Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


Jahat sungguh polis Malaysia...

1.Jahat sungguh polis Malaysia. Sementara Menteri-Menteri dan Najib sendiri tidak menghalang debat saya dengan Nazri, polis daerah pandai-pandai menyekat.

2.Kononnya sekolah tidak boleh guna; kononnnya ada kemungkinan rusuhan berlaku, ada protes dari rakyat dan bermacam lagi.

3.Semua ini kerenah polis. IGP pun tidak ada halangan. Katanya ini bukan business polis. Yang tidak beri kelulusan ialah pegawai daerah polis (OCPD).

4.Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri pun pegawai-pegawai polis tak hormat. Bukankah YB Nur Jazlan sudah berfirman bahawa ia tidak ada halangan. Bahkan dia sokong debat diadakan. Tetapi itu pun tidak dihiraukan oleh pegawai rendah polis. Ia tak beri atau tarik balik kelulusan.

5.Sesungguhnya pegawai rendah polis sudah ambil alih negara ini. Kerajaan, Menteri-Menteri dan Najib begitu demokratik, hendak beri kebebasan sepenuhnya kepada rakyat. Tetapi polis ganggu. Jahat sungguhlah polis.

6.Sekarang IGP sendiri terpaksa ikut kehendak pegawai dibawahnya. IGP pula tidak bersetuju supaya debat diadakan di Shah Alam.

7.Mujurlah Menteri Kewangan 2, Abdul Ghani mencadang supaya debat diadakan di hotel. Demikianlah minat Kerajaan untuk melihat debat diadakan.

8.Penganjur belum sambut cadangan baik ini. Jika tidak sambut janganlah salah Kerajaan demokratik Najib debat tidak diadakan. Jangan salah Nazri pun kerana Menteri Kerajaan ini menawar Antartica dan penguins yang penyokong saya tidak mampu pergi. Saya tak dapat tinggal negara demokratik ini terlalu lama.

9.Saya kecewa kerana untuk wacana “Nothing to Hide” dahulu pun polis buat kacau. Najib hilang peluang untuk mencerita bagaimana kawan Arabnya memberi kepadanya hanya USD681 million (2.6 billion Ringgit diwaktu itu) dan membisik bahawa ia patut masuk dalam akaun peribadinya, belanja sesuka hatinya tanpa pengetahuan sesiapa.

10.Kerana IGP bebas menghalang Najib, PM Malaysia tidak dapat bersih dirinya dari tuduhan tak berasas.

11.Kata Nazri Malaysia sudah jadi “Polis State”. Ya benar. Benang-benang halus yang menggerak bibir dan lidah polis sebenarnya tidak ada walaupun ternampak ada.

12.Syabas Malaysia, negara demokratik yang tidak ada tolok bandingnya. - chedet

Mahathir mocks ‘smart aleck’ police for blocking debate

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Najib, berapa kali anda berjumpa Jho Low?...

Di sebalik serangan peribadi Barisan Nasional (BN) memburuk-burukkan imej Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang, beliau sebaliknya melontarkan satu soalan mudah buat Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Soalan ini sebagai reaksi Kit Siang terhadap serangan yang disifatkannya sebagai ‘pembohongan strategik BN’ melalui Utusan Malaysia yang menggambarkan bahawa Pakatan Harapan merupakan ‘ali baba’ kononnya dikawal oleh beliau.

“Berapa kalikah Perdana Menteri bertemu Jho Low, di mana dan bila, setelah Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 dan adakah abda bertemu Jho Low semasa lawatan rasmi terakhirnya ke China?

“Dan apakah yang telah dibincangkan mereka selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 pada 5 Mei 2013, apabila Jho Low telah ditolak sendri oleh rakyat Pulau Pinang setelah berhabis 10 juta ringgit untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan Pulau Pinang yang dipimpin oleh Lim Guan Eng selaku Ketua Menteri?

“Atau adakah Najib mengakui bahawa dirinya tidak pernah bertemu Jho Low selepas pilihanraya 2013?” soalnya dalam sidang parlimen hari ini.

Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah itu menegaskan, tidak ada sesiapa yang percaya bahawa Pakatan Harapan merupakan sebuah organisasi ‘Ali Baba’.

“Tetapi tidak syak lagi bahawa rakyat Malaysia yakin bahawa Najib bertanggungjawab mewujudkan gabungan ‘Ali Baba’ di Malaysia dalam pakatan ‘Najib-Jho Low’ yang telah menyebabkan Malaysia dikenali sebagai negara kleptokrasi global akibat skandal kewangan mega 1MDB saat ini.

“Bolehkah kita minta Pengarah Komunikasi Strategik BN untuk bertanyakan soalan ini kepada Perdana Menteri dan bukannya terlibat dengan kempen jahat ‘pembohongan strategik’?” soal beliau.

