Seorang penganalisis politik berkata PAS perlu mengubah pendekatan politik mereka sekarang ini kerana ceramah anjuran mereka nampaknya sarat dengan cercaan.
“Dengan pendekatan politik PAS sekarang, saya tengok politik PAS seperti hilang arah,” kata Prof Datuk Mohamad Agus Yusoff, pensyarah kanan sains politik di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
“PAS perlu mengubah pendekatan politiknya jika mahu terus memerintah Kelantan,” katanya di Facebook hari ini.
“Perhatikan keinginan anak muda dan perantau di luar Kelantan yang akan balik mengundi nanti. Mereka antara penentu besar kerajaan yang akan memerintah selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) nanti.”
Pertelagahan dalam Pakatan Rakyat akhirnya membawa kepada terkuburnya pakatan pembangkang itu, bahkan terbentuk parti serpihan PAS, iaitu Amanah.
Pada 20 Februari lalu, PAS mengadakan ceramah “Husam Lari Dari Debat Baiah” di Kota Bharu selepas mendakwa penasihat Amanah Kelantan itu “penakut” apabila gagal memberi tarikh debat mengenai isu baiah.
Suasana bertukar riuh apabila Husam tiba-tiba muncul di ceramah yang diadakan di Stadium Sultan Muhammad IV. Kehadirannya membawa kepada kata-kata tidak sopan dilemparkan beberapa hadirin.
Agus berkata pendekatan PAS berbeza dengan pendekatan Umno, Amanah dan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) yang lebih lembut, memujuk dan kemas.
“Politik Kelantan sering berubah. Jika pun setiap parti ada penyokong tegar masing-masing, sikap pengundi Kelantan tidak statik,” katanya.
“Mereka akan mengundi menukar kerajaan apabila kerajaan sedia ada tidak lagi dapat menunjukkan imej perpaduan yang baik,” tambahnya.
Agus juga membangkitkan persoalan parti mana yang akan memerintah Kelantan jika PAS hilang kuasanya di negeri itu.
“Apakah yang menggantikan itu kerajaan Umno-Barisan Nasional atau Amanah-Pakatan Harapan,” katanya. - fmt
DAP menempelak kenyataan seorang menteri UMNO kononnya isu skandal 1MDB telah dibincangkan secara meluas di Parlimen.
Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Kebangsaan, Tony Pua berasa hairan bagaimana mungkin menteri tersebut berkata begitu sedangkan Speaker Dewan Rakyat tidak membenarkan sebarang soalan diajukan berhubung siasatan terhadap 1MDB oleh Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DOJ).
“Dalam masa yang sama, Pengerusi PAC (Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara) yang baru, Datuk Hasan Arifin membuat pembetulan terhadap laporan PAC (berhubung 1MDB) tanpa merujuk ahli-ahli PAC dan enggan menyiasat perkaitan antara skandal itu dan perdana menteri.
“Lebih teruk lagi, jika semua soalan 1MDB didakwa sudah dijawab secara keseluruhannya, mengapa Kabinet meletakkan laporan Ketua Audit Negara (berhubung 1MDB) di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA)?” soalnya dalam satu kenyataan, hari ini.
Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara itu berkata demikian mengulas kenyataan Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani seperti dilaporkan media semalam mendakwa bahawa skandal melibatkan 1MDB telah dibincangkan secara meluas di Parlimen.
“Laporan Ketua Audit Negara terhadap 1MDB telah diklasifikasikan di bawah OSA malah semua anggota Parlimen, kecuali ahli PAC, tidak dibenarkan membaca laporan berkenaan.
“Tambahan pula, cadangan PAC berdasarkan prosedur siasatan terhadap skandal 1MDB telah diabaikan sepanjang tahun – dan pengerusi PAC sendiri tidak berani untuk membangkitkan perkara itu. Mengapa?” soalnya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah.
