"Ramai ingat MALAYSIA=BN=UMNO=Najib
Sampai tak tahu bezakan antara urusan rasmi dan peribadi
dan juga keselamatan negara & keselamatan Najib..."- samuel john
Sikap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang gemar bercuti secara bermewah di luar negara pada hujung tahun menunjukkan sikap acuh tak acuh terhadap penderitaan yang dirasai rakyat Malaysia.
Ahli Parlimen Kuala Terengganu, Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad berkata, sementara menjadi hak bagi Najib untuk bercuti dengan keluarganya, perdana menteri perlu berbuat demikian pada masa yang sesuai.
"Buatlah dengan menggunakan duit sendiri dan masa tersendiri dengan sensitif kepada realiti kesusahan yang sedang dihadapi rakyat hari ini.
"Adakah Perdana Menteri sedar masa yang sukar kepada negara ini ekoran kos menjalani kehidupan yang semakin meningkat kerana beliau sendiri luluskan kenaikan harga petrol baru-baru ini," kata Raja Kamarul Bahrin dalam kenyataan.
Jelas beliau, ketika Najib dan keluarganya menikmati percutian luar negara, rakyat sedang bergelut dengan banjir, perbelanjaan persekolahan dan bayaran cukai pendapatan, antara lain.
Raja Kamarul Bahrin berkata demikian sebagai mengulas kenyataan pegawai khas isteri perdana menteri, Datuk Rizal Mansor yang mempertahankan tindakan Najib bercuti di Australia baru-baru ini.
Di sebalik tohmahan mengenai percutian Najib Razak dan keluarga itu Rizal mahu melihatnya dari sisi yang berbeza.
"Saya memandang dari sisi yang berbeza. Ayah dan anak beriadah dengan mengayuh basikal dan seperti mana orang lain, mereka mahu lakukan aktiviti bersama.
"Tidak seperti orang lain, ayah mempunyai banyak masa diluangkan bersama keluarga. Si ayah bekerja 7 hari seminggu, keluar rumah pagi hari dan pulang lewat malam.
"Dalam setahun mungkin 10 hari sahaja si ayah benar-benar dimiliki oleh keluarga. 355 hari lagi mereka terpaksa berkongsi ayahnya dengan rakyat," kata Rizal dalam catatan di Facebooknya. - mk
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ghostwhowalks - Funny, isn't it! Why is it that Singapore PM,Philippine n Indonesian President can travel on commercial airline n our
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The academic staff is the latest casualty in an austerity drive at Universiti Malaya (UM), the country’s premier institution of higher learning. The measures, a result of slashed government funding for public universities, has already caused several facilities there to be neglected. Now, many of the staff have been let go, giving rise to fears that the quality of education at UM will be affected.
According to a source, most staff members whose contract has ended have not been given a renewal, and that only a handful was being retained. Many undergraduates and some academic staff have also complained that “several brilliant lecturers have been told to go”.
UM is just one of the many public universities struggling to cope with reduced federal funding. Also, it is the one with second highest cut (see graphics).
Contacted by The Star, UM’s Academic Staff Union said it could not provide an exact number of how many academic staff were let go. As at Dec 31, 2015, there were 1,430 permanent staff and 728 contract staff. Many, especially the foreigners, have not had their contract renewed.
“It is a tough time,” said union secretary Aznijar Ahmad Yazid, adding that only those staff members who were criticially needed would get renewals. Continue reading...
I think Idris Jusoh should be nominated for Best Education Minister in the world. Failing that Idris should be nominated for Best Actor. Failing that Idris should be nominated for Best Malaysian Comedian in Scandinavia or something like that.
Public universities depend on the gomen for funding because they are public universities (Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam atau IPTA).
If they have to source their own funds, that is called IPTS atau Institut Pengajian Tinggi Swasta.
Public universities can source some funds on their own. But it is usually a fraction of their budgets only. Fund raising dinners from alumni, building project fund raisers from corporates, research funds from private sector etc - but it is usually a small fraction. Writing paper, marker pens, salaries of lecturers etc must be from the gomen.
