Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyifatkan mereka yang membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwaannya terhadap projek Forest City di Johor berjaya menarik perhatian golongan 'pekak, buta dan tuli'.
"Walaupun bodoh tetapi laporan polis yang dibuat berjaya menarik perhatian kumpulan yang pekak, buta dan tuli (PBT).
"Saya akan membuat penjelasan yang lebih panjang dan mempamerkan fakta-fakta berkenaan projek ini apabila saya dihadapkan ke mahkamah," katanya dalam catatan di blog.
Mahathir sebelum ini mempersoalkan projek Forest City dengan memetik laporan akhbar Bloomberg, yang menyebut projek di Johor Bahru itu akan menyaksikan kebanjiran rakyat China ke negeri itu.
Forest City seluas 1,386 hektar itu akan dibina di atas empat pulau buatan manusia di kawasan Iskandar Malaysia, dan dijangka mengambil masa 30 tahun untuk siap sepenuhnya.
Pasai apa tak buat laporan polis ke atas Bloomberg...
Awal bulan ini, lima NGO mendesak Mahathir memohon maaf secara terbuka kepada Sultan Johor dan rakyat negeri itu, menyifatkan pandangannya mengenai Forest City berbaur hasutan.
Mahathir berkata beliau hairan mengapa NGO terbabit tidak membuat laporan polis terhadap Bloomberg, yang turut membuat dakwaan yang sama.
"Besar kemungkinan puak PBT ini tidak baca, atau kalau baca sekalipun tidak faham. Yang dilapor oleh Bloomberg lebih dari yang saya sebutkan dalam ucapan saya.
"Sekarang selepas saya jelaskan asas dakwaan saya, buatlah laporan polis terhadap Bloomberg. Tetapi saya yakin mereka tidak berani.
"Tujuan laporan mereka terhadap saya bukan diasaskan kepada kenyataan saya itu tidak betul. Laporan dibuat untuk menghentikan saya dari bercakap benar. Dalam Malaysia sekarang ini kebenaran amat ditakuti. Pembohongan disanjung tinggi," kata bekas perdana menteri itu.
Beliau turut mengesyorkan NGO terbabit membuat lawatan ke Forest City untuk melihat 'dengan mata kepala sendiri' siapa pembeli bangunan di kawasan itu.
"Dahulu, di waktu kita kurang bijak, Singapura telah dijual ke British. Sekarang ini Singapura menjadi negara asing yang tidak mungkin dikembalikan kepada Johor.
"Penjualan tanah untuk dibangun dan diduduki oleh orang asing selama-lamanya tidak banyak berlainan dengan penjualan Singapura.
"Sesungguhnya NGO-NGO ini mengkhianati bangsa dan negara kerana menyokong penjualan wilayah di Malaysia kepada orang asing yang akan mendiri bandar-bandar mewah untuk diduduki dan dimiliki selama-lamanya oleh mereka," kata Mahathir.
Mahathir juga berkata tidak ada mana-mana negara di dunia yang sanggup menerima kemasukan ramai orang asing ke negara mereka.
Katanya, pendirian rakyat Johor yang menolak kemasukan orang asing menerusi projek Forest City tidak berbeza dengan pendirian bangsa-bangsa lain terhadap kemasukan beramai-ramai orang asing ke negara mereka.
"Amerika dengan penduduk seramai 325 juta pun menolak kemasukan orang Mexico dan oleh Trump, orang Islam.
"Di Palestin, pembinaan bandar-bandar untuk orang Yahudi di tanah milik orang Palestin ditentang oleh mereka. Di Eropah kemasukan pelarian dari Syria dan lain-lain negara Arab dan Afrika dihalang oleh mereka," katanya. - mk
Aries46 - The Chinese were roped in to bail out 1MDB though they are laughing all the way to the bank with the latter's choice assets. There are no free lunches and the price has to be paid. The Forest city land for money project said to be tilted in their favour seems to be the trade off. The bail-out has brought them in in a big way and the trump card is with them.