Dalam persidangan Dewan Rakyat pada Oktober tahun lalu, Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia tidak membenarkan sebarang persoalan mengenai 1MDB dibangkitkan di Parlimen atas alasan subjudis dan tidak mahu menggangu siasatan DOJ.
Ia membangkitkan kemarahan pihak pembangkang yang menuntut jawapan mengenai skandal syarikat pelaburan milik negara itu. –
North Korea - The real story which
x-large;">Najib want to hide from you...
Malaysians love a good Korean soap, and the real live drama unravelling before their eyes, is stealing their attention. Last month, they had a proper blood and guts, “Who-dun-it”, with spies, assassins, pretty girls, money-laundering, weaponry, a country girl turned amateur assassin, and a despot who blasts missiles into the sea, to prove that “mine is bigger than yours”
Malaysians failed to realise, that their attention was being deflected from the real story, which is not about the alleged assasination of Kim Jong-nam, the half brother of “The Supreme Leader”, Dr Kim Jong-un.
The assasination exposed many unknowns. For instance, few Malaysians realised that Malaysia enjoyed cosy ties with the North Koreans, fewer still, knew that Malaysia had granted the North Koreans visa-free entry into the country since 2000, but only a handful of Malaysians took advantage of the visa-free status to visit North Korea.
When HELP University granted an honorary doctorate to ‘The Supreme Leader’, no one batted an eyelid. The news had been suppressed and the news spread around Malaysia, only after English newspapers started questioning the veracity of the doctorate.
Arms being sold from a Malaysian company?...
In last month’s assasination, Reuters news agency dug up more of North Korea’s links with Malaysia. The most explosive of them caused alarm bells to ring in Putrajaya. Apparently, the North Koreans had managed an office selling arms, from the second floor of a building in Little India, Kuala Lumpur.
The United Nations has for many years, enforced an arms embargo on North Korea. It recently discovered the presence of an arms company called Glocom, which stands for Global Communications Company. This showed that the Malaysian authorities were unaware of what was happening under their very noses. Or were they?
This is clearly in contravention of the UN arms embargo, which is bad news, because Malaysia had played a key role in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and for two consecutive terms, was elected the president of the UNSC.
Glocom claimed that it was no longer operating but its Malaysian website, has been re-registered as International Golden Services (IGS). Glocom’s local contact, was Mustapha Yaakub.
UMNO-BARU involvement despite UN arms embargo...
Since 2014, Mustapha has been listed as a director of IGS. Mustapha is also the secretary of the Umno-Baru youth wing of its international affairs bureau, which shared the same premises as Glocom.
Reuter’s revelation is highly damaging. It exposed Malaysia’s conflict of interest and tarnished its reputation, as a respected member of the UN.
Last week, Malaysia criticised North Korea’s missile launch into the Sea of Japan.
See the double standards, because at the same time, a North Korean company purportedly operating from Malaysia, was exporting arms.
In simple terms, Malaysia allowed a rogue nation, North Korea, to sell weaponry, from Malaysia, in clear contravention of the UN Security Council’s resolution.
This is the bad news that Malaysia wanted to hide. Our status in the UN, will be affected.
How to bury bad news..create a diversion...
Putrajaya had to keep this negative news in check, but how? Easy! The authorities simply seized upon a remark made by North Korea’s Ambassador, Kang Chol and escalate the situation from there.
When Ambassador Kang Chol accused Malaysia of a botched investigation into Kim Jong-nam’s murder, at KLIA three weeks ago, Malaysia held its hands up in horror, at being insulted and called incompetent.
The Malaysians demanded an apology. Something which many governments refuse to give, because it is an admission of guilt.
The ding-dong betweenWisma Putra and the Ambassador escalated when Malaysia declared the Ambassador “Persona non grata” and ordered him to leave Malaysia within 48 hours.
The real story they want to hide...
