Taktik UMNO untuk memecahbelahkan rakyat Malaysia melalui usul RUU 355 akhirnya memakan diri sendiri.
Ahli Parlimen Kluang, Liew Chin Tong dalam kemas kini status laman sosial Facebook berkata, parti dalam Barisan Nasional (BN) kini berpecah teruk berikutan usul berkenaan.
“Hudud/RUU355 bukanlah sepenuhnya mengenai kepentingan agama tetapi strategi politik (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak untuk menang mudah. Dia merancang untuk menang dengan mewujudkan perpecahan antara Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia yang lain.
“Bagaimanapun ia tidak terjadi. Apa yang sepatutnya membawa perpecahan kepada pembangkang, sebaliknya memecahbelahkan BN,” katanya.
Memetik sumber, Oriental Daily melaporkan bahawa parti-parti komponen BN khususnya dari Sarawak menentang tindakan kerajaan Persekutuan mengambil alih RUU 355 yang sebelum ini dibawa secara persendirian oleh Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Datuk Abang Johari Tun Openg seperti dilaporkan media pada 16 Februari lalu berkata, akan mengulangi arahan ketua menteri terdahulu supaya 25 anggota Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) dari Sarawak menolak usul berkenaan.
Menurut Abang Johari, jika RUU 355 berkenaan diluluskan, bukan sahaja keharmonian masyarakat pelbagai etnik akan tergugat malah bercanggah dengan Perjanjian Malaysia 1963, yang mana mengisytiharkan Sarawak sebagai sebuah negara sekular.
Chin Tong yang juga Pengarah Pendidikan Politik DAP berkata, RUU 355 hanyalah strategi Najib Razak selaku Presiden UMNO untuk mewujudkan polarisasi kaum di negara ini.
“Untuk tiga tahun sejak Mac 2014, hudud dan sekarang RUU355 digunakan sebagai alat politik untuk ‘menyatukan’ UMNO dan PAS, sementara memecahbelahkan pembangkang dengan garis agama.
“Logik Najib bukanlah sukar untuk difahami: pastikan (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim dikeluarkan supaya tidak ada pemimpin alternatif, bawa PAS ke dalam UMNO, dan menuduh pembangkang sebagai ‘DAP/Cina’,” katanya. – Roketkini.com
Merungkai misteri momok UMNO...
Inti sejarah yang mempertandakan 31 Ogos dalam takwim Malaysia setiap tahun itu telah dikambus hidup-hidup, dan yang tinggal hanya nisan untuk dikenang, dan sekali-sekala dilawati atau paling menyedihkan hanya dilewati oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO kini tanpa sekole air berisi bunga.
Orang Melayu sebagai majoriti penduduk dengan jumlah hampir 60 peratus di Malaysia harus difahamkan bahawa UMNO dewasa ini berdiri atas tiga dasar utama iaitu Wang atau lebih popular dengan perkataan ‘dedak’; Sentimen yang menyentuh isu agama dan kaum; kuasa atau alat negara yang dipergunakan sehabisnya demi mengekang suara-suara mendesak dari pihak pembangkang.
Tiga dasar ini membentuk piramid 2-dimensi yang nantinya digunakan untuk mengepung fikiran orang Melayu. Ia bukanlah bermakna bahawa minda Melayu mudah untuk diperangkap, tetapi permainan UMNO yang tohor dengan menurunkan tahap ekonomi orang Melayu demi memperkayakan individu tertentu sehingga kehidupan kaum itu dijerut dengan bebanan sara hiduplah yang menjadi punca.
Sementelah retorik seperti “UMNO bela orang Melayu”, “Orang Melayu hilang kuasa jika UMNO hilang” yang dipertuturkan pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi UMNO hanyalah sandiwara untuk memancing sokongan kaum yang dijamin hak keistimewaan mengikut Perlembagaan Malaysia itu.
Malah lebih teruk lagi, UMNO mempergunakan slogan-slogan itu demi menghalalkan rasuah yang terjadi di depan mata atau di belakang pengetahuan rakyat, yang mana sehingga kini tidak disuarakan dengan lantang oleh sekutu barunya, PAS.
Tidak cukup dengan itu, seakan-akan kurang garam dalam masakan, UMNO menambah rencah dengan mewujudkan momok bagi menutup rapat ruang buat orang Melayu keluar daripada tiga asas yang disebutkan tadi. Momok itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah DAP, yang dikutip dengan tuduhan komunis pada satu ketika dahulu dan kini dituduh sebagai anti-Islam atau anti-Melayu.
