Timbalan Ketua Pemuda Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH), Faiz Fadzil berkata, DAP yang hanya bertanding di 51 daripada 222 kerusi Parlimen tidak mampu menerajui kepimpinan negara jika pembangkang menang dalam pilihan raya umum ke14 (PRU14).
Justeru, ujar beliau, ucapan Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang berkisar mengenaoi PRU14 adalah penentuan keindukan kerajaan pimpinan Umno atau kerajaan baharu yang diterajui DAP adalah menjengkelkan.
"Kenyataan Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno, Khairy Jamaluddin yang menyokong kenyataan Najib itu juga tidak mencerminkan sifat kepimpinan masa depan negara dan berbaur perkauman.
"Penduduk Cina di negara ini pula hanya sekitar 24 peratus dan DAP tidak bertanding menentang Umno, justeru, dalam keadaan ini, bagaimana DAP mampu untuk memerintah negara ini.
"Serangan terhadap DAP adalah satu bentuk intimidasi politik ke atas orang Melayu sedangkan penolakan orang Melayu terhadap UMNO itu tidak pun akan memenangkan DAP tetapi parti politik lain yang bakal menentang Umno seperti PKR, AMANAH dan BERSATU," kata beliau dalam kenyataan.
Faiz Fadzil Nor
Baru-baru ini, Najib ketika menyampaikan ucapan dasar pada Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2016 berkata, rakyat Malaysia terutama orang Melayu dan Bumiputera berdepan persimpangan paling genting dalam sejarah politik negara untuk membuat keputusan antara dua pilihan tersebut.
"Persoalan pilihan keindukan kepimpinan ini bukanlah perkara yang boleh diambil mudah dan enteng-entengan, kerana saya khuatir, barangkali ada antara umat Melayu dan Bumiputera yang masih leka tentang hal ini," ujar beliau.
Perdana menteri memberi amaran keindukan kepimpinan tidak boleh dipandang ringan kerana banyak hak dan keistimewaan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera akan lenyap serta pupus sekiranya DAP berkuasa.
Ini termasuk institusi-institusi Bumiputera antaranya Majlis Amanah Rakyat, Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan, Pihak Berkuasa Kemajuan Pekebun Kecil Perusahaan Getah, Lembaga Penyatuan dan Pemulihan Tanah Persekutuan serta Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera, katanya.
Selain itu, Najib berkata Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) yang menjadi kebanggaan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera selama 60 tahun juga tidak akan mampu mengekalkan falsafah penubuhannya.
"Kalaulah orang Melayu dan Bumiputera mengetahui mimpi ngeri yang bakal melanda hidup mereka, saya yakin mereka akan berpaut seteguh-teguhnya kepada Umno, parti yang mampu membela keturunan dan memperjuangkan masa depan mereka," kata Najib lagi.
Mengulas lanjut, Faiz berkata, ternyata, slogan 1Malaysia yang disorak kerajaan telah diabaikan oleh Khairy semata-mata bagi memastikan UMNO terus kekal ditampuk kekuasaannya.
"Hak dan kepentingan orang Melayu akan terus dipertahankan dan diuruskan dengan lebih baik jika orang Melayu memilih calon Pakatan Harapan yang berpegang kepada prinsip urus tadbir yang baik dan integriti sebagai asas perjuangan dan transformasi sistem pemerintahan.
"Hak keistimewaan orang Melayu di dalam Perlembagaan akan terus kekal dan tidak akan diganggu," tambah Faiz. - kedahlanie
BSN tak dak duit...
Folks, there is more to the BSN crisis. It is not going away. The problem is much worse.
First of all Utusan Meloya and Berita Haruan are not carrying this story. TV Tiga Suku and Radio TV Mangkuk are also not carrying this news. Its a complete news blackout. Which means the Malay people from Perlis to Johor will not know about this BSN Crisis.
Bank Negara is also keeping quiet.
Kalaulah Chung Khiaw Bank or Chin Peng Bank or Lim Kit Siang Bank have problems with allowing cash withdrawals, I am 100% positive Bank Negara would have immediately cancelled their banking licenses and jailed all the evil-Chinese bank managers and evil-Chinese bank directors? Bukan begitu?
But this is Bank Simpanan Nasional. Melayu punya bank. Melayu miskinkan Melayu. No need to take action so fast.
Why Bank Simpanan Nasional?
Well almost all their account holders are Malay and bumiputera. Also plenty Civil Servants and pensioners who get their salaries and pensions directly deposited into their BSN accounts. So they wont make much noise.
Inilah takdir, inilah cubaan, inilah dugaan, inilah rezeki kita. So, it is much easier to handle them.
Also, the gomen can control how much information the Malays get. Utusan Meloya, Berita Haruan, TV Tiga Suku etc all under their control. Maybe that is the reason why.
Since yesterday, I have received a bit more information about the public NOT BEING ABLE to withdraw their money from BSN branches all over Malaysia.
I also received the following information last nite.
A gomen doctor has her salary deposited into BSN. When she went to the Bank to use her ATM card to withdraw her salary, there was no money. She tried for a few days. Then she went to the bank counter and they asked her to use her passbook.
But the bank told her she would NOT be able to withdraw ALL her monthly salary. Only partial withdrawal.
So she could only withdraw a portion of her salary.
Another woman, also a GOMEN servant, faced the same problem. She could not withdraw money from the BSN ATM for two days. She could only withdraw some money on the THIRD day.
