister. A youth delegate even claimed that one of the reasons his party had decided to break the ties with PKR was because the Selangor state government had allowed Selena Gomez to stage her concert at Shah Alam's indoor stadium.
All these point to the fact that PAS is inching steadily towards complete Islamization while Hadi Awang is in full control of the party.
As a matter of fact, way before PAS changed its course, Umno had already started to display a right tilt.
Umno abandoned its 1Malaysia advocacy soon after the 2013 general elections, introducing instead bumi empowerment policy in a bid to win the hearts of rural Malay voters.
When Najib took over as the prime minister on April 3, 2009, he attempted to win over urban, non-Malay and young voters in order to win back the two-thirds majority for the BN. So he introduced a series of reform programs such as the abolition of ISA and three state of emergency laws.
However, after suffering a major setback in GE13, Umno decided to steer away from this direction and set its sight on its fundamental support base instead to consolidate its hold to the federal administration.
Democracy and freedom have since taken the back seat and the Sedition Act he previously promised to repeal was revived while the policy of transparent governance was slowly retreating. For instance, there have been no follow-ups to the 1MDB investigations as the Auditor-General's report on 1MDB was classified as top secret.
In the latest settlement between 1MDB and IPIC, only a brief statement has been issued without specifying the amount of compensation and whether the government would have to bear this burden.
Such transparency is also non-existent in the case of Bandar Malaysia's collapsed deal. Now that IWH and CREC have denied that they have failed to perform their payment obligations, it is necessary for the authorities to offer a clear explanation on this matter. Intransparency will only trigger more doubts and panic in the market.
The rise of extremism threatening our religious harmony has also been a consequence of problems in our politics. Worryingly, this kind of politics will only lead more people down the wrong way.
Politics by right should serve the needs of the country and her people. But now, we are making economy, religion and even administration to serve the needs of politics, to an extent that even the civic society finds it difficult to reverse this trend because the country's biggest Malay opposition party is not on their side.
The biggest risk in Malaysian politics lies with the fact that a handful of individuals are in firm control of their parties without an effective checks and balances mechanism in place. This situation will only spawn a sense of helplessness among the rakyat and eventually political indifference in a vicious cycle.- mysinchew
Engko sajalah masuk UMNO,
tak payah suruh orang...
Ada yang dah beranak pinak,cucu cicit
baru nak dakwa...bangang!!!