“Tiga asas dan momok” adalah rancangan besar (grand plan) UMNO demi memperkasakan kewujudannya. Ia tak ubah seperti Israel atau setepatnya Zionis yang mempergunakan peristiwa Holocaust bagi mengabsahkan kewujudannya di tengah-tengah tanah bernama Palestin.
Ironinya, perkara yang seharusnya dilihat sebagai kelemahan UMNO kerana terpaksa membina asas daripada sumber negatif dianggap pemimpin UMNO kini sebagai kekuatan yang akan meneruskan kelangsungan atau survival parti sepenuhnya milik golongan elit Melayu itu.
Teknik menggunakan momok selalunya gagal dalam kehidupan rakyat yang kian mencapah dalam nilai dan kemajuan intelek. Kerana dunia akan digantikan dengan robot, dan hutan akan musnah seperti di Kelantan yang kini ditadbir PAS, dan teknik mempergunakan momok akan menjadi basi dan UMNO akan terkubur dan bersemadi di buku teks sejarah tingkatan tiga.
Apatah lagi dengan kewujudan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) yang diasaskan mantan Presiden UMNO yang akan mencabar status quo atau jelmaan sikap manusia UMNO yang dipanggil alpha male. Ia diperkuatkan lagi dengan penyertaan PPBM ke dalam Pakatan Harapan.
Namun ada yang mempertanyakan mengenai PAS. Ada apa dengan PAS? Parti Islam itu sebenarnya tertinggal kereta api. Masih terkandas di stesen bernama ‘RUU355’, dan sedang mencongak-congak untuk kembali ke rumah bernama UMNO atau terus mengidamkan impian yang bukan-bukan, seperti contoh: memenangi 40 kerusi Parlimen dan seterusnya menjadi King Maker dalam arena politik di Malaysia.
Sudah tiba masanya untuk orang Melayu menendang ketakutan momok yang ditanam UMNO serta tiga asas yang dibinanya dan mengejutkan PAS daripada mimpinya untuk diajak bersarapan di kedai mamak dengan menu roti canai banjir dan segelas teh tarik.- Zamzani Husin
Two possible reasons why
gov't taking over Act 355...
There are two possible reasons why the government is taking over the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355), which was first submitted as a Private Member's Bill by Marang MP Abdul Hadi Awang, PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli said today.
Before this, Rafizi said, the government had a trump card to further split the opposition, that is the power to decide whether or not to allow Hadi, who is also PAS president, to put forth and debate the Act 355 amendments in Parliament.
"So when Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the government will table the amendments, to me it can only mean one of two things.
"Number one, it means that BN is confident that the split in the opposition is irreversible, that PAS will not consider joining Pakatan Harapan and therefore, the weapon as to whether to allow or not the Marang MP to present the motion is irrelevant.
"It can mean that or it can also mean that BN now has to navigate between whatever it has committed to PAS and also the brewing anger of its non-Muslim parties, because the effect is also different," he explained at a press conference in Sungai Besi.
Rafizi said the non-Muslim BN parties would be under pressure from their voters if the amendments were tabled by PAS, as the voters would perceive this as a first step towards hudud.
"(But) this is what is weird. If the BN government were to table it, the non-Muslim BN parties would feel that this is not (leading towards) hudud because BN is the one presenting it.
"That is why we did the survey, to show that we are getting irrational about this," he said.
Rafizi said that as long as it is an opposition MP who tables this amendment, there is a risk that it will be used as a political weapon by BN to further split the opposition.
"Because the decision to allow something to be read, debated and voted is Umno-BN's decision," he reiterated.
Zahid said last Friday that the government would be the one tabling the Act 355 amendments in Parliament.- mk
1.5 million applied to join civil service in 2016, 57k hired
57,686 hired on permanent and contract basis in civil service 2016
> 1.5 million applied to (SPA) to join civil service in 2016.
1.5 million applications
162,944 called for interviews
101,564 attended interviews
57,686 appointed in public service.
Of 57,686 appointed, 25,046 permanent, 32,640 on contracts
applications to join public service rises every year
vacancies offered limited - 60,000 to 80,000 openings each year.
Each year nearly 1.5 million applications
200,000 diploma holders, graduates - BERNAMA
So what happened to the 1.45 million who were unsuccessful? Can they all become Uber or Grabcar drivers? Are they all gainfully employed?
Shouldnt it be a cause of great concern that 1.5 million people (5% of the population) feel that a Civil Service job should be the career of choice ?
We need new jobs in manufacturing, in the services, in agriculture, in tourism, in the financial industry, in fishing, farming, imports and exports, trading, entrepot trade.
We need to abolish foolish restrictions and non competitive behaviours in our economy.
