Shabudin, hang taukah apa itu rogol?...
Kepada Ahli Parlimen Tasek Gelugor, Datuk Shabudin Yahaya. Fahami kata-kata ini: “Rogol itu jenayah. Dan jenayah itu patut dihukum dengan setimpalnya, bukan diberi ganjaran.”
Saya amat jijik dengan kenyataan Shabudin semalam bahawa kahwin selepas rogol boleh ubati masalah sosial. Ternyata beliau tidak memahami langsung apakah itu rogol, ataupun beliau mungkin tidak berperikemanusiaan kerana menyuarakan pendapat sebegitu.
Biar saya melakarkan sebuah babak rogol untuk Yang Berhormat:
Seorang jurugambar menjadi guru kepada kanak-kanak miskin tegar. Dia dianggap sebagai seorang yang filantropis dan ikhlas.
Namun begitu, guru itu didapati seorang pedofil dan pencabul seksual. Dalam postingnya sendiri di internet bersama pedofil lain, dia mengaku merogol seorang kanak-kanak perempuan sejak kanak-kanak itu berumur 7 tahun. Tiga adik-beradik kanak-kanak itu juga tidak terlepas.
Lebih menjijikkan lagi, guru itu menyatakan hasratnya memupuk kanak-kanak itu supaya menjadi seorang “isteri yang sempurna”. Selepas perkahwinan, dia berhasrat untuk menjadi bapa angkat supaya dia boleh mencabuli kanak-kanak yang lain.
Disebabkan kelonggaran undang-undang di Malaysia berkenaan dengan jenayah seksual terhadap kanak-kanak, guru ini mencabuli hampir 200 orang kanak-kanak daripada komuniti miskin tegar.
Nama pedofil ini mungkin pernah kamu dengar. Namanya Richard Huckle.
Apabila skandal Richard Huckle dilaporkan tahun lepas, rakyat Malaysia sebulat suara mengecam tindakannya. Untuk imbasan kembali, antara mangsa Huckle termasuklah seorang bayi yang baru berumur 6 bulan!
Ya, kita marah sangat dengan Huckle. Dan tiada antara kita – termasuk Shabudin – yang memintanya mengahwini mangsa rogolnya. Kita semua sedar bahawa suatu kekejaman yang tidak terhingga diperlakukan terhadap kanak-kanak tak berdosa.
Shabudin dan Barisan Nasional, jangan kamu berani berselindung di belakang agama atau memutarbelitkan fakta untuk memomokkan mereka yang ingin menghentikan perkahwinan kanak-kanak sebagai menentang Islam ataupun Mahkamah Syariah.
Perbahasan ini tiada kaitan dengan agama, ia mengenai keselamatan dan kesejahteraan kanak-kanak di Malaysia.
Kanak-kanak perempuan ataupun wanita yang dirogol tidak langsung kehilangan maruahnya. Yang bersalah dan tiada maruah itu perogol, bukan pihak yang dikejami.
Masa depan seorang wanita tidaklah segelap mana sekiranya tidak bersuami. Selain itu, perkahwinan itu sepatutnya membawa kebahagiaan, bukan menjadi hukuman seumur hidup. Apakah itu masa depan yang gelap?
Perbahasan ini tiada kaitan dengan agama, ia mengenai keselamatan dan kesejahteraan kanak-kanak di Malaysia.
Kanak-kanak perempuan ataupun wanita yang dirogol tidak langsung kehilangan maruahnya. Yang bersalah dan tiada maruah itu perogol, bukan pihak yang dikejami.
Masa depan seorang wanita tidaklah segelap mana sekiranya tidak bersuami. Selain itu, perkahwinan itu sepatutnya membawa kebahagiaan, bukan menjadi hukuman seumur hidup. Apakah itu masa depan yang gelap?
Masa depan yang gelap itulah apabila kamu hamil disebabkan rogol, walaupun baru berumur 9 tahun dan badanmu tidak berdaya melahirkan anak, apabila kamu terpaksa berhenti sekolah dan bergantung hidup sepenuhnya kepada seorang yang telah mengejami dirimu.
Itulah masa depan yang gelap.
Setahun lalu jual tanah orang Melayu/Perda,RM15j di bawah harga pasaran.
Hari ini budak 9 tahun boleh kahwin,hatta pada perogolnya...
Sekiranya ahli Parlimen BN ini beria-ia ingin menyelesaikan masalah sosial seperti anak luar nikah dan pembuangan bayi, saya mencadangkan beliau membawa usul mencadangkan pendidikan seks yang holistik diwajibkan di sekolah.
Pendidikan seks yang saya maksudkan itu bukan tantric sex ataupun kelas di mana guru sekadar mengimbas fakta biologi sementara budak tersengih-sengih dengan perkataan seperti “angry bird”.
