Seorang lelaki yang didakwa mengganggu seorang penumpang wanita di dalam tren LRT laluan Kelana Jaya, Isnin lalu diserah kepada polis.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Rapid Rail Sdn Bhd Datuk Ir Zohari Sulaiman berkata pihaknya berusaha mengesan lelaki itu sejak beberapa hari lepas selepas dimaklumkan mengenai insiden yang dimuat naik menerusi akaun Facebook mangsa, Nur Dini Van Haeren, 21, seorang penuntut universiti swasta.
“Susulan kejadian, kami menghubungi Nur Dini bagi mendapatkan maklumat lanjut yang kemudian digunakan untuk mengesan lelaki itu menerusi rakaman kamera litar tertutup.
“Lelaki itu berjaya ditahan di Stesen LRT Taman Jaya semalam,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Katanya, lelaki itu kemudian diserahkan kepada polis selepas mangsa membuat pengecaman.
Zohari turut mengingatkan penumpang agar sentiasa waspada dan bertenang sekiranya berdepan dengan situasi tidak menyenangkan serta segera memaklumkan kepada staf, polis bantuan atau penumpang lain bagi mendapatkan bantuan.
Menurut kenyataan itu, Nur Dini diganggu oleh lelaki berusia 37 tahun dari Lembah Subang samasa pelajar berkenaan menaiki tren di Stesen LRT Kelana Jaya ke pusat bandar.
“Ketika memasuki tren, dia perasan ada seorang lelaki memandangnya dengan ekspresi miang dan gatal.
“Merasakan lelaki itu berniat tidak baik, Dini mengambil sikap waspada.
“Dia kemudian terdengar lelaki itu membisikkan kata-kata lucah kepadanya dan gangguan itu berterusan sambil pelaku membuat ekspresi tidak senonoh ke arah mangsa,” kata kenyataan itu. - fmt
Dr.M di Ajil,T'ganu
PRU 14 - Tsunami Apa Pula...
1. Pada tahun 1997, berlaku krisis kewangan yang mensengsarakan kehidupan rakyat. Krisis ini kemudiannya membawa kepada pemecatan DSAI sebagai TPM.2. Dakwaan ke atas DSAI adalah salah laku moral, manakala DSAI pula menyatakan itu adalah konspirasi politik untuk menjatuhkannya.
3. DSAI kemudiannya didakwa dan dipenjara. Tindakan Dr. Mahathir mengakibatkan kebangkitan rakyat. Dr. Mahathir ketika ni digelar sebagai bapa firaun, autokrat dan pelbagai lagi gelaran negatif.
4. Dalam kemelut politik sebegini, Dr. Mahathir membubarkan Dewan Rakyat dan PRU 1999 diadakan.
5. Dalam PRU 1999, biarpun di penjara, DSAI menggoncang politik Malaysia. Ketika itu, goncangan ini kita panggil gerakan Reformasi.
Dr.M di Ajil,T'ganu
7. Dalam PRU 2013, BN sekali lagi gagal memenangi pilihan raya dengan dua pertiga majoriti. Ketika itu, kita panggil tsunami Cina.
Bagaimana dengan PRU 14? Tsunami apa pula yang akan muncul?
8. Tsunami DSAI tidak mungkin dalam keadaannya sekarang kecuali mendapat pengampunan diraja.
9. Maka, tokoh yang menentukan gelombang politik Malaysia seterusnya adalah di tangan tiga pemimpin ini—DS Najib Razak yang memimpin BN, Tun Dr Mahathir yang berada dalam PH, dan Tuan Guru Haji Hadi Awang yang menerajui PAS.
10. Pada 3 Februari 2017, Tuan Guru Haji Hadi memberi ceramah di Alor Limbat, Terengganu.
11. Pada 13 Mac 2017, DS Najib memberi ucapan di Bachok, Kelantan.
12. Pada 15 Mac 2017, Tun Dr. Mahathir memberi ceramah di Cherang, Kelantan.
13. Setelah meneliti ceramah tiga pemimpin ini, mungkinkah yang muncul dalam PRU 14 nanti ialah Tsunami Mahathir? Pertanyaan ini wajar diberi perhatian. - f/bk Dr.Mohd.Agus Yusoff
Story kat SINI
href="">SINI SINI dan SINI
Do you all recall Najib refusing to turn up to debate Dr Mahathir?
That bacul bodoh just refused to turn up.
This time it looks slightly different. The Police are saying that without a permit the event cannot be held.
So they can tai-chi the blame for the debate not happening on the Police. - ostb
In July 2012, the venerable weekly magazine The Economist offered that the Syrian Civil War, which had started 15 months earlier, was turning against the Assad regime and the world needed to start preparing for “the day when Syria is at last rid of him.”