1.45 million people did not get a gomen job. What will they do? Remain in their part time jobs, selling 'kosmetik halal' for the girls or 'baucer diskaun' for restaurants and credit card companies for the boys ?
Here is a simple hint. To grow our agriculture for example, to create new jobs, new areas of agricultural growth etc let the people who know how to farm, cultivate, grow, plant and harvest food do what they do best. Do not obstruct them.
Help them, regardless of race, religion or language. This way we will become a world power in agriculture in no time. They will know what to do. Then we train our young people to keep up with them, to work with them, to grow and learn with them. Win win situation.
If we train young people to be good and skilled workers, no employer in their right mind will NOT offer them a job.
It is so easy. I learnt this myself personally. I have taught this myself to other young people. It works.
There is no excuse to be poor or to suffer hardship, year in and year out, generation after generation. - ostb
There are two possible reasons why the government is taking over the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355), which was first submitted as a Private Member's Bill by Marang MP Abdul Hadi Awang, PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli said today.
Before this, Rafizi said, the government had a trump card to further split the opposition, that is the power to decide whether or not to allow Hadi, who is also PAS president, to put forth and debate the Act 355 amendments in Parliament.
"So when Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the government will table the amendments, to me it can only mean one of two things.
"Number one, it means that BN is confident that the split in the opposition is irreversible, that PAS will not consider joining Pakatan Harapan and therefore, the weapon as to whether to allow or not the Marang MP to present the motion is irrelevant.
"It can mean that or it can also mean that BN now has to navigate between whatever it has committed to PAS and also the brewing anger of its non-Muslim parties, because the effect is also different," he explained at a press conference in Sungai Besi.
Rafizi said the non-Muslim BN parties would be under pressure from their voters if the amendments were tabled by PAS, as the voters would perceive this as a first step towards hudud.
"(But) this is what is weird. If the BN government were to table it, the non-Muslim BN parties would feel that this is not (leading towards) hudud because BN is the one presenting it.
"That is why we did the survey, to show that we are getting irrational about this," he said.
Rafizi said that as long as it is an opposition MP who tables this amendment, there is a risk that it will be used as a political weapon by BN to further split the opposition.
"Because the decision to allow something to be read, debated and voted is Umno-BN's decision," he reiterated.
Zahid said last Friday that the government would be the one tabling the Act 355 amendments in Parliament.- mk
1.5 Million Applied For
57,000 Civil Service Jobs !!
1.5 million applied to join civil service in 2016, 57k hired
57,686 hired on permanent and contract basis in civil service 2016
> 1.5 million applied to (SPA) to join civil service in 2016.
1.5 million applications
162,944 called for interviews
101,564 attended interviews
57,686 appointed in public service.
Of 57,686 appointed, 25,046 permanent, 32,640 on contracts
applications to join public service rises every year
vacancies offered limited - 60,000 to 80,000 openings each year.
Each year nearly 1.5 million applications
200,000 diploma holders, graduates - BERNAMA
Shouldnt it be a cause of great concern that 1.5 million people (5% of the population) feel that a Civil Service job should be the career of choice ?
We need new jobs in manufacturing, in the services, in agriculture, in tourism, in the financial industry, in fishing, farming, imports and exports, trading, entrepot trade.
We need to abolish foolish restrictions and non competitive behaviours in our economy.
1.45 million people did not get a gomen job. What will they do? Remain in their part time jobs, selling 'kosmetik halal' for the girls or 'baucer diskaun' for restaurants and credit card companies for the boys ?
Here is a simple hint. To grow our agriculture for example, to create new jobs, new areas of agricultural growth etc let the people who know how to farm, cultivate, grow, plant and harvest food do what they do best. Do not obstruct them.
Help them, regardless of race, religion or language. This way we will become a world power in agriculture in no time. They will know what to do. Then we train our young people to keep up with them, to work with them, to grow and learn with them. Win win situation.
If we train young people to be good and skilled workers, no employer in their right mind will NOT offer them a job.
It is so easy. I learnt this myself personally. I have taught this myself to other young people. It works.
There is no excuse to be poor or to suffer hardship, year in and year out, generation after generation. - ostb
Dah hampir dua tahun ni
tak dapat bukti lagi ke?
78 hospital lama apa Najib peduli,janji sebijik hotel mewah St Regis Langkawi yg bernilai RM290 juta dengan pembiayaan RM267 juta dari gomen Malaysia dapat disiapkan segera agar pelancong2 kaya dapat menikmati kemewahan hotel tersebut. Sekarang pohon tambahan RM3 bilion untuk bajet 2016 pula...