RM2.6 billion turkey haram - The US , Australia and Canada do allow the Chinese to buy properties and given PR. But, Malaysia is not in the same league as the those countries in question. No single race claim the country as their own, except the aborigines. Most of them are migrants. Can the same be said of Malaysia? Can the locals bear seeing an enclave exclusively occupied by the Chinese? What is applicable in US, Australia and Canada may not be true here. Mahathir is only telling the truth.
Sapa pemimpin de facto Malaysia,
Najib atau MO1...
Beliau turut menyatakan lagi bahawa DAP harus berhenti dari bersembunyi dan pengundi sedar bahawa parti DAP mempunyai kerusi terbanyak di Parlimen. Status ini turut diulang twit oleh BERNAMA.
Saya percaya status sebegini adalah permainan licik berkaitan isu pemimpin De Facto apabila baru-baru ini Zaid Ibrahim menyifatkan Tun Dr Mahathir sebagai pemimpin tersebut. Isu ini berlarutan apabila wakil DAP menafikannya, malah Menteri Besar Selangor menyatakan secara halus bahawa Ketua Pembangkang adalah Presiden PKR.
Najib Tun Razak melihat isu ini peluang besar untuk dimanipulasinya. Tetapi jelas sekali bahawa manipulasi tidak bersandar pada asas-asas yang meyakinkan.
Sudah tentu beliau membaca, rakyat sangat mudah dibeli dengan sentimen kepada DAP. Dengan menyatakan DAP menggunakan pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu, parti rakan termasuk parti berteraskan Islam untuk menfaat Cina Dap. Ini akan menggoncang keyakinan dan sokongan rakyat kepada parti-parti pembangkang.
Ini tujuan politik Najib Tun Razak. Dakwaan ini bersandarkan hujah kerusi DAP lebih banyak di Parlimen berbanding kerusi parti lain, ini bukan asas untuk mendakwa Lim Kit Siang itu pemimpin de facto kerana, beliau hanyalah ketua parlimen bagi DAP, bukan gabungan pembangkang.
Kemenangan undi popular PRU-13 parti-parti pembangkang adalah dibawah pengaruh kepimpinan Anwar Ibrahim, Allahyarham Nik Aziz dan mendiang Karpal Singh.
Ketiga-tiga susuk inilah yang menjadi pemimpin de facto pembangkang. Anwar Ibrahim pemimpin de facto PKR, begitu juga allahyarham Tuan Guru Nik Aziz bagi PAS dan mendiang Karpal bagi DAP.
Dakwaan Najib ini juga ingin merendah-rendahkan lawan politiknya yang baru seperti Tun Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yassin dan lain-lain. Ini tidak pelik.
Rahmat bagi kita bila Najib membuat dakwaan ini ialah, kita dapat bertanya kembali kepada Umno dan rakyat Malaysia satu soalan penting.
Jika Najib ini Perdana Menteri, siapakah pemimpin de facto Malaysia yang sebenar? Rakyat tahu butiran yang disebut oleh Jabatan Keadilan (DOJ) Amerika tahun lalu bahawa Malaysian Official 1 ini mempunyai kuasa yang sangat berpengaruh di Malaysia.
Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa MO1 adalah dalang dan Ketua De Facto sebenar yang tekah menyusahkan rakyat Malaysia.
Bilakah Najib atau Umno boleh menjawab soalan ini kepada rakyat Malaysia secara jujur? -Mahdzir Ibrahim,
If RM4.3bil not missing,why is FELDA
rushing to sell London Hotel to raise
RM543 million...
The new Chairman of FELDA, Shahrir Abdul Samad, was one of the people exposed for having received a big fat million ringgit cheque from Najib’s slush fund accounts, for which he has yet to give an explanation.
Najib has moved quickly therefore to bring this UMNO backbencher Chairman to heel when he appeared to stray this weekend, after he’d appointed the veteran politician to head the plantation fund last month (instead of an objective business leader, which was plainly needed).
To begin with, Samad had clearly decided that he did not want to end up the figurehead of the next 1MDB scandal (times ten on the Richter Scale). Therefore, unlike Arul Kanda, he decided to cry foul rather than start covering up from day one.