In Malaysia, opposition groups hope the revelation of a fresh corruption allegation involving Prime Minister Najib Razak – potentially dwarfing the multi-billion dollar 1MDB scandal – is the beginning of the end for the maligned Malaysian leader.
“People are playing up his chances, but in Malaysia the situation is beginning to slide because he has governed it so badly,” Malaysia-focused investigative journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown says.
The corruption scandal currently unfolding involves FELDA Global Ventures, an enterprise that was listed in 2012, but which the Rewcastle Brown has described as “1MDB Times Ten.”
Rewcastle Brown is a longtime critic of Malaysia’s government and the founder of Sarawak Report, an online publication which led the charge in exposing the multi-billion dollar 1MBD case – it is alleged more than US$1 billion was siphoned from the state investment fund 1MDB into accounts controlled by Najib; the prime minister denies the accusation.
Corruption in Malaysia, the journalist told The News Lens from London, has “exploded” since Najib was voted into power in 2009; the problem “is far wider than just 1MDB.”
If the accusation true, it may be globally significant. But will it be enough to unseat Najib? Continue reading here...
FGV had RM9 billion in reserves. Now they have less than RM300 million.
FGV IPO raised RM9.3 billion. What happened to the money?
FGV borrowed RM6 billion for replanting. Where did the money go?
Now FGV, Felda - they all have little or no money.
Rumours are flying that the other Minister who wanted to quit was that 2nd Finance Minister fellow Johari something.
His recent statement that the MOF WILL NOT be taking over 1MDB's debt makes him look so stupid.
(There is no need for MOF to take over 1MDB debt because 1MDB is already 100% owned by the MOF. Plus a lot of 1MDB debt is also guaranteed by the Gomen.)
Talk is that when Azmin the Selangor MB said a Minister wanted to quit, he was not referring to Anifah Aman but to Johari the 2nd Finance Minister.
But a file was pulled out and Johari decided to hang on a little longer (to read the file??)
As the stomach churns.- ostb
Is Nazri Using Police To
Chicken Out Of Dr M Debate...
That bacul bodoh just refused to turn up.
This time it looks slightly different. The Police are saying that without a permit the event cannot be held.
So they can tai-chi the blame for the debate not happening on the Police. - ostb
FGV Scandal Bigger Than 1MDB?...
In July 2012, the venerable weekly magazine The Economist offered that the Syrian Civil War, which had started 15 months earlier, was turning against the Assad regime and the world needed to start preparing for “the day when Syria is at last rid of him.”
In Malaysia, opposition groups hope the revelation of a fresh corruption allegation involving Prime Minister Najib Razak – potentially dwarfing the multi-billion dollar 1MDB scandal – is the beginning of the end for the maligned Malaysian leader.
“People are playing up his chances, but in Malaysia the situation is beginning to slide because he has governed it so badly,” Malaysia-focused investigative journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown says.
The corruption scandal currently unfolding involves FELDA Global Ventures, an enterprise that was listed in 2012, but which the Rewcastle Brown has described as “1MDB Times Ten.”
Rewcastle Brown is a longtime critic of Malaysia’s government and the founder of Sarawak Report, an online publication which led the charge in exposing the multi-billion dollar 1MBD case – it is alleged more than US$1 billion was siphoned from the state investment fund 1MDB into accounts controlled by Najib; the prime minister denies the accusation.
Corruption in Malaysia, the journalist told The News Lens from London, has “exploded” since Najib was voted into power in 2009; the problem “is far wider than just 1MDB.”
If the accusation true, it may be globally significant. But will it be enough to unseat Najib? Continue reading here...
FGV had RM9 billion in reserves. Now they have less than RM300 million.
FGV IPO raised RM9.3 billion. What happened to the money?
FGV borrowed RM6 billion for replanting. Where did the money go?
Now FGV, Felda - they all have little or no money.
Rumours are flying that the other Minister who wanted to quit was that 2nd Finance Minister fellow Johari something.
His recent statement that the MOF WILL NOT be taking over 1MDB's debt makes him look so stupid.
(There is no need for MOF to take over 1MDB debt because 1MDB is already 100% owned by the MOF. Plus a lot of 1MDB debt is also guaranteed by the Gomen.)
Talk is that when Azmin the Selangor MB said a Minister wanted to quit, he was not referring to Anifah Aman but to Johari the 2nd Finance Minister.
But a file was pulled out and Johari decided to hang on a little longer (to read the file??)
As the stomach churns.- ostb
Same as 1MDB...
1 Tun,1 Tan Sri,1 Datin Paduka,dan RM12 bilion hangus
Sapa cakap itu gangster MCA tatak power?
Lori lawan arus dah jadi trend baru...
Tuah ayam nampak dikaki
tuah manusia sapa tahu...