Some people are also saying that CIVIL SERVANTS with direct salary payment into their BSN accounts are having better luck withdrawing their funds than those people who are NOT Civil Servants.
That Facebook complaint above could be one of those people. Why is Bank Negara Malaysia keeping so quiet about this? What about Utusan Meloya and Berita Haruan? Woi, ini duit Melayu lah. What about TV Tiga Suku?
Malam ini bila duduk berzikir, cuba zikir baru ini:
Siapa miskinkan siapa dulu? Melayu miskinkan Melayu dulu.
Ulang 100 kali. Insya Allah akan dapat hidayah. - ostb
Gomen hentikan bantuan EMK
untuk murid2 OKU...
The letter is a circular saying that there will be no more allowances for the Murid Keperluan Khas (OKU).
The families with children who are in this special needs category will have to fork out more money for their children.
This is not the first such circular. Earlier there were other circulars saying that certain medical services will no longer be available at gomen hospitals and such. I think there will be more such circulars.
So what do you think folks? The gomen says they have plenty of money.
The analyst guys say that from September 2015 (last year) the gomen's operating expenditure has been LESS than the tax collection. Total income tax receipts are also decreasing.
GST collection is also going to be less than projected. The economic growth is not sufficient to generate the types of tax collection they were projecting.
Does anyone know how much Petronas actually contributed to the gomen LAST year? It was NOT RM26 billion. It remains to be seen how much Petronas can contribute for 2017. RM8 Billion? Says who?
Latest I heard even the Ah Longs are having problems. There is no business.
Felda folks are in much, much worse shape than what I have written here. - ostb
The Malaysian Civil Service
- Their Darkest Hour...
My late father was a Civil Servant - something he was always very proud of being. He spent the largest part of his adult life as a Civil Servant. My father retired as the Pengarah INTAN, Pulau Pinang in the early 1980s. INTAN is the Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara or National Institute of Public Administration. INTAN was set up sometime in the early 70s and my father was in the very first batch of lecturers to join INTAN. Prior to INTAN my father began his administrative career in the Police Field Force based in Ulu Kinta, Ipoh. For sometime, we were actually 'anak Polis'.
The function of INTAN was to teach Civil Servants about the rules and regulations of working in the Civil Service. They were and still are the guardians of the bureaucracy. I recall seeing the General Orders sitting on my father's study table at home. The General Orders is (or was) a very thick, brass-screw bound book which had all the rules or 'general orders' of the Malaysian Civil Service. It was the bible of the Malaysian Civil Service. It was written in English and I used to read it (very little though). It looked something like these, but much, much thicker.
At that time the Malaysian Civil Service was a disciplined and professional organisation. Being a member of the Malaysian Civil Service had an impact on the behaviour and professionalism of Civil Servants even outside the office. I recall writing letters home from the United States which my father would number and place in one of his files. Thats what he told me. It still makes me smile.
In Malaysia in the late 1970s our Post Office (part of the Civil Service then) became super duper efficient. If you mailed a letter in Penang in the morning, it would arrive in Kuala Lumpur the next day.
There were TWO mail deliveries in Penang - one in the morning and another in the evening which also meant that there was same day delivery of mail. If you mailed a letter in the morning to an address in Penang the letter would be delivered in the same afternoon. I tested it myself. The Post Office was super efficient. That was 38 years ago in 1978 !
The main reason was because...continue reading...
Tak Peduli Sam Ada Najib Nak Songlap
Atau Kos Sara Hidup Naik ,Yang penting Dedak Sampai...
Pemuda Umno menyifatkan Presiden Umno Najib Razak lebih telus dalam pentadbiran berbanding dengan Tun Mahathir, kata Khairy Jamaluddin.
Mesej ini jelas bahawa Pemuda Umo sudah menghiraukan lagi kehilangan wang rakyat berbillion Ringgit Malaysia disebabkan oleh Najib dan keluarganya.
Pendek kata samada Najib nak songlap berbillion Ringgit Ka, nak rasuah Ka, Pemuda Umno sudah tidak peduli yang penting adalah dedak mesti sampai pada waktunya supaya mereka tidak kelaparan.
Pemuda Umno bukan lagi sayap parti yang memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat. Kata-kata 'Rakyat didahulukan' hanyalah retorik umpama menanam tebu dibibir Najib yang merah!
Tidak ada perwakilan pemuda Umno yang membangkitkan masalah rakyat yang dibebani kos sara hidup akibat GST, nilai Ringgit jatuh dan pemotongan subsidi hingga taraf kehidupan mendadak naik tanpa seiring dengan pendapatan ekonomi rakyat.
Kenaikan melibatkan serba-serbi, harga barang keperluan harian, kadar tambang serta kos perkhidmatan termasuk pengangkutan awam.
Tidak ada yang membangkitkan soal 1MDB yang melibatkan kehilangan wang kerajaan yang terlalu besar. Apatah lagi nak bertanya kepada PM Najib mengenai 2.6 billion Ringgit yang tiba-tiba didapati ada dalam akaun persendirian Najib.
Perhimpunan Umno sepatutnya menjadi flatform bagi perwakilan membawa suara daripada akar umbi dan pandangan setiap lapisan masyarakat supaya dapat dirumuskan dan dapat dirasai denyut nadi akar umbi dan rakyat keseluruhannya bukan sekadar lebih kepada perhimpunan elit yang hanya mengampu dan menjilat Presiden parti. - sungairapatonline
Nak hidup kenalah menipu be!