On Saturday he went public with his concerns that RM4.3 billion of FELDA famers’ money cannot be properly accounted for.
It didn’t last long. One assumes it took a far larger cheque to get Samad to change his tune, but by Sunday evening the party stalwart had denied his earlier reported statement, rattling out a list of unbelievably expensive global investments to apparently explain where all the money went.
These inflated purchases consisted
mostly of hotels, which have nothing to do with FELDA’s core plantation business and many of which the fund is now desperately trying to off-load, doubtless at a loss, in order to finance borrowing and debts… and looming election costs:
Shahrir was commenting on reports that ..RM6 billion received by Felda after the FGVH listing has not been accounted for.
He said RM1.438 billion was invested in property, namely in Bukit Katil, Malacca for RM304 million, Grand Borneo Hotel in Sabah (RM86 million), Grand Plaza Service Apartment in London (RM500 million), Institut Penilaian Negara (INSPEN) building (RM225 million) and Iris Corporation Berhad shares (RM110 million).
Shahrir said the RM1.438 billion invested in the service sector, especially property involving hotels, was to ensure long-term investments that can be beneficial in the future.
He said Felda had also purchased Felda Technoplant Sdn Bhd worth RM38 million while total accumulated loses for Felda amounted to RM108 million, involving the Transnovasi Project…
Shahrir, who took over the post from Isa Samad, said Felda had also decided to sell a hotel bought by the agency in London at a cost of RM548 million in 2012.
So, why did FELDA spend hundreds of millions on these hotels, when much of its plantation stock was already in need of regeneration and the business needed to upgrade and improve its productivity on behalf of the long-term interest of Malaysia and its farmers?
Sharir must know that whilst 1MDB has moved the nation to righteous fury, that anger will measure nothing compared to the outrage and disgust of the hundreds of thousands of FELDA families, who have started to realise how all their savings and their patrimony have disappeared with the sinking fund.
FELDA Super Scandal
Back in 2012 the FELDA Global Ventures sell off was another of the new Prime Minister Najib Razak’s ‘economic master-strokes’. Reuters reported that it was the 2nd biggest ever IPO after the Facebook stockmarket launch – it put Malaysia on the global map.
However, it also disposed of a hugely valuable industry that had been originally founded and nurtured in the interests of the working families, whose lands and livelihoods were tied up in the plantation lands.
Reuters recorded how at that time many of those farmers were therefore rightly worried and reluctant. They knew they could never buy back their heritage, which had so grown in value in recent years. However, Najib, also Finance Minister, knew how to tempt their worries all away:
Felda’s listing plans were initially met with resistance from the farmers who partly owned the firm and feared the loss of control of an asset they had invested in for generations.
The government, a key shareholder in the firm via state-linked funds, sweetened the deal with windfall payments totaling nearly $5,000 each generated from the a fifth of the IPO proceeds.
To keep the farmers happy, government-linked funds and the domestic pension fund, which accounted for part of the institutional tranche, made a rush for the stock during the book-building process.
“This Felda IPO is an embarrassment,” said an official with a Malaysian bank-backed fund management firm. “About 23 percent of the book was allocated to ‘friends and family’, all at the expense of legitimate investors with potential synergies.” [Reuters 2012]
So, for around RM15,000 a family (a fifth of the money raised) Najib bought the resisters round and also directed a mass of government linked companies to join the rush to build up the stock market share price to astonishing levels.
At their height at the time of the launch shares in the new FELDA Global Ventures traded at up to RM5.46 (ringgit), whereas now after years of plunder and mismanagement they are trading at a miserable RM1.9.
It represents a horrifying loss for investors. Those include government-controlled funds entrusted with the money of ordinary savers like Tabung Haji, which was encouraged for political reasons bump up the original share price. Opposition MP Rafizi Ramli has pointed out that the pilgrimage fund has lost a billion ringgit owing to the plummeting share value.
That represents a billion ringgit of savers’ pilgrimage money lost thanks to politically driven bad decisions to pay far too much money for those shares.