The Ringgit today is a fraction of what it was a decade ago. Idris Jusoh will not know that because the Ringgit is not under his Ministry. A decade ago there was much less knowledge, much fewer new discoveries than today. A decade from now the same thing will be said. It is called progress. Kalendar kuda pun dah tukar 10 kali Awang. Boleh faham ke?
The UM dons are NOT lying. My apologies. The gomen has enough revenue. The gomen has more than enough revenue. But because of the scandals, the corruption, the wastage and the leakages the gomen is short of money.
Read again. Only a handful of 728 contract staff at UM have been retained. The rest have been let go. So they are out of a job. This mens that about 700 over contract staff are now not only 'not high income' but they are now 'NO INCOME'.
But the gomen is so damned clever. Here is the KSU of the Ministry of Finance with a brilliant suggestion :
So those University Malaya lecturers who have been laid off can register for BR1M. Once they get the BR1M they can use the money as deposit for a Proton Iriz and then become Uber taxi drivers.
Then for lunch break they can stop at Nasi Lemak Anak Dara and buy nasi lemak from that unemployed engineer girl.
So we send our children to university to study engineering so that they can become nasi lemak sellers.
We set up universities so that professors and lecturers can one day become Uber taxi drivers as well.- ostb
University Malaya Dons Telling Lies,
Gomen Finances Are Tip Top...
The academic staff is the latest casualty in an austerity drive at Universiti Malaya (UM), the country’s premier institution of higher learning. The measures, a result of slashed government funding for public universities, has already caused several facilities there to be neglected. Now, many of the staff have been let go, giving rise to fears that the quality of education at UM will be affected.
According to a source, most staff members whose contract has ended have not been given a renewal, and that only a handful was being retained. Many undergraduates and some academic staff have also complained that “several brilliant lecturers have been told to go”.
UM is just one of the many public universities struggling to cope with reduced federal funding. Also, it is the one with second highest cut (see graphics).
Contacted by The Star, UM’s Academic Staff Union said it could not provide an exact number of how many academic staff were let go. As at Dec 31, 2015, there were 1,430 permanent staff and 728 contract staff. Many, especially the foreigners, have not had their contract renewed.
“It is a tough time,” said union secretary Aznijar Ahmad Yazid, adding that only those staff members who were criticially needed would get renewals. Continue reading...
I think Idris Jusoh should be nominated for Best Education Minister in the world. Failing that Idris should be nominated for Best Actor. Failing that Idris should be nominated for Best Malaysian Comedian in Scandinavia or something like that.
Public universities depend on the gomen for funding because they are public universities (Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam atau IPTA).
If they have to source their own funds, that is called IPTS atau Institut Pengajian Tinggi Swasta.
Public universities can source some funds on their own. But it is usually a fraction of their budgets only. Fund raising dinners from alumni, building project fund raisers from corporates, research funds from private sector etc - but it is usually a small fraction. Writing paper, marker pens, salaries of lecturers etc must be from the gomen.
The Ringgit today is a fraction of what it was a decade ago. Idris Jusoh will not know that because the Ringgit is not under his Ministry. A decade ago there was much less knowledge, much fewer new discoveries than today. A decade from now the same thing will be said. It is called progress. Kalendar kuda pun dah tukar 10 kali Awang. Boleh faham ke?
The UM dons are NOT lying. My apologies. The gomen has enough revenue. The gomen has more than enough revenue. But because of the scandals, the corruption, the wastage and the leakages the gomen is short of money.
Read again. Only a handful of 728 contract staff at UM have been retained. The rest have been let go. So they are out of a job. This mens that about 700 over contract staff are now not only 'not high income' but they are now 'NO INCOME'.
But the gomen is so damned clever. Here is the KSU of the Ministry of Finance with a brilliant suggestion :
So those University Malaya lecturers who have been laid off can register for BR1M. Once they get the BR1M they can use the money as deposit for a Proton Iriz and then become Uber taxi drivers.
Then for lunch break they can stop at Nasi Lemak Anak Dara and buy nasi lemak from that unemployed engineer girl.
So we send our children to university to study engineering so that they can become nasi lemak sellers.
We set up universities so that professors and lecturers can one day become Uber taxi drivers as well.- ostb