Berita Malaysia dan negara Tetangga


The Unspinners

The Unspinners

Selamat pagi Mahathir, Soros, Ambiga, Maria Chin ...

Posted: 19 Nov 2016 06:51 PM PST

Hahaha ...

Najib masih PM ... hahaha

Dan ....masih terus jalankan tugas.

Malah Mahathir pula ... kesian aku tengok orang tua tu masih tak sedar diri. Ada pendedahan mengenai Mahathir dan kuncu-kuncu di Snapshot 2016 ....
Baik BERSIH-kan jiwa dengan kembali ke tikar sejadah
Terdedah mangkok-mangkok ni ada agenda dan kepentingan

Ha ha ha ....Ezam sikatak lompat, Ezam si kaki tikam belakang semua orang.

Tangkap itu Latheefa koya dan Ambiga.

"Mahathir effect" buat ramai tak hadhir Bersih 5.0

Posted: 19 Nov 2016 05:16 AM PST

Satu sumber yang amat boleh dipercayai meletakkan jumlah yang hadhir di Kuala Lumpur hanya 15 ke 20 ribu.

Seperti biasa Malaysiakini yang hanya mengagak-agak mengunakan mata dengan didarab beberapa kali meletakkan jumlah yg jauh lebih tinggi.

Pastinya Bersih 5.0 jauh lebih sedikit di hadhir dari perhimpunan Bersih sebelum ini.

Pada waktu pukul 12 pun cuma ...

Di Pulau pinang, akbar letakkan hanya 30 hadhir.

Manakala TV3 menunjukkan video yang ketiadaan kehadhiran dengan hanya 50 hadhir.

Di Kuching yang dikatakan 500 akan kumpul tapi tak seberapa akhirnya. Mungkin 200 saja.

Begitu juga keadaan di

Ketiadaan Pas kelihatan begitu ketara.

Walau dikatakan ramai yang beli T shirt dan penjelajahan ke seluruh negara, tiada yang mahu diperguna DAP dan pendedahan Bersih terima dana asing menjejaskan.

Mahathir and DAP, should be really worried after today's BERSIH 5.
MalaysiaKini estimated the yellow crowd to be 40,000 people.
This would be a 92% drop compared to the 500,000 estimate that BERSIH gave last year for BERSIH 4.
Or it would be a 60% drop compared to the 100,000 estimated by MalaysiaKini itself last year.
Despite Mahathir having to wear a T-shirt and do a video advert and hiring a private jet to come back to attend, the ethnic mix only improved slightly and it was still majority Chinese.
Despite Mahathir, Muhyiddin and PRIBUMU's fervent proomotin of BERSIH, the attendance did not improve and experienced such a big drop.
Mahathir's huge ego must have suffered a critical blow today.
In fact, the numbers are also down from the 2012 BERSIH 3.0 and probably at best equal or less than BERSIH 2.0 in 2011.
BERSIH and George Soros must be really worried and wondering what went wrong despite a month long roadshow to promote the event and big advertising on social media.
The percentage drop in attendance is also consistent with the recent social media survey that showed interest in DAP had dropped 80% this year.
More tangible results are also echoed in the crushing defeats by DAP and Pakatan in the Sarawak elections and the twin by-elections of this year.
I guess these people can only fool people so much as more and more people see through the lack of principles, witness the extreme hypocrisy, see through the lies and propaganda and understand the how ineffective the Pakatan and Mahathir parties are.

Penahanan ketua-ketua tunjuk perasaan bukan perkara baru untuk dijadikan sebab. Rintangan polis pun tidak jadi penghalang di masa yang lepas.

Tinggal satu saja faktor yang boleh dijadi sebab pengurangan kehadhiran iaitu Mahathir effect.

*The Mahathir effect: the people deserted Bersih* 
Statement by Minister of Communications and Multimedia 
19 November 2016 
1. The turnout for today's rally is a serious setback for Tun Mahathir Mohamad and his new party, Pribumi, the junior partner in the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan coalition. The creation of Mahathir's new party was supposed to bring masses of new Malay supporters to Pakatan and Bersih 5.‎‎

2. Instead, those marching today were only about 3% of last year's Bersih rally. Namely, 15,500 today compared to the 500,000 Bersih claimed last year. Even if you take the figure supplied by Malaysiakini, today's total was no higher than 41,000 – less than 10% of the figure Bersih claimed last year.

3. So the vast majority of Malaysians have rejected the hypocrisy of Bersih, and rejected Pribumi. They can see it is a party of has-beens and failures, created only out of Mahathir's desperation for his son to become prime minister after UMNO rejected him.‎  
4. The result of Mahathir and his cronies joining Bersih has seen the turnout drop by nearly 97%. Malays see through his selfish agenda and refused to attend. And the thousands of Chinese Malaysians who attended Bersih last year are so disgusted that Mahathir is involved they stayed at home.

5. Thankfully, democracy is now firmly entrenched in Malaysia. It cannot be overrun on the whims of one old man who has admitted to being a dictator when in power.

Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Salleh Said Keruak,‎
Minister of Communications and Multimedia,‎

Kehadhiran Mahatjir dan kuncu-kuncu tidak membantu pun.

Buat abang-abang dan kakak polis, terima kasih banyak-banyak.

Difahamkan POLIS akan teruskan usaha sebelum ini tangkap kedua-dua pihak ... baik kuning atau merah.

Terima kasih cekut si tua tak sedar diri berikut:

buletin: KEKACAUAN BERSIH!!! Hishamuddin Rais Ditangkap Dan Menangis Dalam Kereta Polis

Lihat babak2 lawak Bersih 5.0 di Snapshot 5.0
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