And the situation went from bad to worse. Under Najib’s original toady Chairman, Isa Samad, the money that had been made from that original IPO has by all accounts been disappearing. As one insider has told Sarawak Report:
“an excess of RM2 Billion is being furiously padded on projects being approved to be siphoned off my PM & his wife”
Such projects would appear to have included the ludicrous decision to buy a 37% stake in the Indonesian plantation business of Najib’s personal friend Peter Sondakh for $700 million, which was at least double its market valuation, last year.
Following that scandal the Employee Provident Fund, which has also clearly lost huge sums of ordinary Malaysians’ pension money owing to FELDA Global Ventures, pulled out of it investment in the fund. Yet, Najib has persisted in trying to force FELDA itself to invest in Peter’s projects. The reason seems blatantly obvious.
Where did the money GO?!
So, with all those developments the question facing Shahrir Abdul Samad, as the new incoming Chairman, was what has happened to the original $3 billion (RM15 bn) windfall made by FELDA back at the time of that original IPO in 2012 (just before the election)?
Just four years later, after all, the fund is in difficulty and having to borrow money!
One fifth of the money went on that up-front RM15,000 bribe to the farming families, in order to persuade them to support the public offering, according to coverage at the time.
This is what Najib Razak told FELDA farmers as the 1MDB scandal broke in 2015:
”We must.. not blindly believe what is in social media. What is true is true, what is false is false,” he told some 500 Felda settlers.
He also stressed since he had Felda under his watch, he had spearheaded many “changes” that were “unseen before”, including ensuring better living conditions for Felda settlers.
Najib labelled the interest free loan given to Felda settlers to upgrade their homes as the “best loan in the world”.
”Which other country has a loan this good? I look at the settlers’ homes and they are quite well-built,” he said.
Under the scheme, each settler was allowed a loan to a maximum of RM40,000 to upgrade their homes, without interest.
Now those farmers are starting to realise how they were short-changed, just as the Sarawak Native Landowners were short-changed after they were forced to place their money in the now empty ASSAR fund.
FELDA’s farmers will have to settle on Najib getting a good price for the none too glamerous Kensington Hotel, because he is without doubt planning on using it for their next election bribe. - sr

Proton Saga hatchback
Shahrir was commenting on reports that ..RM6 billion received by Felda after the FGVH listing has not been accounted for.
He said RM1.438 billion was invested in property, namely in Bukit Katil, Malacca for RM304 million, Grand Borneo Hotel in Sabah (RM86 million), Grand Plaza Service Apartment in London (RM500 million), Institut Penilaian Negara (INSPEN) building (RM225 million) and Iris Corporation Berhad shares (RM110 million).
Shahrir said the RM1.438 billion invested in the service sector, especially property involving hotels, was to ensure long-term investments that can be beneficial in the future.
He said Felda had also purchased Felda Technoplant Sdn Bhd worth RM38 million while total accumulated loses for Felda amounted to RM108 million, involving the Transnovasi Project…
Shahrir, who took over the post from Isa Samad, said Felda had also decided to sell a hotel bought by the agency in London at a cost of RM548 million in 2012.
Sharir must know that whilst 1MDB has moved the nation to righteous fury, that anger will measure nothing compared to the outrage and disgust of the hundreds of thousands of FELDA families, who have started to realise how all their savings and their patrimony have disappeared with the sinking fund.
Sepatutnya Shahrir kena tanya siapa balun duit Felda RM4.3 billion...
FELDA Super Scandal
Back in 2012 the FELDA Global Ventures sell off was another of the new Prime Minister Najib Razak’s ‘economic master-strokes’. Reuters reported that it was the 2nd biggest ever IPO after the Facebook stockmarket launch – it put Malaysia on the global map.
However, it also disposed of a hugely valuable industry that had been originally founded and nurtured in the interests of the working families, whose lands and livelihoods were tied up in the plantation lands.
Reuters recorded how at that time many of those farmers were therefore rightly worried and reluctant. They knew they could never buy back their heritage, which had so grown in value in recent years. However, Najib, also Finance Minister, knew how to tempt their worries all away:
Felda’s listing plans were initially met with resistance from the farmers who partly owned the firm and feared the loss of control of an asset they had invested in for generations.
