Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad melahirkan rasa kesal apabila Malaysia didakwanya telah hilang status sebagai "Harimau Asia" berikutan prestasi ekonomi yang mengagumkan suatu masa dahulu.
"Pada suatu masa dahulu Malaysia telah dipanggil Harimau Asia. Hari ini Malaysia tidak lebih seperti seekor kucing," tulis Mahathir dalam blognya hari ini.
"(Sebaliknya) kita telah menjadi salah satu daripada sepuluh negara yang paling korup di dunia," katanya.
Beliau kemudian secara sinis mengucapkan tahniah kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak kerana "pencapaian" tersebut.
Mahathir berkata demikian berikutan kemungkinan pegangan dalam pengeluar kereta nasional, Proton Holdings akan dijual kepada sebuah syarikat asing.
Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co dari China adalah antara syarikat yang dikhabarkan berminat terhadap kepentingan 51 peratus dalam Proton.
Proton adalah idea Mahathir dan ditubuhkan pada tahun 1983.
Selepas Mahathir dilantik sebagai perdana menteri pada 1983, Malaysia mengalami ledakan ekonomi pada tahun 1980-an dan awal 1990-an apabila ia digambarkan sebagai 'Harimau Asia'.
Bagaimanapun, Malaysia terjejas teruk oleh krisis kewangan Asia pada tahun 1997 sebelum kembali pulih.
Mahathir meletakkan jawatan pada tahun 2003.
Mahathir, yang kini bersama pembangkang, mendakwa Najib melakukan rasuah dengan berbilion ringgit dimasukkan ke akaun bank peribadinya.
Najib bagaimanapun menafikan wang itu daripada 1MDB dan mendakwa ia adalah "derma" daripada ahli keluarga diraja Arab Saudi.
Beliau menafikan salah laku atau mengambil wang rakyat untuk kepentingan peribadi. - MK
1. I am sad that Proton is to be sold to foreign companies. Having a strategic partner is ok. But once Proton is sold to foreigners it will cease to be a national car. It will just be producing foreign cars in Malaysia. That is something we have been doing since the 1970s.
2. Proton may not be profitable now. But it was very profitable before. Admittedly it was because it was protected. But even after protection ceased it was profitable. All countries protect their automotive industry. It may not be through high import duties. But there are other ways of preventing imports from challenging locally made cars. These other ways are actually much more effective and can result in excluding foreign-makes completely. That is why Proton cannot be exported to these countries. We are very generous. Anybody can export their cars to this country. Sub-standard cars too can be imported.
3. I am out of Proton now. Since then I have not been allowed to even meet or speak or phone Proton staff.
4. That is alright.
5. My fear is that if we do not own Proton anymore the Malaysian automotive industry will suffer a great loss.
6. The vendors and suppliers of components will close shop. Lots of workers will lose their jobs. And Malaysia’s engineering capacity will be reduced. It will not be a developed country in 2020 or later. Malaysia will remain a third world developing country.
7. Once upon a time Malaysia was called an Asian Tiger. Today Malaysia is not even a pussycat. We have become one of the ten most corrupt countries in the world.
Syabas! Najib.