Yang saya maksudkan adalah pendidikan tentang kesihatan reproduktif, cara membezakan sentuhan yang normal (seperti pelukan ibu bapa) dengan yang abnormal, dan memperkasakan kanak-kanak supaya mereka berani melaporkan sekiranya seorang dewasa berkelakuan abnormal dengan mereka.
Saya tidak menganggap diri saya Tuhan. Saya tidak dapat mengenalpasti siapa yang benar-benar bertaubat atau tidak. Tapi saya nak tegaskan sekali lagi: rogol itu jenayah. Dan jenayah itu patut dijatuhkan hukuman yang setimpalnya, bukan diberi ganjaran.
Kalau Shabudin pentingkan taubat, biarlah perogol bertaubat dalam penjara, bukan memberinya peluang untuk mengejami mangsanya seumur hidup.
Dan kepada pengundi Tasek Gelugor, terutama kaum wanita dan ibu, fikirkanlah masak-masak sama ada kamu mahu seorang seperti Shabudin untuk mewakili kamu di Dewan Rakyat. Kalau beliau tidak bertaubat daripada pemikirannya, saya cadangkan pada pilihan raya umum, undi beliau keluar dari Tasek Gelugor supaya beliau mempunyai 5 tahun untuk bertaubat.- Lim Yi Wei
Rogol kemudian kawin. Tengok rakyat Malaysia... Kena rogol dek BN. Kemudian? Pilih untuk 'hidup bersama' BN...
Nasib baik dia bukan wakil rakyat DAP atau PKR kalu dak TV3 suku akan ulang cerita tu 40 hari 40 malam...
MP (Former Syariah Judge) Stupidity
More Evidence NEP Has Failed...
Sekoq lagi MP UMNO buat lawak
Kisah kahwin perogol budak-budak
Cakap besaq tapi tak pakai otak
Dah dirogol mangsa disyorkan kawin pulak
More Evidence NEP Has Failed...
- Tasek Gelugor MP Shabudin Yahaya said 12-15 yr girls older than their age,some aged 12 - 15, their bodies like 18-year-old women," Shabudin
- Former Syariah court judge added girls puberty as young as 9 yrs
"physically and spiritually” ready for marriage
- “'s not impossible for them to get married,” Shabudin said
- adding “nothing wrong” with rape victim marrying rapist
it could serve as “remedy” to increasing number of social problems
- rapist and victim should be “given 2nd chance to turn new leaf in life"
- through marriage they can lead a healthier, better life
- person who was raped does not have bleak future
- She will have husband, remedy to growing social problems
Kisah kahwin perogol budak-budak
Cakap besaq tapi tak pakai otak
Dah dirogol mangsa disyorkan kawin pulak
Ostb : This is too stupid to even comment. Before we engage in discussion there must be a certain minimum level of intelligence. Without a minimum intelligence level you cannot engage in conversation.
Can you imagine that this idiot was a syariah judge? Being trained as a Syariah judge automatically means that most certainly he does NOT know the Quran.
This fellow says that 9 year old rape victims should marry the rapist.
1. What if the rapist is a serial rapist? Lets say the fellow rapes a dozen girls who are 9 years old, then should they all become his wives?
2. Or will there be serial rapists who will rape only FOUR girls - then he can have FOUR wives?
3. What if they rape more than FOUR girls? RUU355?
4. What if other than being a violent criminal the rapist is also a drug addict? Is it still a good thing for 9 yr old rape victims to marry the drug addict rapist? In any case the girls will have to wait to get married until the rapist
is released from jail.
Is Shabudin deaf and blind?
Mohamed Tawfik Tun Dr Ismail today delivered writ of summons to Speaker Pandikar from lawsuit over RUU355
Tawfik arrived at Parliament at noon to serve papers
Pandikar named as one of two respondents in civil suit to block Bill
Tawfik argued RUU355 should not surface in Parliament until disposal of his lawsuit
"..the entire thing subjudice from today. We don't expect to see RUU355 in the Order Paper tomorrow,” he told reporters at Parliament today. Continue Reading...
Ostb : Here is Tawfik's Writ of Summons which was served on the Speaker of the Parliament this morning.
The thing to note is the High Court has accepted Tawfik's legal suit against the Speaker of the Parliament. Meaning this is now a matter for the Courts to decide.
Pandikar Amin said he cannot allow Parliament to debate 1MDB because it is a matter before the US Courts (the DOJ's civil suit.)
By the same argument and simple logic Pandikar should not allow any discussion of RUU355 since the High Court at Kuala Lumpur has accepted the filing of a legal suit over this matter as well. It would be subjudice.
Pandikar Amin must take note. - ostb
Usul Hadi: Anak bekas TPM serah saman kepada Pandikar
A friend called this morning. He is an investor in Bank Rakyat. Bank Rakyat has the reputation of paying solid dividends in excess of 10% to its "members" for a very long time.
People who invested RM250,000 in Bank Rakyat have become millionaires or almost millionaires.