The government, a key shareholder in the firm via state-linked funds, sweetened the deal with windfall payments totaling nearly $5,000 each generated from the a fifth of the IPO proceeds.
To keep the farmers happy, government-linked funds and the domestic pension fund, which accounted for part of the institutional tranche, made a rush for the stock during the book-building process.
“This Felda IPO is an embarrassment,” said an official with a Malaysian bank-backed fund management firm. “About 23 percent of the book was allocated to ‘friends and family’, all at the expense of legitimate investors with potential synergies.” [Reuters 2012]
So, for around RM15,000 a family (a fifth of the money raised) Najib bought the resisters round and also directed a mass of government linked companies to join the rush to build up the stock market share price to astonishing levels.
At their height at the time of the launch shares in the new FELDA Global Ventures traded at up to RM5.46 (ringgit), whereas now after years of plunder and mismanagement they are trading at a miserable RM1.9.
It represents a horrifying loss for investors. Those include government-controlled funds entrusted with the money of ordinary savers like Tabung Haji, which was encouraged for political reasons bump up the original share price. Opposition MP Rafizi Ramli has pointed out that the pilgrimage fund has lost a billion ringgit owing to the plummeting share value.
That represents a billion ringgit of savers’ pilgrimage money lost thanks to politically driven bad decisions to pay far too much money for those shares.
And the situation went from bad to worse. Under Najib’s original toady Chairman, Isa Samad, the money that had been made from that original IPO has by all accounts been disappearing. As one insider has told Sarawak Report:
“an excess of RM2 Billion is being furiously padded on projects being approved to be siphoned off my PM & his wife”
Such projects would appear to have included the ludicrous decision to buy a 37% stake in the Indonesian plantation business of Najib’s personal friend Peter Sondakh for $700 million, which was at least double its market valuation, last year.
Following that scandal the Employee Provident Fund, which has also clearly lost huge sums of ordinary Malaysians’ pension money owing to FELDA Global Ventures, pulled out of it investment in the fund. Yet, Najib has persisted in trying to force FELDA itself to invest in Peter’s projects. The reason seems blatantly obvious.
Where did the money GO?!
So, with all those developments the question facing Shahrir Abdul Samad, as the new incoming Chairman, was what has happened to the original $3 billion (RM15 bn) windfall made by FELDA back at the time of that original IPO in 2012 (just before the election)?
Just four years later, after all, the fund is in difficulty and having to borrow money!
One fifth of the money went on that up-front RM15,000 bribe to the farming families, in order to persuade them to support the public offering, according to coverage at the time.
This is what Najib Razak told FELDA farmers as the 1MDB scandal broke in 2015:
”We must.. not blindly believe what is in social media. What is true is true, what is false is false,” he told some 500 Felda settlers.
He also stressed since he had Felda under his watch, he had spearheaded many “changes” that were “unseen before”, including ensuring better living conditions for Felda settlers.
Najib labelled the interest free loan given to Felda settlers to upgrade their homes as the “best loan in the world”.
”Which other country has a loan this good? I look at the settlers’ homes and they are quite well-built,” he said.
Under the scheme, each settler was allowed a loan to a maximum of RM40,000 to upgrade their homes, without interest.
Grand Plaza Kensington – bought for £100 million (RM500m)
Now those farmers are starting to realise how they were short-changed, just as the Sarawak Native Landowners were short-changed after they were forced to place their money in the now empty ASSAR fund.
FELDA’s farmers will have to settle on Najib getting a good price for the none too glamerous Kensington Hotel, because he is without doubt planning on using it for their next election bribe. - sr
Dah 6 bulan ni,Hadi Rusila Awang al Marangi
dah secara rasmi ke saman Sarawak Report?
Proton Saga hatchback
Malaysia after Mahathir...
Rakyat dpt BR1M setelah membayar GST yg nilainya 5-10 kali ganda
dpd BR1M. Sampai bila korg nk jd bodoh?