What you see, is not the real drama. The real story is the one that is being hidden.
i) A North Korean arms outfit operating from Malaysia.
ii) The involvement of Umno-Baru in the shipment of banned arms.
iii) Umno-Baru’s Mustapha claiming he was not aware of the United Nations arms embargo.
So, what else are they keeping from us?
Sadly, nine innocent Malaysians, in Pongyang, are the pawns in this sorry mess. - Mariam Mokhtar.
Letak Batu... Baru nak siap...
Malaysians failed to realise, that their attention was being deflected from the real story, which is not about the alleged assasination of Kim Jong-nam, the half brother of “The Supreme Leader”, Dr Kim Jong-un.
The assasination exposed many unknowns. For instance, few Malaysians realised that Malaysia enjoyed cosy ties with the North Koreans, fewer still, knew that Malaysia had granted the North Koreans visa-free entry into the country since 2000, but only a handful of Malaysians took advantage of the visa-free status to visit North Korea.
When HELP University granted an honorary doctorate to ‘The Supreme Leader’, no one batted an eyelid. The news had been suppressed and the news spread around Malaysia, only after English newspapers started questioning the veracity of the doctorate.
Arms being sold from a Malaysian company?...
In last month’s assasination, Reuters news agency dug up more of North Korea’s links with Malaysia. The most explosive of them caused alarm bells to ring in Putrajaya. Apparently, the North Koreans had managed an office selling arms, from the second floor of a building in Little India, Kuala Lumpur.
The United Nations has for many years, enforced an arms embargo on North Korea. It recently discovered the presence of an arms company called Glocom, which stands for Global Communications Company. This showed that the Malaysian authorities were unaware of what was happening under their very noses. Or were they?
This is clearly in contravention of the UN arms embargo, which is bad news, because Malaysia had played a key role in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and for two consecutive terms, was elected the president of the UNSC.
Glocom claimed that it was no longer operating but its Malaysian website, has been re-registered as International Golden Services (IGS). Glocom’s local contact, was Mustapha Yaakub.
UMNO-BARU involvement despite UN arms embargo...
Since 2014, Mustapha has been listed as a director of IGS. Mustapha is also the secretary of the Umno-Baru youth wing of its international affairs bureau, which shared the same premises as Glocom.
Reuter’s revelation is highly damaging. It exposed Malaysia’s conflict of interest and tarnished its reputation, as a respected member of the UN.
Last week, Malaysia criticised North Korea’s missile launch into the Sea of Japan.
See the double standards, because at the same time, a North Korean company purportedly operating from Malaysia, was exporting arms.
In simple terms, Malaysia allowed a rogue nation, North Korea, to sell weaponry, from Malaysia, in clear contravention of the UN Security Council’s resolution.
This is the bad news that Malaysia wanted to hide. Our status in the UN, will be affected.
How to bury bad news..create a diversion...
Putrajaya had to keep this negative news in check, but how? Easy! The authorities simply seized upon a remark made by North Korea’s Ambassador, Kang Chol and escalate the situation from there.
When Ambassador Kang Chol accused Malaysia of a botched investigation into Kim Jong-nam’s murder, at KLIA three weeks ago, Malaysia held its hands up in horror, at being insulted and called incompetent.
The Malaysians demanded an apology. Something which many governments refuse to give, because it is an admission of guilt.
The ding-dong betweenWisma Putra and the Ambassador escalated when Malaysia declared the Ambassador “Persona non grata” and ordered him to leave Malaysia within 48 hours.
The real story they want to hide...
What you see, is not the real drama. The real story is the one that is being hidden.
i) A North Korean arms outfit operating from Malaysia.
ii) The involvement of Umno-Baru in the shipment of banned arms.
iii) Umno-Baru’s Mustapha claiming he was not aware of the United Nations arms embargo.
So, what else are they keeping from us?
Sadly, nine innocent Malaysians, in Pongyang, are the pawns in this sorry mess. - Mariam Mokhtar.
Good game...syabas...