Bank Rakyat's dividends are usually declared and paid by the first quarter (so my friend says). But this year so far there has been no declaration or payment of dividends.
My friend says he called Bank Rakyat to find out and there was no proper answer by Bank Rakyat. The staff who answered the phone are not able to say anything.
They did not say that dividends will be paid soon, just wait for the notification, the cheque is on the way or any such thing. There is no conclusive answer from Bank Rakyat.
I say Bank Rakyat what is going on?
If there is anyone who knows about this, if there is something else going on, please share with us. - ostb
In today's briefing...the Swiss AG again confirmed that Msia is not providing any assistance...

5. What if a rapist rapes a 9 yr old who is already married, possibly to another rapist? Then what happens? Maybe the rapist did not know the 9 yr old was already married, to another rapist or otherwise. (Rapists rarely have time to check marital status of their victims).
6. And what about gang rape? Serambi Maksiat is the Malaysian capital of gang rape. Say seven fellows gang rape a 9 yr old or a 12 year old girl, then which among the seven gang rapists gets to marry the lucky girl?
7. What if a 9 yr old non Muslim girl is raped by a Muslim rapist? Then what happens? Will the girl be forced to become a Muslim - and then marry the rapist? Or who cares about the non Muslim kafirs?
8. What if a 9 yr old Muslim girl is raped by a non Muslim rapist? Will the rapist be required to forcefully convert to Islam so that he can marry his 9 year old victim?
9. What if a 9 yr old non Muslim girl is gang raped by seven Muslim rapists? Then what happens? Will the girl be forced to become a Muslim - and then marry one of the gang rapists? Which one?
10. What if a 9 yr old Muslim girl is gang raped by seven non Muslim rapists? Will the rapists be required to forcefully convert to Islam so that one of them can marry the 9 year old victim? So will the other six rapists be too traumatised because they could not marry the girl?
11. What if a 9 yr old non Muslim girl is gang raped by seven Muslim and non Muslim rapists? Then what happens? Will the girl be forced to become a Muslim - and then marry one of the Muslim rapists? Or she can remain a non Muslim and marry one of the non Muslim gang rapists So will the other six rapists be too traumatised because they could not marry the girl?
12. What if a 9 yr old Muslim girl is gang raped by a gang of seven Muslim and non Muslim rapists? Will the non Muslim rapists be required to forcefully convert to Islam so that one of them can marry the 9 year old victim? So will the other six rapists be too traumatised because they could not marry the girl?
13. What if the rapist rapes a 7 year old girl? Or 8 year old girl? If the rapist cannot marry the 7 yr old, will he suffer too much trauma?
14. What about sodomy? What if a guy sodomises a 9 year old boy? What happens?
I dont know if a 9 yr old or a 12 yr old is psychologically and mentally capable of handling domestic affairs of running a home, family and husband.
Unless of course if they live simple hunter gatherer lives. Paku pakis and kangkung economy. But not likely anymore.
Through some great collective wisdom many countries around the world including Malaysia have set the minimum age of marriage for girls at 16. I believe 18 would be more suitable. At least they would have finished SPM. - ostb
Pandikar served writ of summons over RUU355 - Matter is now subjudice...
Tawfik arrived at Parliament at noon to serve papers
Pandikar named as one of two respondents in civil suit to block Bill
Tawfik argued RUU355 should not surface in Parliament until disposal of his lawsuit
"..the entire thing subjudice from today. We don't expect to see RUU355 in the Order Paper tomorrow,” he told reporters at Parliament today. Continue Reading...
Ostb : Here is Tawfik's Writ of Summons which was served on the Speaker of the Parliament this morning.
The thing to note is the High Court has accepted Tawfik's legal suit against the Speaker of the Parliament. Meaning this is now a matter for the Courts to decide.
Pandikar Amin said he cannot allow Parliament to debate 1MDB because it is a matter before the US Courts (the DOJ's civil suit.)
By the same argument and simple logic Pandikar should not allow any discussion of RUU355 since the High Court at Kuala Lumpur has accepted the filing of a legal suit over this matter as well. It would be subjudice.
Pandikar Amin must take note. - ostb
Usul Hadi: Anak bekas TPM serah saman kepada Pandikar
Bank Rakyat Has Not Paid
Dividend Yet!Apa pasal...
People who invested RM250,000 in Bank Rakyat have become millionaires or almost millionaires.
Bank Rakyat's dividends are usually declared and paid by the first quarter (so my friend says). But this year so far there has been no declaration or payment of dividends.
My friend says he called Bank Rakyat to find out and there was no proper answer by Bank Rakyat. The staff who answered the phone are not able to say anything.
They did not say that dividends will be paid soon, just wait for the notification, the cheque is on the way or any such thing. There is no conclusive answer from Bank Rakyat.
I say Bank Rakyat what is going on?
If there is anyone who knows about this, if there is something else going on, please share with us. - ostb
In today's briefing...the Swiss AG again confirmed that Msia is not providing any assistance...