Menurut beliau, kempen jahat berbaur fitnah yang dilancarkan Utusan Malaysia melalui sebuah logo dengan imej dirinya, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tun Dr. Mahathir, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Mohd Sabu dengan kapsyen “ASALKAN BUKAN PAKATAN KIT SIANG’ adalah kelakar.

“Di sini saya merayu kepada Utusan Malaysia dan pemimpin UMNO supaya tidak memalukan atau menjatuhkan maruah bangsa Melayu sendiri dengan menggambarkan tokoh-tokoh Melayu yang pernah menjawat sebagai Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden UMNO memiliki moral yang rendah yang kononnya telah menjadi boneka setelah mereka tidak lagi menjawat jawatan tersebut!” katanya lagi. –

Finally, UMNO feels the pinch...

Umno has made countless U-turns, but the latest one involving the amendment of the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) has won tremendous applause from the Malaysian public as it assures us that our secular system will not be affected as yet.

The U-turn has been a consequence of strong opposition from other Barisan Nasional component parties.

If Umno had decided to press on with the tabling of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill, it is anticipated that the BN coalition would have been headed for a decisive split, that could bring down the BN government before the bill even gets to the debate and any voting takes place.

Umno has decided to drop the bill having weighed the pros and cons, including the possibility that the bill will not even get adopted in the Dewan Rakyat.

Anyway, the U-turn on the part of Umno has been a positive development for the Chinese-majority parties in BN, especially with so many negative developments in recent years making it hard for these parties to make any real progress.

If the nation were to go to the polls right away, MCA and Gerakan will get some additional
support from the Chinese community, but unfortunately this is not going to happen tomorrow and the amendment to Act 355 issue has yet to come to a complete close and could tip the balance once again.

Given the earlier precedent whereby the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Azalina Othman Said motioned in the Dewan Rakyat on May 27 last year to seek to prioritise the private member’s bill, there is concern that some Umno ministers might once again offer the green light for Hadi’s private member’s bill to take precedence.

The government decided not to take over the private member’s bill due to lack of consensus in the BN Supreme Council meeting last Wednesday, but this does not mean Umno will give up an opportunity to cooperate with PAS.

Umno openly reneging on its pledge has hurt the feelings of the Islamist party, clouding the prospects for future collaboration.

Najib has said BN will not have an official stand on the Act 355 amendment bill. Does that mean if the bill gets to the debate and voting in Dewan Rakyat, BN reps can vote whichever way they like, in particular Umno reps? If Umno lawmakers were to endorse the private bill in Parliament, the unity and mutual trust among BN parties will once again come under assault.

Another critical question now is how the PAS leadership is going to interpret Umno’s change of mind. How are they going to answer to the grassroots and supporters if they choose to continue trusting Umno?

Will the mutual trust established with so much difficulty between the two parties ever stand the test of time?

It looks like Umno is not going to abandon PAS anytime soon so that the Islamist party will not get to mend its ties with PKR or seal a new seat allocation agreement with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), hence threatening the survival of Umno.

If Hadi’s bill crashes again this time, it is believed that the party will do something at the muktamar later this month. If PAS decides not to work with Umno, the Act 355 issue could very well be exploited as a potent weapon to hit out at Umno.

PAS leaders’ immediate reactions have been rather toned down, saying instead that such a development was well “within anticipation, disappointing or causing uneasiness” while observing Umno’s next course of action.

Umno’s U-turn has put the party in a very difficult situation, as the move has failed many of its supporters as well as religious organisations and NGOs. For instance, the Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) has urged the government to take full responsibility for reneging on its pledge to table the Act 355 amendment bill.

Thanks to Act 355, Umno leaders require more than ever some positive news to lift the party’s morale, and this probably explains why Malaysia reached a very quick agreement on the negotiations with Pyongyang by sending back the body of Kim Jong Nam along with the three North Korean suspects, in exchange for the safe return of nine Malaysian citizens stranded in Pyongyang.

The government’s decision to drop Act 355 will most definitely frustrate the conservatives in Umno. With their meticulously designed move now having crashed, they may have to come up with some other strategies to materialise the objective of a “grand unity among the Malays”.

The latest development in the Act 355 issue has dealt a severe blow to Umno, but the game is far from over. Umno will have to draw up some new plans to consolidate its hold of the Malay vote. As such, it is unlikely GE14 will be held very soon.

From dividing the opposition camp to the attempted collusion between Umno and PAS, to the unreserved exposure of BN’s indecision, it proves that the Act 355 issue is indeed a double-edged sword that could hurt both sides. It is advisable to quit this risky game soon before it causes more havoc.- Lim Sue Goan,fmt

Parlimen bersidang dia lari
Atas alasan lawatan rasmi
Duduk sampai berhari-hari
Lebai #RUU355 menanti-nanti

Image result for selfie najib n hadi
Ajak debat dia lari
Ajak selfie dia mari
Lebai sudah makan hati
Tak boleh nak buat apa lagi 

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